< Proverbiorum 25 >

1 haec quoque parabolae Salomonis quas transtulerunt viri Ezechiae regis Iuda
also these proverb Solomon which to proceed human Hezekiah king Judah
2 gloria Dei celare verbum et gloria regum investigare sermonem
glory God to hide word: thing and glory king to search word: thing
3 caelum sursum et terra deorsum et cor regum inscrutabile
heaven to/for height and land: country/planet to/for depth and heart king nothing search
4 aufer robiginem de argento et egredietur vas purissimum
to remove dross from silver: money and to come out: produce to/for to refine article/utensil
5 aufer impietatem de vultu regis et firmabitur iustitia thronus eius
to remove wicked to/for face king and to establish: establish in/on/with righteousness throne his
6 ne gloriosus appareas coram rege et in loco magnorum ne steteris
not to honor to/for face king and in/on/with place great: large not to stand: stand
7 melius est enim ut dicatur tibi ascende huc quam ut humilieris coram principe
for pleasant to say to/for you to ascend: rise here/thus from to abase you to/for face noble which to see: see eye your
8 quae viderunt oculi tui ne proferas in iurgio cito ne postea emendare non possis cum dehonestaveris amicum tuum
not to come out: send to/for to contend quickly lest what? to make: do in/on/with end her in/on/with be humiliated [obj] you neighbor your
9 causam tuam tracta cum amico tuo et secretum extraneo non reveles
strife your to contend with neighbor your and counsel another not to reveal: reveal
10 ne forte insultet tibi cum audierit et exprobrare non cesset
lest to shame you to hear: hear and slander your not to return: return
11 mala aurea in lectis argenteis qui loquitur verbum in tempore suo
apple gold in/on/with figure silver: money word to speak: speak upon (right) time his
12 inauris aurea et margaritum fulgens qui arguit sapientem et aurem oboedientem
ring gold and ornament gold to rebuke wise upon ear to hear: hear
13 sicut frigus nivis in die messis ita legatus fidelis ei qui misit eum animam illius requiescere facit
like/as coolness snow in/on/with day harvest envoy be faithful to/for to send: depart him and soul lord his to return: rescue
14 nubes et ventus et pluviae non sequentes vir gloriosus et promissa non conplens
mist and spirit: breath and rain nothing man to boast: boast in/on/with gift deception
15 patientia lenietur princeps et lingua mollis confringet duritiam
in/on/with length face: anger to entice chief and tongue tender to break bone
16 mel invenisti comede quod sufficit tibi ne forte saturatus evomas illud
honey to find to eat sufficiency your lest to satisfy him and to vomit him
17 subtrahe pedem tuum de domo proximi tui nequando satiatus oderit te
be precious foot your from house: home neighbor your lest to satisfy you and to hate you
18 iaculum et gladius et sagitta acuta homo qui loquitur contra proximum suum testimonium falsum
war-club and sword and arrow to sharpen man to answer in/on/with neighbor his witness deception
19 dens putridus et pes lapsus qui sperat super infideli in die angustiae
tooth to shatter and foot to slip confidence to act treacherously in/on/with day distress
20 et amittit pallium in die frigoris acetum in nitro et qui cantat carmina cordi pessimo
to advance garment in/on/with day cold vinegar upon lye and to sing in/on/with song upon heart bad: harmful
21 si esurierit inimicus tuus ciba illum et si sitierit da ei aquam bibere
if hungry to hate you to eat him food: bread and if thirsty to water: drink him water
22 prunam enim congregabis super caput eius et Dominus reddet tibi
for coal you(m. s.) to snatch up upon head his and LORD to complete to/for you
23 ventus aquilo dissipat pluvias et facies tristis linguam detrahentem
spirit: breath north to twist: give birth rain and face be indignant tongue secrecy
24 melius est sedere in angulo domatis quam cum muliere litigiosa et in domo communi
pleasant to dwell upon corner roof from woman: wife (contention *Q(K)*) and house: home fellow
25 aqua frigida animae sitienti et nuntius bonus de terra longinqua
water cool upon soul faint and tidings pleasant from land: country/planet distance
26 fons turbatus pede et vena corrupta iustus cadens coram impio
spring to foul and fountain to ruin righteous to shake to/for face: before wicked
27 sicut qui mel multum comedit non est ei bonum sic qui scrutator est maiestatis opprimitur gloria
to eat honey to multiply not pleasant and search glory their glory
28 sicut urbs patens et absque murorum ambitu ita vir qui non potest in loquendo cohibere spiritum suum
city to break through nothing wall man which nothing restraint to/for spirit: temper his

< Proverbiorum 25 >