< Proverbiorum 25 >

1 haec quoque parabolae Salomonis quas transtulerunt viri Ezechiae regis Iuda
THESE ARE ALSO PARABLES of Salomon, which the men of Hezekiah King of Iudah copied out.
2 gloria Dei celare verbum et gloria regum investigare sermonem
The glorie of God is to conceale a thing secret: but the Kings honour is to search out a thing.
3 caelum sursum et terra deorsum et cor regum inscrutabile
The heaues in height, and the earth in deepenes, and the Kings heart can no man search out.
4 aufer robiginem de argento et egredietur vas purissimum
Take the drosse from the siluer, and there shall proceede a vessell for the finer.
5 aufer impietatem de vultu regis et firmabitur iustitia thronus eius
Take away the wicked from the King, and his throne shall be stablished in righteousnes.
6 ne gloriosus appareas coram rege et in loco magnorum ne steteris
Boast not thy selfe before the King, and stand not in the place of great men.
7 melius est enim ut dicatur tibi ascende huc quam ut humilieris coram principe
For it is better, that it be saide vnto thee, Come vp hither, then thou to be put lower in the presece of the prince whom thine eyes haue seene.
8 quae viderunt oculi tui ne proferas in iurgio cito ne postea emendare non possis cum dehonestaveris amicum tuum
Goe not foorth hastily to strife, least thou know not what to doe in the ende thereof, when thy neighbour hath put thee to shame.
9 causam tuam tracta cum amico tuo et secretum extraneo non reveles
Debate thy matter with thy neighbour, and discouer not the secret to another,
10 ne forte insultet tibi cum audierit et exprobrare non cesset
Least he that heareth it put thee to shame, and thine infamie doe not cease.
11 mala aurea in lectis argenteis qui loquitur verbum in tempore suo
A word spoken in his place, is like apples of golde with pictures of siluer.
12 inauris aurea et margaritum fulgens qui arguit sapientem et aurem oboedientem
He that reprooueth the wise, and the obedient eare, is as a golden earering and an ornament of fine golde.
13 sicut frigus nivis in die messis ita legatus fidelis ei qui misit eum animam illius requiescere facit
As the colde of the snowe in the time of haruest, so is a faithfull messenger to them that send him: for he refresheth the soule of his masters.
14 nubes et ventus et pluviae non sequentes vir gloriosus et promissa non conplens
A man that boasteth of false liberalitie, is like cloudes and winde without raine.
15 patientia lenietur princeps et lingua mollis confringet duritiam
A Prince is pacified by staying of anger, and a soft tongue breaketh the bones.
16 mel invenisti comede quod sufficit tibi ne forte saturatus evomas illud
If thou haue found hony, eate that is sufficient for thee, least thou be ouerfull, and vomit it.
17 subtrahe pedem tuum de domo proximi tui nequando satiatus oderit te
Withdrawe thy foote from thy neighbours house, least he be weary of thee, and hate thee.
18 iaculum et gladius et sagitta acuta homo qui loquitur contra proximum suum testimonium falsum
A man that beareth false witnes against his neighbour, is like an hammer and a sword, and a sharpe arrowe.
19 dens putridus et pes lapsus qui sperat super infideli in die angustiae
Confidence in an vnfaythfull man in time of trouble, is like a broken tooth and a sliding foote.
20 et amittit pallium in die frigoris acetum in nitro et qui cantat carmina cordi pessimo
Hee that taketh away the garment in the colde season, is like vineger powred vpon nitre, or like him that singeth songs to an heauy heart.
21 si esurierit inimicus tuus ciba illum et si sitierit da ei aquam bibere
If hee that hateth thee be hungry, giue him bread to eate, and if he be thirstie, giue him water to drinke.
22 prunam enim congregabis super caput eius et Dominus reddet tibi
For thou shalt lay coles vpon his head, and the Lord shall recompense thee.
23 ventus aquilo dissipat pluvias et facies tristis linguam detrahentem
As the Northwinde driueth away the raine, so doeth an angry countenance the slandering tongue.
24 melius est sedere in angulo domatis quam cum muliere litigiosa et in domo communi
It is better to dwell in a corner of the house top, then with a contentious woman in a wide house.
25 aqua frigida animae sitienti et nuntius bonus de terra longinqua
As are the colde waters to a weary soule, so is good newes from a farre countery.
26 fons turbatus pede et vena corrupta iustus cadens coram impio
A righteous man falling downe before the wicked, is like a troubled well, and a corrupt spring.
27 sicut qui mel multum comedit non est ei bonum sic qui scrutator est maiestatis opprimitur gloria
It is not good to eate much hony: so to search their owne glory is not glory.
28 sicut urbs patens et absque murorum ambitu ita vir qui non potest in loquendo cohibere spiritum suum
A man that refraineth not his appetite, is like a citie which is broken downe and without walles.

< Proverbiorum 25 >