< Proverbiorum 22 >

1 melius est nomen bonum quam divitiae multae super argentum et aurum gratia bona
Betere is a good name, than many richessis; for good grace is aboue siluer and gold.
2 dives et pauper obviaverunt sibi utriusque operator est Dominus
A riche man and a pore man metten hem silf; the Lord is worchere of euer eithir.
3 callidus vidit malum et abscondit se innocens pertransiit et adflictus est damno
A felle man seeth yuel, and hidith him silf; and an innocent man passid, and he was turmentid bi harm.
4 finis modestiae timor Domini divitiae et gloria et vita
The ende of temperaunce is the drede of the Lord; richessis, and glorye, and lijf.
5 arma et gladii in via perversi custos animae suae longe recedit ab eis
Armuris and swerdis ben in the weie of a weiward man; but the kepere of his soule goith awey fer fro tho.
6 proverbium est adulescens iuxta viam suam etiam cum senuerit non recedet ab ea
It is a prouerbe, A yong wexynge man bisidis his weie, and whanne he hath wexe elde, he schal not go awei fro it.
7 dives pauperibus imperat et qui accipit mutuum servus est fenerantis
A riche man comaundith to pore men; and he that takith borewyng, is the seruaunt of the leenere.
8 qui seminat iniquitatem metet mala et virga irae suae consummabitur
He that sowith wickidnes, schal repe yuels; and the yerde of his yre schal be endid.
9 qui pronus est ad misericordiam benedicetur de panibus enim suis dedit pauperi
He that is redi to merci, schal be blessid; for of his looues he yaf to a pore man. He that yyueth yiftis, schal gete victorie and onour; forsothe he takith awei the soule of the takeris.
10 eice derisorem et exibit cum eo iurgium cessabuntque causae et contumeliae
Caste thou out a scornere, and strijf schal go out with hym; and causis and dispisyngis schulen ceesse.
11 qui diligit cordis munditiam propter gratiam labiorum suorum habebit amicum regem
He that loueth the clennesse of herte, schal haue the kyng a freend, for the grace of hise lippis.
12 oculi Domini custodiunt scientiam et subplantantur verba iniqui
The iyen of the Lord kepen kunnyng; and the wordis of a wickid man ben disseyued.
13 dicit piger leo foris in medio platearum occidendus sum
A slow man schal seie, A lioun is withoutforth; Y schal be slayn in the myddis of the stretis.
14 fovea profunda os alienae cui iratus est Dominus incidet in eam
The mouth of an alien womman is a deep diche; he to whom the Lord is wrooth, schal falle in to it.
15 stultitia conligata est in corde pueri et virga disciplinae fugabit eam
Foli is boundun togidere in the herte of a child; and a yerde of chastisyng schal dryue it awey.
16 qui calumniatur pauperem ut augeat divitias suas dabit ipse ditiori et egebit
He that falsli chalengith a pore man, to encreesse hise owne richessis, schal yyue to a richere man, and schal be nedi.
17 inclina aurem tuam et audi verba sapientium adpone autem cor ad doctrinam meam
My sone, bowe doun thin eere, and here thou the wordis of wise men; but sette thou the herte to my techyng.
18 quae pulchra erit tibi cum servaveris eam in ventre tuo et redundabit in labiis tuis
That schal be fair to thee, whanne thou hast kept it in thin herte, and it schal flowe ayen in thi lippis.
19 ut sit in Domino fiducia tua unde et ostendi eam tibi hodie
That thi trist be in the Lord; wherfor and Y haue schewid it to thee to dai.
20 ecce descripsi eam tibi tripliciter in cogitationibus et scientia
Lo! Y haue discryued it in thre maneres, in thouytis and kunnyng,
21 ut ostenderem tibi firmitatem et eloquia veritatis respondere ex his illi qui misit te
that Y schulde schewe to thee the sadnesse and spechis of trewthe; to answere of these thingis to hem, that senten thee.
22 non facias violentiam pauperi quia pauper est neque conteras egenum in porta
Do thou not violence to a pore man, for he is pore; nethir defoule thou a nedi man in the yate.
23 quia Dominus iudicabit causam eius et configet eos qui confixerint animam eius
For the Lord schal deme his cause, and he schal turmente hem, that turmentiden his soule.
24 noli esse amicus homini iracundo neque ambules cum viro furioso
Nyle thou be freend to a wrathful man, nether go thou with a wood man;
25 ne forte discas semitas eius et sumas scandalum animae tuae
lest perauenture thou lerne hise weies, and take sclaundir to thi soule.
26 noli esse cum his qui defigunt manus suas et qui vades se offerunt pro debitis
Nyle thou be with hem that oblischen her hondis, and that proferen hem silf borewis for dettis; for if he hath not wherof he schal restore,
27 si enim non habes unde restituas quid causae est ut tollat operimentum de cubili tuo
what of cause is, that thou take awei hilyng fro thi bed?
28 ne transgrediaris terminos antiquos quos posuerunt patres tui
Go thou not ouer the elde markis, whiche thi faders han set.
29 vidisti virum velocem in opere suo coram regibus stabit nec erit ante ignobiles
Thou hast seyn a man smert in his werk; he schal stonde bifore kyngis, and he schal not be bifor vnnoble men.

< Proverbiorum 22 >