< Liber Numeri 11 >

1 interea ortum est murmur populi quasi dolentium pro labore contra Dominum quod cum audisset iratus est et accensus in eos ignis Domini devoravit extremam castrorum partem
Yn the meene tyme the grutchyng of the puple, as of men sorewynge for trauel, roos ayens the Lord. And whanne Moises hadde herd this thing, he was wrooth; and the fier of the Lord was kyndelid on hem, and deuouride the laste part of the tentis.
2 cumque clamasset populus ad Mosen oravit Moses Dominum et absortus est ignis
And whanne the puple hadde cried to Moises, Moises preiede the Lord, and the fier was quenchid.
3 vocavitque nomen loci illius Incensio eo quod succensus fuisset contra eos ignis Domini
And he clepid the name of that place Brennyng, for the fier of the Lord was kyndlid ayens hem.
4 vulgus quippe promiscuum quod ascenderat cum eis flagravit desiderio sedens et flens iunctis sibi pariter filiis Israhel et ait quis dabit nobis ad vescendum carnes
And the comyn puple of `malis and femalis, that hadde stied with hem, brent with desire of fleischis, and sat, and wepte with the sones of Israel ioyned togidere to hem, and seide, Who schal yyue to vs fleischis to ete?
5 recordamur piscium quos comedebamus in Aegypto gratis in mentem nobis veniunt cucumeres et pepones porrique et cepae et alia
We thenken on the fischis whiche we eten in Egipt freli; gourdis, and melouns, and lekis, and oyniouns, and garlekis comen in to mynde `to vs;
6 anima nostra arida est nihil aliud respiciunt oculi nostri nisi man
oure soule is drie; oure iyen byholden noon other thing `no but manna.
7 erat autem man quasi semen coriandri coloris bdellii
Forsothe manna was as the seed of coriaundre, of the colour of bdellyum, which is whijt and briyt as cristal.
8 circuibatque populus et colligens illud frangebat mola sive terebat in mortario coquens in olla et faciens ex eo tortulas saporis quasi panis oleati
And the puple yede aboute, and gaderide it, and brak with a queerne stoon, ether pownede in a morter, and sethide in a pot; and made therof litle cakis of the sauour, as of breed maad with oile.
9 cumque descenderet nocte super castra ros descendebat pariter et man
And whanne dew cam doun in the niyt on the tentis, also manna cam doun togidere.
10 audivit ergo Moses flentem populum per familias singulos per ostia tentorii sui iratusque est furor Domini valde sed et Mosi intoleranda res visa est
Therfor Moises herde the puple wepynge bi meynees, and `alle bi hem silf bi the doris of her tentis; and the woodnesse of the Lord was wrooth greetli, but also the thing was seyn vnsuffrable to Moises.
11 et ait ad Dominum cur adflixisti servum tuum quare non invenio gratiam coram te et cur inposuisti pondus universi populi huius super me
And he seide to the Lord, Whi hast thou turmentid thi seruaunt? whi fynde Y not grace bifor thee? and whi hast thou put on me the burthun of al this puple?
12 numquid ego concepi omnem hanc multitudinem vel genui eam ut dicas mihi porta eos in sinu tuo sicut portare solet nutrix infantulum et defer in terram pro qua iurasti patribus eorum
whethir Y conseyuede al this multitude, ethir gendride it, that thou seie to me, Bere thou hem in thi bosum as a nurise is wont to bere a litil yong child, and bere thou in to the lond for which thou hast swore to the fadris `of hem.
13 unde mihi carnes ut dem tantae multitudini flent contra me dicentes da nobis carnes ut comedamus
wherof ben fleischis to me, that Y `yyue to so greet multitude? Thei wepen bifore me, and seyn, `Yyue thou fleischis to vs that we ete;
14 non possum solus sustinere omnem hunc populum quia gravis mihi est
I mai not aloone suffre al this puple, for it is greuouse to me.
15 sin aliter tibi videtur obsecro ut interficias me et inveniam gratiam in oculis tuis ne tantis adficiar malis
If in other maner it semeth to thee, Y biseche that thou sle me, and that Y fynde grace in thin iyen, that Y be not punyschid bi so grete yuelis.
16 et dixit Dominus ad Mosen congrega mihi septuaginta viros de senibus Israhel quos tu nosti quod senes populi sint ac magistri et duces eos ad ostium tabernaculi foederis faciesque ibi stare tecum
And the Lord seide to Moises, Gadere thou to me seuenti men of the eldre men of Israel, whiche thou knowist, `that thei ben the elde men and maistris of the puple; and thou schalt lede hem to the dore of the tabernacle of boond of pees, and thou schalt make to stonde there with thee,
17 ut descendam et loquar tibi et auferam de spiritu tuo tradamque eis ut sustentent tecum onus populi et non tu solus graveris
that Y come doun, and speke to thee; and Y schal take awey of thi spirit, and Y schal yyue to hem, that thei susteyne with thee the birthun of the puple, and not thou aloone be greuyd.
18 populo quoque dices sanctificamini cras comedetis carnes ego enim audivi vos dicere quis dabit nobis escas carnium bene nobis erat in Aegypto ut det vobis Dominus carnes et comedatis
And thou schalt seie to the puple, Be ye halewid; to morew ye schulen ete fleischis; for Y herde you seie, Who schal yyue to vs the metis of fleischis? it was wel to vs in Egipt; that the Lord yyue `fleischis to you,
19 non uno die nec duobus vel quinque aut decem nec viginti quidem
and that ye ete not o dai, ethir tweyne, ethir fyue, ethir ten, sotheli nether twenti,
20 sed usque ad mensem dierum donec exeat per nares vestras et vertatur in nausiam eo quod reppuleritis Dominum qui in medio vestri est et fleveritis coram eo dicentes quare egressi sumus ex Aegypto
but `til to a monethe of daies, til it go out bi youre nosethirlis, and turne in to wlatyng; for ye han put awei the Lord, which is in the myddis of you, and ye wepten bifor hym, and seiden, Whi yeden we out of Egipt?
21 et ait Moses sescenta milia peditum huius populi sunt et tu dicis dabo eis esum carnium mense integro
And Moises seide to the Lord, Sixe hundrid thousynde of foot men ben of this puple, and thou seist, Y schal yyue to hem `mete of fleischis an hool monethe.
22 numquid ovium et boum multitudo caedetur ut possit sufficere ad cibum vel omnes pisces maris in unum congregabuntur ut eos satient
Whether the multitude of scheep and of oxun schal be slayn, that it may suffice to mete, ethir alle the fischis of the see schulen be gaderid to gidere, that tho fille hem?
23 cui respondit Dominus numquid manus Domini invalida est iam nunc videbis utrum meus sermo opere conpleatur
To whom the Lord answeride, Whether the `hond of the Lord is vnmyyti? riyt now thou schalt se, wher my word schal be fillid in werk.
24 venit igitur Moses et narravit populo verba Domini congregans septuaginta viros de senibus Israhel quos stare fecit circa tabernaculum
Therfor Moises cam, and telde to the puple the wordis of the Lord; and he gaderide seuenti men of the eldere of Israel, whiche he made stonde aboute the tabernacle.
25 descenditque Dominus per nubem et locutus est ad eum auferens de spiritu qui erat in Mosen et dans septuaginta viris cumque requievisset in eis spiritus prophetaverunt nec ultra cessarunt
And the Lord cam doun bi a cloude, and spak to Moises, and took a weye of the spirit that was in Moises, and yaf to the seuenti men; and whanne the spirit hadde restid in hem, thei profesieden, and ceessiden not `aftirward.
26 remanserant autem in castris duo viri quorum unus vocabatur Heldad et alter Medad super quos requievit spiritus nam et ipsi descripti fuerant et non exierant ad tabernaculum
Forsothe twei men dwelliden stille in the tentis, of whiche men oon was clepid Heldad, and the tothir Medad, on whiche the spirit restide; for also thei weren descryued, and thei yeden not out to the tabernacle.
27 cumque prophetarent in castris cucurrit puer et nuntiavit Mosi dicens Heldad et Medad prophetant in castris
And whanne thei profesieden in the tentis, a child ran, and teld to Moises, and seide, Heldad and Medad profecien in the tentis.
28 statim Iosue filius Nun minister Mosi et electus e pluribus ait domine mi Moses prohibe eos
Anoon Josue, the sone of Nun, the `mynystre of Moises, and chosun of manye, seide, My lord Moises, forbede thou hem.
29 at ille quid inquit aemularis pro me quis tribuat ut omnis populus prophetet et det eis Dominus spiritum suum
And he seide, What hast thou enuye for me? who yyueth that al the puple profesie, and that God yyue his spirit to hem?
30 reversusque est Moses et maiores natu Israhel in castra
And Moises turnede ayen, and the eldre men in birthe of Israel in to the tentis.
31 ventus autem egrediens a Domino arreptas trans mare coturnices detulit et dimisit in castra itinere quantum uno die confici potest ex omni parte castrorum per circuitum volabantque in aere duobus cubitis altitudine super terram
Forsothe a wynde yede forth fro the Lord, and took curlewis, and bar ouer the see, and lefte in to the tentis, in the iurney, as myche as mai be parformed in o day, bi ech part of the tentis bi cumpas; and tho flowen in the eir bi twei cubitis in `hiynesse ouer the erthe.
32 surgens ergo populus toto die illo et nocte ac die altero congregavit coturnicum qui parum decem choros et siccaverunt eas per gyrum castrorum
Therfor the puple roos in al that dai and nyyt and in to the tothir dai, and gaderide the multitude of curlewis; he that gaderide litil, gaderide ten `mesuris clepid chorus; `and o chorus conteyneth ten buschels; and thei drieden tho curlewis bi the cumpas of the tentis.
33 adhuc carnes erant in dentibus eorum nec defecerat huiuscemodi cibus et ecce furor Domini concitatus in populum percussit eum plaga magna nimis
Yit `fleischis weren in the teeth `of hem, and siche mete failide not; and lo! the woodnesse of the Lord was reisid ayens the puple, and smoot it with a ful greet veniaunce.
34 vocatusque est ille locus sepulchra Concupiscentiae ibi enim sepelierunt populum qui desideraverat
And thilke place was clepid The sepulcris of coueitise, for there thei birieden the puple that desiride fleischis.
35 egressi autem de sepulchris Concupiscentiae venerunt in Aseroth et manserunt ibi
Sotheli thei yeden `out of the sepulcris of coueitise, and camen in to Asseroth, and dwelliden there.

< Liber Numeri 11 >