< Nehemiæ 8 >

1 et venerat mensis septimus filii autem Israhel erant in civitatibus suis congregatusque est omnis populus quasi vir unus ad plateam quae est ante portam Aquarum et dixerunt Ezrae scribae ut adferret librum legis Mosi quam praecepit Dominus Israheli
And the seuenthe monethe `was comun vndur Esdras and Neemye; sotheli the sones of Israel weren in her cytees. And al the puple was gaderid togydere as o man, to the street which is bifor the yate of watris. And thei seiden to Esdras, the scribe, that he schulde brynge the book of the lawe of Moises, which the Lord hadde comaundid to Israel.
2 adtulit ergo Ezras sacerdos legem coram multitudine virorum et mulierum cunctisque qui poterant intellegere in die prima mensis septimi
Therfor Esdras, the preest, brouyte the lawe bifor the multitude of men and of wymmen, and bifor alle that myyten vndurstonde, `in the firste day of the seuenth monethe.
3 et legit in eo aperte in platea quae erat ante portam Aquarum de mane usque ad mediam diem in conspectu virorum et mulierum et sapientium et aures omnis populi erant erectae ad librum
And he redde in it opynli in the street that was bifor the yate of watris, fro the morewtid `til to myddai, in the siyt of men and of wymmen and of wise men; and the eeris of al the puple weren reisid to the book.
4 stetit autem Ezras scriba super gradum ligneum quem fecerat ad loquendum et steterunt iuxta eum Matthathia et Sema et Ania et Uria et Helcia et Maasia ad dextram eius et ad sinistram Phadaia Misahel et Melchia et Asum et Asephdana Zaccharia et Mosollam
Forsothe Esdras the writere stood on the grees of tree, which he hadde maad to speke theron; and Mathatie, and Semma, and Ananye, and Vrie, and Elchie, and Maasie stoden bisidis hym at his riyt half; and Phadaie, Mysael, and Melchie, Assum, and Aseph, Dana, and Zacharie, and Mosollam stoden at the left half.
5 et aperuit Ezras librum coram omni populo super universum quippe populum eminebat et cum aperuisset eum stetit omnis populus
And Esdras openyde the book bifor al the puple; for he apperide ouer al the puple; and whanne he hadde openyd the book, al the puple stood.
6 et benedixit Ezras Domino Deo magno et respondit omnis populus amen amen elevans manus suas et incurvati sunt et adoraverunt Deum proni in terram
And Esdras blesside the Lord God with greet vois; and al the puple answeride, Amen, Amen, reisynge her hondis. And thei weren bowid, and thei worschipiden God, lowli on the erthe.
7 porro Hiesue et Baani et Serebia Iamin Accub Septhai Odia Maasia Celita Azarias Iozabed Anam Phalaia Levitae silentium faciebant in populo ad audiendam legem populus autem stabat in gradu suo
Forsothe Josue, and Baany, and Serebie, Jamyn, Acub, Septhai, Odia, Maasie, Celitha, Ayarie, Jozabeth, Anan, Phallaie, dekenes, maden silence in the puple for to here the lawe. Sotheli the puple stood in her degree.
8 et legerunt in libro legis Dei distincte et adposite ad intellegendum et intellexerunt cum legeretur
And thei redden in the book of Goddis lawe distinctli, `ether atreet, and opynli to vndurstonde; `and thei vndurstoden, whanne it was red.
9 dixit autem Neemias ipse est Athersatha et Ezras sacerdos scriba et Levitae interpretantes universo populo dies sanctificatus est Domino Deo nostro nolite lugere et nolite flere flebat enim omnis populus cum audiret verba legis
Forsothe Neemye seide, he is Athersata, and Esdras, the preest and writere, and the dekenes, expownynge to al the puple, It is a dai halewid to `oure Lord God; nyle ye morne, and nyle ye wepe. For al the puple wepte, whanne it herde the wordis of the lawe.
10 et dixit eis ite comedite pinguia et bibite mulsum et mittite partes ei qui non praeparavit sibi quia sanctus dies Domini est et nolite contristari gaudium enim Domini est fortitudo nostra
And he seide to hem, Go ye, and `ete ye fatte thingis, and drynke ye wiyn `maad swete with hony, and sende ye partis to hem, that maden not redi to hem silf, for it is an hooli dai of the Lord; `nyle ye be sory, for the ioye of the Lord is youre strengthe.
11 Levitae autem silentium faciebant in omni populo dicentes tacete quia dies sanctus est et nolite dolere
Sotheli the dekenes maden silence in al the puple, and seiden, Be ye stille, for it is an hooli dai, and `nyle ye make sorewe.
12 abiit itaque omnis populus ut comederet et biberet et mitteret partes et faceret laetitiam magnam quia intellexerant verba quae docuerat eos
Therfor al the puple yede for to ete, and drynke, and to sende partis, and `to make greet gladnesse; for thei vndurstoden the wordis, whiche he hadde tauyt hem.
13 et in die secundo congregati sunt principes familiarum universi populi sacerdotes et Levitae ad Ezram scribam ut interpretaretur eis verba legis
And in the secound dai the princes of meynees, alle the puplis, prestis, and dekenes, weren gaderid togidere to Esdras, the writere, that he schulde expowne to hem the wordis of the lawe.
14 et invenerunt scriptum in lege praecepisse Dominum in manu Mosi ut habitent filii Israhel in tabernaculis in die sollemni mense septimo
And thei foundun writun in the lawe, that the Lord comaundide `in the hond of Moyses, that the sones of Israel dwelle in tabernaclis in the solempne dai, in the seuenthe moneth;
15 et ut praedicent et divulgent vocem in universis urbibus suis et in Hierusalem dicentes egredimini in montem et adferte frondes olivae et frondes ligni pulcherrimi frondes myrti et ramos palmarum et frondes ligni nemorosi ut fiant tabernacula sicut scriptum est
and that thei preche, and pupplische a vois in alle her citees, and in Jerusalem; and seie, Go ye out in to the hil, and brynge ye bowis of olyue, and bowis of the faireste tree, the bowis of a myrte tree, and the braunchis of a palm tree, and the bowis of a `tree ful of wode, that tabernaclis be maad, as it is writun.
16 et egressus est populus et adtulerunt feceruntque sibi tabernacula unusquisque in domate suo et in atriis suis et in atriis domus Dei et in platea portae Aquarum et in platea portae Ephraim
And al the puple yede out, and thei brouyten, and maden to hem silf tabernaclis, `ech man in `his hows roof, and in her stretis, `ether foryerdis, and in the large placis of Goddis hows, and in the street of the yate of watris, and in the street of the yate of Effraym.
17 fecit ergo universa ecclesia eorum qui redierant de captivitate tabernacula et habitaverunt in tabernaculis non enim fecerant a diebus Iosue filii Nun taliter filii Israhel usque ad diem illum et fuit laetitia magna nimis
Therfor al the chirche of hem, that camen ayen fro caytifte, made tabernaclis, and thei dwelliden in tabernaclis. For the sones of Israel hadden not do siche thingis fro the daies of Josue, sone of Nun, `til to that dai; and ful greet gladnesse was.
18 legit autem in libro legis Dei per dies singulos a die primo usque ad diem novissimum et fecerunt sollemnitatem septem diebus et in die octavo collectum iuxta ritum
Forsothe Esdras radde in the book of Goddis lawe bi alle daies, fro the firste dai `til to the laste dai; and thei maden solempnytee bi seuene daies, and in the eiyte day thei maden a gaderyng of siluer, `bi the custom.

< Nehemiæ 8 >