< Nehemiæ 10 >

1 signatores autem fuerunt Neemias Athersatha filius Achelai et Sedecias
Forsothe the seeleris weren Neemye, Athersata, the sone of Achilai,
2 Saraias Azarias Hieremias
and Sedechie, Saraie, Azarie, Jeremye, Phasur,
3 Phessur Amaria Melchia
Amarie, Melchie,
4 Attus Sebenia Melluc
Accus, Sebenye,
5 Arem Mermuth Obdias
Mellucarem, Nerymuth, Oddie, Danyel,
6 Danihel Genton Baruch
Genton, Baruc, Mosollam, Abia,
7 Mosollam Abia Miamin
Mianymy, Mazie, Belga, and Semeie;
8 Mazia Belga Semaia hii sacerdotes
these weren prestis.
9 porro Levitae Iosue filius Azaniae Bennui de filiis Enadad Cedmihel
Forsothe dekenes weren Josue, the sone of Azarie, Bennuy, of the sones of Ennadab,
10 et fratres eorum Sechenia Odevia Celita Phalaia Anan
Cedinyel, and hise britheren, Sethenye, Odenmye, Telita, Phalaie, Anam,
11 Micha Roob Asebia
Myca, Roob, Asebie
12 Zacchur Serebia Sabania
Zaccur, Serebie, Sabanye,
13 Odia Bani Baninu
Odias, Bany, Hamyn.
14 capita populi Pheros Phaethmoab Helam Zethu Bani
The heedis of the puple, Phetos, Moab, Elam,
15 Bonni Azgad Bebai
Zecu, Banny, Bonny, Azgad, Bebay,
16 Adonia Beggoai Adin
Donai, Bogoia, Adyn,
17 Ater Ezechia Azur
Ather, Azochie, Azur,
18 Odevia Asum Besai
Odenye, Assuyn, Bessaie,
19 Ares Anathoth Nebai
Ares, Anatoth, Nebai,
20 Mecphia Mosollam Azir
Methpie, Mosollam, Azir,
21 Mesizabel Sadoc Ieddua
Meizabel, Sadoch, Reddua,
22 Felthia Anan Ania
Pheltie, Ananye, Osee,
23 Osee Anania Asub
Anaie, Azub, Aloes,
24 Aloes Phaleam Sobec
Phaleam, Sobeth,
25 Reum Asebna Madsia
Reu, Asebyne, Mathsie,
26 et Haia Hanam Anan
Ethaie, Anam,
27 Melluc Arem Baana
Mellucarem, Baana;
28 et reliqui de populo sacerdotes Levitae ianitores et cantores Nathinnei et omnes qui se separaverunt de populis terrarum ad legem Dei uxores eorum filii eorum et filiae eorum
and othere of the puple, prestis, dekenes, porteris, and syngeris, Natynneis, and alle men that departiden hem silf fro the puplis of londis to the lawe of God, the wyues of hem, and `the sones of hem, and the douytris of hem;
29 omnis qui poterat sapere spondentes pro fratribus suis optimates eorum et qui veniebant ad pollicendum et iurandum ut ambularent in lege Dei quam dederat in manu Mosi servi Dei ut facerent et custodirent universa mandata Domini Dei nostri et iudicia eius et caerimonias eius
alle that myyten vndurstonde, bihetynge for her britheren, the principal men of hem, `and thei that camen to biheete, and to swere, that thei schulden go in the lawe of the Lord, which he `hadde youe bi the hond of Moyses, his seruaunt, that thei schulden do and kepe alle the heestis of `oure Lord God, and hise domes, and hise cerymonyes; and that we schulden not yyue
30 et ut non daremus filias nostras populo terrae et filias eorum non acciperemus filiis nostris
oure douytris to the puple of the lond, and that we schulden not take her douytris to oure sones.
31 populi quoque terrae qui inportant venalia et omnia ad usum per diem sabbati ut vendant non accipiemus ab eis in sabbato et in die sanctificata et dimittemus annum septimum et exactionem universae manus
Also the puplis of the lond, `that bryngen in thingis set to sale, and alle thingis to vss, bi the dai of sabat, for to sille, we schulen not take of hem in the sabat, and in a dai halewid; and we schulen leeue the seuenthe yeer, and the axynge of al hond.
32 et statuemus super nos praecepta ut demus tertiam partem sicli per annum ad opus domus Dei nostri
And we schulen ordeyne comaundementis `on vs, that we yyue the thridde part of a sicle `bi the yeer to the werk of `oure Lord God,
33 ad panes propositionis et ad sacrificium sempiternum et in holocaustum sempiternum in sabbatis in kalendis in sollemnitatibus et in sanctificatis et pro peccato ut exoretur pro Israhel et in omnem usum domus Dei nostri
to the looues of settyngforth, and to the euerlastynge sacrifice, `and in to brent sacrifice euerlastynge, in sabatis, in calendis, `that is, bigynnyngis of monethis, in solempnytees, in halewid daies, and for synne, that `me preie for Israel, and in to al the vss of the hows of oure God.
34 sortes ergo misimus super oblatione lignorum inter sacerdotes et Levitas et populos ut inferrentur in domum Dei nostri per domos patrum nostrorum per tempora a temporibus anni usque ad annum ut arderent super altare Domini Dei nostri sicut scriptum est in lege Mosi
`Therfor we senten `lottis on the offryng of trees, bitwixe prestis and dekenes and the puple, that tho schulden be brouyt in to the hows of oure God, bi the housis of oure fadris bi tymes, fro the tymes of a yeer `til to a yeer, that `tho schulden brenne on the auter of `oure Lord God, as it is writun in the lawe of Moyses;
35 et ut adferremus primogenita terrae nostrae et primitiva universi fructus omnis ligni ab anno in annum in domo Domini
and that we bringe the firste gendrid thingis of oure lond, and the firste fruytis of al fruyt of ech tree, fro yeer in to yeer,
36 et primitiva filiorum nostrorum et pecorum nostrorum sicut scriptum est in lege et primitiva boum nostrorum et ovium nostrarum ut offerrentur in domo Dei nostri sacerdotibus qui ministrant in domo Dei nostri
in to the hows of the Lord, and the firste gendrid thingis of oure sones, and of oure beestis, as it is writun in the lawe, and the firste gendrid thingis of oure oxis, and of oure scheep, that tho be offrid in the hows of oure God, to prestis that mynystren in the hows of oure God;
37 et primitias ciborum nostrorum et libaminum nostrorum et poma omnis ligni vindemiae quoque et olei adferemus sacerdotibus ad gazofilacium Dei nostri et decimam partem terrae nostrae Levitis ipsi Levitae decimas accipient ex omnibus civitatibus operum nostrorum
and we schulen brynge the firste fruytis of oure metis, and of oure moiste sacrifices, and the applis of ech tre, and of vendage, and of oile, to `prestis, at the treserie of the Lord, and the tenthe part of oure lond to dekenes; thilke dekenes schulen take tithis of alle the citees of oure werkis.
38 erit autem sacerdos filius Aaron cum Levitis in decimis Levitarum et Levitae offerent decimam partem decimae suae in domum Dei nostri ad gazofilacium in domo thesauri
Sotheli a prest, the sone of Aaron, schal be with the dekenes in the tithis of dekenes; and the dekenes schulen offre the tenthe part of her tithe in the hows of oure God, `at the tresorie, in the hows of tresour.
39 ad gazofilacium enim deportabunt filii Israhel et filii Levi primitias frumenti vini et olei et ibi erunt vasa sanctificata et sacerdotes et cantores et ianitores et ministri et non dimittemus domum Dei nostri
For the sones of Israel and the sones of Leuy schulen brynge the firste fruytis of wheete, of wiyn, and of oile; and halewid vessels schulen be there, and prestis, and syngeris, and porteris, and mynystris; and we schulen not forsake the hows of `oure God.

< Nehemiæ 10 >