< Marcum 1 >

1 initium evangelii Iesu Christi Filii Dei
The beginning of the Gospel of Iesus Christ, the Sonne of God:
2 sicut scriptum est in Esaia propheta ecce mitto angelum meum ante faciem tuam qui praeparabit viam tuam
As it is written in the Prophets, Behold, I send my messenger before thy face, which shall prepare thy way before thee.
3 vox clamantis in deserto parate viam Domini rectas facite semitas eius
The voyce of him that cryeth in the wildernesse is, Prepare the way of the Lord: make his paths straight.
4 fuit Iohannes in deserto baptizans et praedicans baptismum paenitentiae in remissionem peccatorum
Iohn did baptize in the wildernesse, and preach the baptisme of amendment of life, for remission of sinnes.
5 et egrediebatur ad illum omnis Iudaeae regio et Hierosolymitae universi et baptizabantur ab illo in Iordane flumine confitentes peccata sua
And al ye countrey of Iudea, and they of Hierusalem went out vnto him, and were all baptized of him in the riuer Iordan, confessing their sinnes.
6 et erat Iohannes vestitus pilis cameli et zona pellicia circa lumbos eius et lucustas et mel silvestre edebat
Nowe Iohn was clothed with camels heare, and with a girdle of a skinne about his loynes: and he did eate Locusts and wilde hony,
7 et praedicabat dicens venit fortior me post me cuius non sum dignus procumbens solvere corrigiam calciamentorum eius
And preached, saying, A stronger then I commeth after me, whose shoes latchet I am not worthy to stoupe downe, and vnloose.
8 ego baptizavi vos aqua ille vero baptizabit vos Spiritu Sancto
Trueth it is, I haue baptized you with water: but he will baptize you with the holy Ghost.
9 et factum est in diebus illis venit Iesus a Nazareth Galilaeae et baptizatus est in Iordane ab Iohanne
And it came to passe in those dayes, that Iesus came from Nazareth, a citie of Galile, and was baptized of Iohn in Iordan.
10 et statim ascendens de aqua vidit apertos caelos et Spiritum tamquam columbam descendentem et manentem in ipso
And assoone as he was come out of the water, Iohn saw the heauens clouen in twaine, and the holy Ghost descending vpon him like a doue.
11 et vox facta est de caelis tu es Filius meus dilectus in te conplacui
Then there was a voyce from heauen, saying, Thou art my beloued Sonne, in whome I am well pleased.
12 et statim Spiritus expellit eum in desertum
And immediatly the Spirite driueth him into the wildernesse.
13 et erat in deserto quadraginta diebus et quadraginta noctibus et temptabatur a Satana eratque cum bestiis et angeli ministrabant illi
And he was there in the wildernesse fourtie daies, and was tempted of Satan: hee was also with the wilde beastes, and the Angels ministred vnto him.
14 postquam autem traditus est Iohannes venit Iesus in Galilaeam praedicans evangelium regni Dei
Now after that Iohn was committed to prison, Iesus came into Galile, preaching the Gospel of the kingdome of God,
15 et dicens quoniam impletum est tempus et adpropinquavit regnum Dei paenitemini et credite evangelio
And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdome of God is at hand: repent and beleeue the Gospel.
16 et praeteriens secus mare Galilaeae vidit Simonem et Andream fratrem eius mittentes retia in mare erant enim piscatores
And as he walked by the sea of Galile, he saw Simon, and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea, (for they were fishers.)
17 et dixit eis Iesus venite post me et faciam vos fieri piscatores hominum
Then Iesus said vnto them, Folow me, and I will make you to be fishers of men.
18 et protinus relictis retibus secuti sunt eum
And straightway they forsooke their nets, and folowed him.
19 et progressus inde pusillum vidit Iacobum Zebedaei et Iohannem fratrem eius et ipsos in navi conponentes retia
And when hee had gone a litle further thence, he sawe Iames the sonne of Zebedeus, and Iohn his brother, as they were in the ship, mending their nets.
20 et statim vocavit illos et relicto patre suo Zebedaeo in navi cum mercennariis secuti sunt eum
And anon hee called them: and they left their father Zebedeus in the shippe with his hired seruants, and went their way after him.
21 et ingrediuntur Capharnaum et statim sabbatis ingressus synagogam docebat eos
So they entred into Capernaum, and straightway on the Sabbath day hee entred into the Synagogue, and taught.
22 et stupebant super doctrina eius erat enim docens eos quasi potestatem habens et non sicut scribae
And they were astonied at his doctrine, for he taught them as one that had authoritie, and not as the Scribes.
23 et erat in synagoga eorum homo in spiritu inmundo et exclamavit
And there was in their Synagogue a man in whome was an vncleane spirite, and hee cried out,
24 dicens quid nobis et tibi Iesu Nazarene venisti perdere nos scio qui sis Sanctus Dei
Saying, Ah, what haue we to do with thee, O Iesus of Nazareth? Art thou come to destroy vs? I knowe thee what thou art, euen that holy one of God.
25 et comminatus est ei Iesus dicens obmutesce et exi de homine
And Iesus rebuked him, saying, Holde thy peace, and come out of him.
26 et discerpens eum spiritus inmundus et exclamans voce magna exivit ab eo
And the vncleane spirit tare him, and cried with a loude voyce, and came out of him.
27 et mirati sunt omnes ita ut conquirerent inter se dicentes quidnam est hoc quae doctrina haec nova quia in potestate et spiritibus inmundis imperat et oboediunt ei
And they were all amased, so that they demaunded one of another, saying, What thing is this? what newe doctrine is this? for he commandeth euen the foule spirites with authoritie, and they obey him.
28 et processit rumor eius statim in omnem regionem Galilaeae
And immediatly his fame spred abroade throughout all the region bordering on Galile.
29 et protinus egredientes de synagoga venerunt in domum Simonis et Andreae cum Iacobo et Iohanne
And assoone as they were come out of the Synagogue, they entred into the house of Symon and Andrew, with Iames and Iohn.
30 decumbebat autem socrus Simonis febricitans et statim dicunt ei de illa
And Symons wiues mother lay sicke of a feuer, and anon they told him of her.
31 et accedens elevavit eam adprehensa manu eius et continuo dimisit eam febris et ministrabat eis
And he came and tooke her by the hand, and lifted her vp, and the feuer forsooke her by and by, and shee ministred vnto them.
32 vespere autem facto cum occidisset sol adferebant ad eum omnes male habentes et daemonia habentes
And whe euen was come, at what time the sunne setteth, they brought to him all that were diseased, and them that were possessed with deuils.
33 et erat omnis civitas congregata ad ianuam
And the whole citie was gathered together at the doore.
34 et curavit multos qui vexabantur variis languoribus et daemonia multa eiciebat et non sinebat loqui ea quoniam sciebant eum
And he healed many that were sicke of diuers diseases: and he cast out many deuils, and suffred not the deuils to say that they knewe him.
35 et diluculo valde surgens egressus abiit in desertum locum ibique orabat
And in the morning very early before day, Iesus arose and went out into a solitarie place, and there praied.
36 et persecutus est eum Simon et qui cum illo erant
And Simon, and they that were with him, followed carefully after him.
37 et cum invenissent eum dixerunt ei quia omnes quaerunt te
And when they had found him, they sayde vnto him, All men seeke for thee.
38 et ait illis eamus in proximos vicos et civitates ut et ibi praedicem ad hoc enim veni
Then he said vnto them, Let vs go into the next townes, that I may preach there also: for I came out for that purpose.
39 et erat praedicans in synagogis eorum et omni Galilaea et daemonia eiciens
And hee preached in their Synagogues, throughout all Galile, and cast the deuils out.
40 et venit ad eum leprosus deprecans eum et genu flexo dixit si vis potes me mundare
And there came a leper to him, beseeching him, and kneeled downe vnto him, and said to him, If thou wilt, thou canst make me cleane.
41 Iesus autem misertus eius extendit manum suam et tangens eum ait illi volo mundare
And Iesus had compassion, and put foorth his hand, and touched him, and said to him, I wil: be thou cleane.
42 et cum dixisset statim discessit ab eo lepra et mundatus est
And assone as he had spoken, immediatly ye leprosie departed from him, and he was made cleane.
43 et comminatus ei statim eiecit illum
And after he had giue him a streight commandement, he sent him away forthwith,
44 et dicit ei vide nemini dixeris sed vade ostende te principi sacerdotum et offer pro emundatione tua quae praecepit Moses in testimonium illis
And sayde vnto him, See thou say nothing to any man, but get thee hence, and shewe thy selfe to the Priest, and offer for thy clensing those things, which Moses commanded, for a testimoniall vnto them.
45 at ille egressus coepit praedicare et diffamare sermonem ita ut iam non posset manifeste in civitatem introire sed foris in desertis locis esse et conveniebant ad eum undique
But when he was departed, hee began to tel many things, and to publish the matter: so that Iesus could no more openly enter into the citie, but was without in desert places: and they came to him from euery quarter.

< Marcum 1 >