< Malachi Propheta 3 >
1 ecce ego mittam angelum meum et praeparabit viam ante faciem meam et statim veniet ad templum suum dominator quem vos quaeritis et angelus testamenti quem vos vultis ecce venit dicit Dominus exercituum
Lo! Y sende myn aungel, and he schal make redi weie bifor my face; and anoon the lordshipere, whom ye seken, schal come to his hooli temple, and the aungel of testament, whom ye wolen. Lo! he cometh, seith the Lord of oostis;
2 et quis poterit cogitare diem adventus eius et quis stabit ad videndum eum ipse enim quasi ignis conflans et quasi herba fullonum
and who schal mowe thenke the dai of his comyng? and who schal stonde for to se hym? For he schal be as fier wellynge togidere, and as erbe of fulleris;
3 et sedebit conflans et emundans argentum et purgabit filios Levi et colabit eos quasi aurum et quasi argentum et erunt Domino offerentes sacrificia in iustitia
and he schal sitte wellynge togidere and clensynge siluer, and he schal purge the sones of Leuy; and he schal purge hem as gold and as siluer, and thei schulen be offrynge to the Lord sacrifices in riytfulnesse.
4 et placebit Domino sacrificium Iuda et Hierusalem sicut dies saeculi et sicut anni antiqui
And the sacrifice of Juda and of Jerusalem schal plese to the Lord, as the daies of the world, and as olde yeeris.
5 et accedam ad vos in iudicio et ero testis velox maleficis et adulteris et periuris et qui calumniantur mercedem mercennarii viduas et pupillos et opprimunt peregrinum nec timuerunt me dicit Dominus exercituum
And Y schal come to you in doom, and Y schal be a swift witnesse to mysdoeris, `ether enchaunteris of deuelis craft, and to auouteris, and forsworn men, and that falsli calengen the hire of the hirid man, and widewis, and fadirles, `ether modirles, children, and oppressen a pilgrym, `nether dredden me, seith the Lord of oostis.
6 ego enim Dominus et non mutor et vos filii Iacob non estis consumpti
Forsothe Y am the Lord, and am not chaungid; and ye sones of Jacob ben not wastid.
7 a diebus enim patrum vestrorum recessistis a legitimis meis et non custodistis revertimini ad me et revertar ad vos dicit Dominus exercituum et dixistis in quo revertemur
Forsothe fro daies of youre fadris ye wenten awei fro my lawful thingis, and kepten not; turne ye ayen to me, and Y schal ayen turne to you, seith the Lord of oostis. And ye seiden, In what thing schulen we turne ayen?
8 si adfiget homo Deum quia vos configitis me et dixistis in quo confiximus te in decimis et in primitivis
If a man schal turmente God, for ye `togidere fitchen me. And ye seiden, In what thing `togidere fitchen we thee? In tithis and in `firste fruitis;
9 et in penuria vos maledicti estis et me vos configitis gens tota
and ye ben cursid in nedynesse, and alle ye folc disseyuen me, and `togidere fitchen.
10 inferte omnem decimam in horreum et sit cibus in domo mea et probate me super hoc dicit Dominus si non aperuero vobis cataractas caeli et effudero vobis benedictionem usque ad abundantiam
Brynge ye yn ech tithe in to my berne, that mete be in myn hous, and preue ye me on this thing, seith the Lord, if Y schal not opene to you the goteris of heuene, and schal schede out to you blessyng, til to aboundaunce.
11 et increpabo pro vobis devorantem et non corrumpet fructum terrae vestrae nec erit sterilis vinea in agro dicit Dominus exercituum
And Y schal blame for you that that deuourith, and he schal not distrie the fruit of youre lond; nether bareyn vyneyerd schal be in the feeld,
12 et beatos vos dicent omnes gentes eritis enim vos terra desiderabilis dicit Dominus exercituum
seith the Lord of oostis, and alle folkis schulen seie you blessid; for ye schulen be a desirable lond, seith the Lord of oostis.
13 invaluerunt super me verba vestra dicit Dominus
Youre wordis wexiden strong on me, seith the Lord; and ye seiden, What han we spokun ayens thee?
14 et dixistis quid locuti sumus contra te dixistis vanus est qui servit Deo et quod emolumentum quia custodivimus praecepta eius et quia ambulavimus tristes coram Domino exercituum
And ye seiden, He is veyn, that serueth God; and what wynnyng for we kepten hise heestis, and for we wenten sorewful bifore the Lord of oostis?
15 ergo nunc beatos dicimus arrogantes siquidem aedificati sunt facientes impietatem et temptaverunt Deum et salvi facti sunt
Therfor now we seien proude men blessid; for thei ben bildid doynge vnpitee, and thei temptiden God, and ben maad saaf.
16 tunc locuti sunt timentes Deum unusquisque cum proximo suo et adtendit Dominus et audivit et scriptus est liber monumenti coram eo timentibus Dominum et cogitantibus nomen eius
Thanne men dredynge God spaken, ech with his neiybore; and the Lord perseyuede, and herde, and a book of mynde is writun bifor hym to `men dredynge God, and thenkynge his name.
17 et erunt mihi ait Dominus exercituum in die qua ego facio in peculium et parcam eis sicut parcit vir filio suo servienti sibi
And thei schulen be to me, seith the Lord of oostis, in the dai in which Y schal make, in to a special tresour; and Y schal spare hem, as a man sparith his sone seruynge to hym.
18 et convertemini et videbitis quid sit inter iustum et impium et inter servientem Deo et non servientem ei
And ye schulen be conuertid, and ye schulen se, what is bitwixe the iust man and vnpitouse, bitwixe `the seruynge to the Lord and `not seruynge to hym.