< Leviticus 27 >
1 locutusque est Dominus ad Mosen dicens
And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:
2 loquere filiis Israhel et dices ad eos homo qui votum fecerit et spoponderit Deo animam suam sub aestimatione dabit pretium
Speak to the children of Israel, and thou shalt say to them: The man that shall have made a vow, and promised his soul to God, shall give the price according to estimation.
3 si fuerit masculus a vicesimo usque ad sexagesimum annum dabit quinquaginta siclos argenti ad mensuram sanctuarii
If it be a man from twenty years old unto sixty years old, he shall give fifty sides of silver, after the weight of the sanctuary:
5 a quinto autem anno usque ad vicesimum masculus dabit viginti siclos femina decem
But from the fifth year until the twentieth, a man shall give twenty sicles: a woman ten.
6 ab uno mense usque ad annum quintum pro masculo dabuntur quinque sicli pro femina tres
From one month until the fifth year. for a male shall be given five sides: for a female three.
7 sexagenarius et ultra masculus dabit quindecim siclos femina decem
A man that is sixty years old or upward, shall give fifteen aisles: a woman ten.
8 si pauper fuerit et aestimationem reddere non valebit stabit coram sacerdote et quantum ille aestimaverit et viderit eum posse reddere tantum dabit
If he be poor, and not able to pay tile estimation, he shall stand before tile priest: and as much as he shall value him at, and see him able to pay, so much shall he give.
9 animal autem quod immolari potest Domino si quis voverit sanctum erit
But a beast that may be sacrificed to the Lord, if ally one shall vow, shall be holy,
10 et mutari non poterit id est nec melius malo nec peius bono quod si mutaverit et ipsum quod mutatum est et illud pro quo mutatum est consecratum erit Domino
And cannot be changed, that is to say, neither a better for a worse, nor a worse for a better. And if he shall change it: both that which was changed, and that for which it was changed, shall be consecrated to the Lord.
11 animal inmundum quod immolari Domino non potest si quis voverit adducetur ante sacerdotem
An unclean beast, which cannot be sacrificed to the Lord, if my man shall vow, shall be brought before the priest:
12 qui diiudicans utrum bonum an malum sit statuet pretium
Who judging whether it be good or bad, shall set the price:
13 quod si dare voluerit is qui offert addet supra aestimationis quintam partem
Which if he that offereth it will give, he shall add above the estimation the fifth part.
14 homo si voverit domum suam et sanctificaverit Domino considerabit eam sacerdos utrum bona an mala sit et iuxta pretium quod ab eo fuerit constitutum venundabitur
If a man shall vow his house, and sanctify it to the Lord, the priest shall consider it, whether it be good or bad, and it shall be sold according to the price, which he shall appoint.
15 sin autem ille qui voverat voluerit redimere eam dabit quintam partem aestimationis supra et habebit domum
But if he that vowed, will redeem it, he shall give the fifth part of the estimation over and above, and shall have the house.
16 quod si agrum possessionis suae voverit et consecraverit Domino iuxta mensuram sementis aestimabitur pretium si triginta modiis hordei seritur terra quinquaginta siclis veniet argenti
And if he vow the field of his possession, and consecrate it to the Lord, the price shall be rated according to the measure of the seed. If the ground be sowed with thirty bushels of barley, let it be sold for fifty sides of silver.
17 si statim ab anno incipientis iobelei voverit agrum quanto valere potest tanto aestimabitur
If he vow his field immediately from the year of jubilee that is beginning, as much as it may be worth, at so much it shall be rated.
18 sin autem post aliquantum temporis supputabit sacerdos pecuniam iuxta annorum qui reliqui sunt numerum usque ad iobeleum et detrahetur ex pretio
But if some time after, the priest shall reckon the money according to the number of years that remain until the jubilee, and the price shall be abated.
19 quod si voluerit redimere agrum ille qui voverat addet quintam partem aestimatae pecuniae et possidebit eum
And if he that had vowed, will redeem his field, he shall add the fifth part of the money of the estimation, and shall possess it.
20 sin autem noluerit redimere sed alteri cuilibet fuerit venundatus ultra eum qui voverat redimere non poterit
And if he will not redeem it, but it be sold to any other man, he that vowed it, may not redeem it any more:
21 quia cum iobelei venerit dies sanctificatus erit Domino et possessio consecrata ad ius pertinet sacerdotum
For when the day of jubilee cometh, it shall be sanctified to the Lord, and as a possession consecrated, pertaineth to the right of the priests.
22 si ager emptus et non de possessione maiorum sanctificatus fuerit Domino
If a field that was bought, and not of a man’s ancestors’ possession, be sanctified to the Lord,
23 supputabit sacerdos iuxta annorum numerum usque ad iobeleum pretium et dabit ille qui voverat eum Domino
The priest shall reckon the price according to the number of years: unto the jubilee: and he that had vowed, shall give that to the Lord.
24 in iobeleo autem revertetur ad priorem dominum qui vendiderat eum et habuerat in sortem possessionis suae
But in the jubilee, it shall return to the former owner, who had sold it, and had it in the lot of his possession.
25 omnis aestimatio siclo sanctuarii ponderabitur siclus viginti obolos habet
All estimation shall be made according to the side of the sanctuary. A sicle hath twenty obols.
26 primogenita quae ad Dominum pertinent nemo sanctificare poterit et vovere sive bos sive ovis fuerit Domini sunt
The firstborn, which belong to the Lord, no man may sanctify and vow: whether it be bullock, or sheep, they are the Lord’s.
27 quod si inmundum est animal redimet qui obtulit iuxta aestimationem tuam et addet quintam partem pretii si redimere noluerit vendetur alteri quantocumque a te fuerit aestimatum
And if it be an unclean beast, he that offereth it shall redeem it, according to thy estimation, and shall add the fifth part of the price. If he will not redeem it, it shall be sold to another for how much soever it was estimated by thee.
28 omne quod Domino consecratur sive homo fuerit sive animal sive ager non veniet nec redimi poterit quicquid semel fuerit consecratum sanctum sanctorum erit Domino
Any thing that is devoted to the Lord, whether it be man, or beast, or field, shall not be sold, neither may it be redeemed. Whatsoever is once consecrated shall be holy of holies to the Lord.
29 et omnis consecratio quae offertur ab homine non redimetur sed morte morietur
And any consecration that is offered by man, shall not be redeemed, but dying shall die.
30 omnes decimae terrae sive de frugibus sive de pomis arborum Domini sunt et illi sanctificantur
All tithes of the land, whether of corn, or of the fruits of trees, are the Lord’s, and are sanctified to him.
31 si quis autem voluerit redimere decimas suas addet quintam partem earum
And if any man will redeem his tithes, he shall add the fifth part of them.
32 omnium decimarum boves et oves et caprae quae sub pastoris virga transeunt quicquid decimum venerit sanctificabitur Domino
Of all the tithes of oxen, and sheep, and goats, that pass under the shepherd’s rod, every tenth that cometh shall be sanctified to the Lord.
33 non eligetur nec bonum nec malum nec altero commutabitur si quis mutaverit et quod mutatum est et pro quo mutatum est sanctificabitur Domino et non redimetur
It shall not be chosen neither good nor bad, neither shall it be changed for another. If any man change it: both that which was changed, and that for which it was changed, shall be sanctified to the Lord, and shall not be redeemed.
34 haec sunt praecepta quae mandavit Dominus Mosi ad filios Israhel in monte Sinai
These are the precepts which the Lord commanded Moses for the children of Israel in mount Sinai.