< Lamentationes 3 >

1 ALEPH ego vir videns paupertatem meam in virga indignationis eius
Aleph. I am a man seynge my pouert in the yerde of his indignacioun.
2 ALEPH me minavit et adduxit in tenebris et non in lucem
Aleph. He droof me, and brouyte in to derknessis, and not in to liyt.
3 ALEPH tantum in me vertit et convertit manum suam tota die
Aleph. Oneli he turnede in to me, and turnede togidere his hond al dai.
4 BETH vetustam fecit pellem meam et carnem meam contrivit ossa mea
Beth. He made eld my skyn, and my fleisch; he al to-brak my boonys.
5 BETH aedificavit in gyro meo et circumdedit me felle et labore
Beth. He bildid in my cumpas, and he cumpasside me with galle and trauel.
6 BETH in tenebrosis conlocavit me quasi mortuos sempiternos
Beth. He settide me in derk places, as euerlastynge deed men.
7 GIMEL circumaedificavit adversum me ut non egrediar adgravavit conpedem meam
Gymel. He bildide aboute ayens me, that Y go not out; he aggregide my gyues.
8 GIMEL sed et cum clamavero et rogavero exclusit orationem meam
Gymel. But and whanne Y crie and preye, he hath excludid my preier.
9 GIMEL conclusit vias meas lapidibus quadris semitas meas subvertit
Gymel. He closide togidere my weies with square stoonus; he distriede my pathis.
10 DELETH ursus insidians factus est mihi leo in absconditis
Deleth. He is maad a bere settinge aspies to me, a lioun in hid places.
11 DELETH semitas meas subvertit et confregit me posuit me desolatam
Deleth. He distriede my pathis, and brak me; he settide me desolat.
12 DELETH tetendit arcum suum et posuit me quasi signum ad sagittam
Deleth. He bente his bowe, and settide me as a signe to an arowe.
13 HE misit in renibus meis filias faretrae suae
He. He sente in my reynes the douytris of his arowe caas.
14 HE factus sum in derisu omni populo meo canticum eorum tota die
He. Y am maad in to scorn to al the puple, the song of hem al dai.
15 HE replevit me amaritudinibus inebriavit me absinthio
He. He fillide me with bitternesses; he gretli fillide me with wermod.
16 VAV et fregit ad numerum dentes meos cibavit me cinere
Vau. He brak at noumbre my teeth; he fedde me with aische.
17 VAV et repulsa est anima mea oblitus sum bonorum
Vau. And my soule is putte awei; Y haue foryete goodis.
18 VAV et dixi periit finis meus et spes mea a Domino
Vau. And Y seide, Myn ende perischide, and myn hope fro the Lord.
19 ZAI recordare paupertatis et transgressionis meae absinthii et fellis
Zai. Haue thou mynde on my pouert and goyng ouer, and on wermod and galle.
20 ZAI memoria memor ero et tabescet in me anima mea
Zai. Bi mynde Y schal be myndeful; and my soule schal faile in me.
21 ZAI hoc recolens in corde meo ideo sperabo
Zai. Y bithenkynge these thingis in myn herte, schal hope in God.
22 HETH misericordiae Domini quia non sumus consumpti quia non defecerunt miserationes eius
Heth. The mercies of the Lord ben manye, for we ben not wastid; for whi hise merciful doyngis failiden not.
23 HETH novae diluculo multa est fides tua
Heth. Y knew in the morewtid; thi feith is miche.
24 HETH pars mea Dominus dixit anima mea propterea expectabo eum
Heth. My soule seide, The Lord is my part; therfor Y schal abide hym.
25 TETH bonus est Dominus sperantibus in eum animae quaerenti illum
Teth. The Lord is good to hem that hopen in to hym, to a soule sekynge hym.
26 TETH bonum est praestolari cum silentio salutare Domini
Teth. It is good to abide with stilnesse the helthe of God.
27 TETH bonum est viro cum portaverit iugum ab adulescentia sua
Teth. It is good to a man, whanne he hath bore the yok fro his yongthe.
28 IOTH sedebit solitarius et tacebit quia levavit super se
Joth. He schal sitte aloone, and he schal be stille; for he reiside hym silf aboue hym silf.
29 IOTH ponet in pulvere os suum si forte sit spes
Joth. He schal sette his mouth in dust, if perauenture hope is.
30 IOTH dabit percutienti se maxillam saturabitur obprobriis
Joth. He schal yyue the cheke to a man that smytith hym; he schal be fillid with schenschipis.
31 CAPH quia non repellet in sempiternum Dominus
Caph. For the Lord schal not putte awei with outen ende.
32 CAPH quia si abiecit et miserebitur secundum multitudinem misericordiarum suarum
Caph. For if he castide awei, and he schal do merci bi the multitude of hise mercies.
33 CAPH non enim humiliavit ex corde suo et abiecit filios hominis
Caph. For he makide not low of his herte; and castide not awei the sones of men. Lameth.
34 LAMED ut contereret sub pedibus suis omnes vinctos terrae
That he schulde al to-foule vndur hise feet alle the boundun men of erthe. Lameth.
35 LAMED ut declinaret iudicium viri in conspectu vultus Altissimi
That he schulde bowe doun the dom of man, in the siyt of the cheer of the hiyeste.
36 LAMED ut perverteret hominem in iudicio suo Dominus ignoravit
Lameth. That he schulde peruerte a man in his dom, the Lord knew not.
37 MEM quis est iste qui dixit ut fieret Domino non iubente
Men. Who is this that seide, that a thing schulde be don, whanne the Lord comaundide not?
38 MEM ex ore Altissimi non egredientur nec mala nec bona
Men. Nether goodis nether yuels schulen go out of the mouth of the hiyeste.
39 MEM quid murmuravit homo vivens vir pro peccatis suis
Men. What grutchide a man lyuynge, a man for hise synnes?
40 NUN scrutemur vias nostras et quaeramus et revertamur ad Dominum
Nun. Serche we oure weies, and seke we, and turne we ayen to the Lord.
41 NUN levemus corda nostra cum manibus ad Dominum in caelos
Nun. Reise we oure hertis with hondis, to the Lord in to heuenes.
42 NUN nos inique egimus et ad iracundiam provocavimus idcirco tu inexorabilis es
Nun. We han do wickidli, and han terrid thee to wraththe; therfor thou art not able to be preied.
43 SAMECH operuisti in furore et percussisti nos occidisti nec pepercisti
Sameth. Thou hilidist in stronge veniaunce, and smitidist vs; thou killidist, and sparidist not.
44 SAMECH opposuisti nubem tibi ne transeat oratio
Sameth. Thou settidist a clowde to thee, that preier passe not.
45 SAMECH eradicationem et abiectionem posuisti me in medio populorum
Sameth. Thou settidist me, drawing vp bi the roote, and castynge out, in the myddis of puplis.
46 FE aperuerunt super nos os suum omnes inimici
Ayn. Alle enemyes openyden her mouth on vs.
47 FE formido et laqueus facta est nobis vaticinatio et contritio
Ayn. Inward drede and snare is maad to vs, profesie and defoulyng.
48 FE divisiones aquarum deduxit oculus meus in contritione filiae populi mei
Ayn. Myn iyen ledden doun departyngis of watris, for the defoulyng of the douyter of my puple.
49 AIN oculus meus adflictus est nec tacuit eo quod non esset requies
Phe. Myn iye was turmentid, and was not stille; for no reste was.
50 AIN donec respiceret et videret Dominus de caelis
Phe. Vntil the Lord bihelde, and siy fro heuenes.
51 AIN oculus meus depraedatus est animam meam in cunctis filiabus urbis meae
Phe. Myn iye robbide my soule in alle the douytris of my citee.
52 SADE venatione ceperunt me quasi avem inimici mei gratis
Sade. Myn enemyes token me with out cause, bi huntyng as a brid.
53 SADE lapsa est in lacu vita mea et posuerunt lapidem super me
Sade. My lijf slood in to a lake; and thei puttiden a stoon on me.
54 SADE inundaverunt aquae super caput meum dixi perii
Sade. Watris flowiden ouer myn heed; Y seide, Y perischide.
55 COPH invocavi nomen tuum Domine de lacis novissimis
Coph. Lord, Y clepide to help thi name, fro the laste lake.
56 COPH vocem meam audisti ne avertas aurem tuam a singultu meo et clamoribus
Coph. Thou herdist my vois; turne thou not awei thin eere fro my sobbyng and cries.
57 COPH adpropinquasti in die quando invocavi te dixisti ne timeas
Coph. Thou neiyidist to me in the dai, wherynne Y clepide thee to help; thou seidist, Drede thou not.
58 RES iudicasti Domine causam animae meae redemptor vitae meae
Res. Lord, ayenbiere of my lijf, thou demydist the cause of my soule.
59 RES vidisti Domine iniquitatem adversum me iudica iudicium meum
Res. Lord, thou siest the wickidnesse of hem ayens me; deme thou my doom.
60 RES vidisti omnem furorem universas cogitationes eorum adversum me
Res. Thou siest al the woodnesse, alle the thouytis of hem ayenus me.
61 SEN audisti obprobria eorum Domine omnes cogitationes eorum adversum me
Syn. Lord, thou herdist the schenshipis of hem; alle the thouytis of hem ayens me.
62 SEN labia insurgentium mihi et meditationes eorum adversum me tota die
Syn. The lippis of men risynge ayens me, and the thouytis of hem ayens me al dai.
63 SEN sessionem eorum et resurrectionem eorum vide ego sum psalmus eorum
Syn. Se thou the sittynge and risyng ayen of hem; Y am the salm of hem.
64 THAU reddes eis vicem Domine iuxta opera manuum suarum
Thau. Lord, thou schalt yelde while to hem, bi the werkis of her hondis.
65 THAU dabis eis scutum cordis laborem tuum
Tau. Thou schalt yyue to hem the scheeld of herte, thi trauel.
66 THAU persequeris in furore et conteres eos sub caelis Domine
Tau. Lord, thou schalt pursue hem in thi strong veniaunce, and thou schalt defoule hem vndur heuenes.

< Lamentationes 3 >