< Iudicum 4 >

1 addideruntque filii Israhel facere malum in conspectu Domini post mortem Ahoth
And the sones of Israel addiden to do yuel in the `siyt of the Lord, aftir the deeth of Aioth.
2 et tradidit illos Dominus in manu Iabin regis Chanaan qui regnavit in Asor habuitque ducem exercitus sui nomine Sisaram ipse autem habitabat in Aroseth gentium
And the Lord bitook hem in to the hondis of Jabyn, kyng of Canaan, that regnede in Asor; and he hadde a duyk of his oost, Sisara bi name; and he dwellide in Aroseth of hethene men.
3 clamaveruntque filii Israhel ad Dominum nongentos enim habebat falcatos currus et per viginti annos vehementer oppresserat eos
And the sones of Israel crieden to the Lord; for he hadde nyn hundrid yrone charis, keruynge as sithis, and twenti yeer he oppresside hem greetli.
4 erat autem Debbora prophetis uxor Lapidoth quae iudicabat populum in illo tempore
Forsothe Delbora was a prophetesse, the wijf of Lapidoth, which Delbora demyde the puple in that tyme;
5 et sedebat sub palma quae nomine illius vocabatur inter Rama et Bethel in monte Ephraim ascendebantque ad eam filii Israhel in omne iudicium
and sche sat vndur a palm tree, that was clepid bi her name, bitwixe Rama and Bethel, in the hil of Effraym; and the sones of Israel stieden to hir at ech dom.
6 quae misit et vocavit Barac filium Abinoem de Cedes Nepthalim dixitque ad eum praecepit tibi Dominus Deus Israhel vade et duc exercitum in montem Thabor tollesque tecum decem milia pugnatorum de filiis Nepthalim et de filiis Zabulon
And sche sente, and clepide Barach, the sone of Abynoen, of Cedes of Neptalym, and sche seide to hym, The Lord God of Israel comaundide to thee, Go thou, and lede an oost in to the hil of Thabor, and thou schalt take with thee ten thousande `of fiyteris of the sones of Neptalym and of the sones of Zabulon.
7 ego autem ducam ad te in loco torrentis Cison Sisaram principem exercitus Iabin et currus eius atque omnem multitudinem et tradam eos in manu tua
Sotheli Y schal brynge to thee, in the place of the stronde of Cison, Sisara, prince of `the oost of Jabyn, and his charis, and al the multitude; and Y schal bitake hem in thin hond.
8 dixitque ad eam Barac si venis mecum vadam si nolueris venire non pergam
And Barach seide to hir, If thou comest with me, Y schal go; if thou nylt come with me, Y schal not go.
9 quae dixit ad eum ibo quidem tecum sed in hac vice tibi victoria non reputabitur quia in manu mulieris tradetur Sisara surrexit itaque Debbora et perrexit cum Barac in Cedes
And sche seyde to hym, Sotheli Y schal go with thee; but in this tyme the victorie schal not be arettide to thee; for Sisara schal be bitakun in the hond of a womman. Therfor Delbora roos, and yede with Barach in to Cedes.
10 qui accitis Zabulon et Nepthalim ascendit cum decem milibus pugnatorum habens Debboram in comitatu suo
And whanne Zabulon and Neptalym weren clepid, he stiede with ten thousynde of fiyteris, and hadde Delbora in his felouschipe.
11 Aber autem Cineus recesserat quondam a ceteris Cineis fratribus suis filiis Obab cognati Mosi et tetenderat tabernacula usque ad vallem quae vocatur Sennim et erat iuxta Cedes
Forsothe Aber of Cyneth hadde departid sum tyme fro othere Cyneys hise britheren, sones of Obab, `alie of Moises; and he hadde set forth tabernaclis `til to the valei, which is clepid Sennym, and was bisidis Cedes.
12 nuntiatumque est Sisarae quod ascendisset Barac filius Abinoem in montem Thabor
And it was teld to Sisara, that Barach, sone of Abynoen, hadde stiede in to the hil of Thabor.
13 et congregavit nongentos falcatos currus omnemque exercitum de Aroseth gentium ad torrentem Cison
And he gaderide nyn hundrid yronne charis, keruynge as sithis, and al the oost fro Aroseth of hethene men to the stronde of Cison.
14 dixitque Debbora ad Barac surge haec est enim dies in qua tradidit Dominus Sisaram in manus tuas en ipse ductor est tuus descendit itaque Barac de monte Thabor et decem milia pugnatorum cum eo
And Delbora seide to Barach, Rise thou, for this is the day, in which the Lord bitook Sisara in to thin hondis; lo! the Lord is thi ledere. And so Barach cam doun fro the hil of Thabor, and ten thousynde of fyyteris with hym.
15 perterruitque Dominus Sisaram et omnes currus eius universamque multitudinem in ore gladii ad conspectum Barac in tantum ut Sisara de curru desiliens pedibus fugeret
And the Lord made aferd Sisara, and alle `the charis of hym, and al the multitude, bi the scharpnesse of swerd, at the siyt of Barach, in so myche that Sisara lippide doun of the chare, and fledde `a foote.
16 et Barac persequeretur fugientes currus et exercitum usque ad Aroseth gentium et omnis hostium multitudo usque ad internicionem caderet
And Barach pursuede the charis fleynge and the oost `til to Aroseth of hethene men; and al the multitude of enemyes felde doun `til to deeth.
17 Sisara autem fugiens pervenit ad tentorium Iahel uxoris Aber Cinei erat enim pax inter Iabin regem Asor et domum Aber Cinei
Sotheli Sisara fledde, and cam to the tente of Jahel, the wijf of Aber Cyney; forsothe pees waas bitwixe Jabyn, kyng of Asor, and bitwixe the hows of Aber Cyney.
18 egressa igitur Iahel in occursum Sisarae dixit ad eum intra ad me domine mi intra ne timeas qui ingressus tabernaculum eius et opertus ab ea pallio
Therfor Jahel yede out in to the comyng of Sisara, and seide to hym, My lord, entre thou to me, entre thou to me; drede thou not. And he entride in to `the tabernacle of hir, and was hilid of hir with a mentil.
19 dixit ad eam da mihi obsecro paululum aquae quia valde sitio quae aperuit utrem lactis et dedit ei bibere et operuit illum
And he seide to hir, Y biseche, yyue `thou to me a litil of watir, for Y thirste greetli. And sche openyde a `botel of mylk, and yaf to hym to drynke, and hilide hym.
20 dixitque Sisara ad eam sta ante ostium tabernaculi et cum venerit aliquis interrogans te et dicens numquid hic est aliquis respondebis nullus est
And Sisara seide to hir, Stonde thou bifor the dore of the tabernacle, and whanne ony man cometh, and axith thee, and seith, Whether ony man is here? thou schalt answere, No man is here.
21 tulit itaque Iahel uxor Aber clavum tabernaculi adsumens pariter malleum et ingressa abscondite et cum silentio posuit supra tempus capitis eius clavum percussumque malleo defixit in cerebrum usque ad terram qui soporem morti socians defecit et mortuus est
And so Jahel, the wijf of Aber, took a nayl of the tabernacle, and sche took also an hamer; and sche entride pryueli, and puttide with silence the nail on the temple of his heed, and sche fastnede the nail smytun with the hamer in to the brayn, `til to the erthe; and he slepte, and diede to gidere, and failide, and was deed.
22 et ecce Barac sequens Sisaram veniebat egressaque Iahel in occursum eius dixit ei veni et ostendam tibi virum quem quaeris qui cum intrasset ad eam vidit Sisaram iacentem mortuum et clavum infixum in tempore eius
And lo! Barach suede Sisara, `and cam; and Jahel yede out in to his comyng, and seide to hym, Come, and Y schal schewe to thee the man, whom thou sekist. And whanne he hadde entrid to hir, he siy Sisara liggynge deed, and a nail fastnede in to hise templis.
23 humiliavit ergo Deus in die illo Iabin regem Chanaan coram filiis Israhel
Therfor in that day God `made low Jabyn, the kyng of Canaan, bifor the sones of Israel;
24 qui crescebant cotidie et forti manu opprimebant Iabin regem Chanaan donec delerent eum
whiche encresiden ech dai, and with strong hond oppressiden Jabyn, the kyng of Canaan, til thei diden hym awey.

< Iudicum 4 >