< Iudicum 11 >
1 fuit illo tempore Iepthae Galaadites vir fortissimus atque pugnator filius meretricis mulieris qui natus est de Galaad
And Jephthae the Galaadite [was] a mighty man; and he [was] the son of a harlot, who bore Jephthae to Galaad.
2 habuit autem Galaad uxorem de qua suscepit filios qui postquam creverant eiecerunt Iepthae dicentes heres in domo patris nostri esse non poteris quia de altera matre generatus es
And the wife of Galaad bore him sons; and the sons of his wife grew up, and they cast out Jephthae, and said to him, You shall not inherit in the house of our father, for you are the son of a concubine.
3 quos ille fugiens atque devitans habitavit in terra Tob congregatique sunt ad eum viri inopes et latrocinantes et quasi principem sequebantur
And Jephthae fled from the face of his brethren, and lived in the land of Tob; and vain men gathered to Jephthae, and went out with him.
4 in illis diebus pugnabant filii Ammon contra Israhel
And it came to pass when the children of Ammon prepared to fight with Israel,
5 quibus acriter instantibus perrexerunt maiores natu de Galaad ut tollerent in auxilium sui Iepthae de terra Tob
that the elders of Galaad went to fetch Jephthae from the land of Tob.
6 dixeruntque ad eum veni et esto princeps noster et pugna contra filios Ammon
And they said to Jephthae, Come, and be our head, and we will fight with the sons of Ammon.
7 quibus ille respondit nonne vos estis qui odistis me et eiecistis de domo patris mei et nunc venistis ad me necessitate conpulsi
And Jephthae said to the elders of Galaad, Did you not hate me, and cast me out of my father's house, and banish me from you? and therefore are you come to me now when you lack me?
8 dixeruntque principes Galaad ad Iepthae ob hanc igitur causam nunc ad te venimus ut proficiscaris nobiscum et pugnes contra filios Ammon sisque dux omnium qui habitant in Galaad
And the elders of Galaad said to Jephthae, Therefore have we now turned to you, that you should go with us, and fight against the sons of Ammon, and be our head over all the inhabitants of Galaad.
9 Iepthae quoque dixit eis si vere venistis ad me ut pugnem pro vobis contra filios Ammon tradideritque eos Dominus in manus meas ego ero princeps vester
And Jephthae said to the elders of Galaad, If you turn me back to fight with the children of Ammon, and the Lord should deliver them before me, then will I be your head.
10 qui responderunt ei Dominus qui haec audit ipse mediator ac testis est quod nostra promissa faciamus
And the elders of Galaad said to Jephthae, The Lord be witness between us, if we shall not do according to your word.
11 abiit itaque Iepthae cum principibus Galaad fecitque eum omnis populus principem sui locutusque est Iepthae omnes sermones suos coram Domino in Maspha
And Jephthae went with the elders of Galaad, and the people made him head and ruler over them: and Jephthae spoke all his words before the Lord in Massepha.
12 et misit nuntios ad regem filiorum Ammon qui ex persona sua dicerent quid mihi et tibi est quia venisti contra me ut vastares terram meam
And Jephthae sent messengers to the king of the children of Ammon, saying, What have I to do with you, that you have come against me to fight in my land?
13 quibus ille respondit quia tulit Israhel terram meam quando ascendit de Aegypto a finibus Arnon usque Iaboc atque Iordanem nunc igitur cum pace redde mihi eam
And the king of the children of Ammon said to the messengers of Jephthae, Because Israel took my land when he went up out of Egypt, from Arnon to Jaboc, and to Jordan: now then return them peaceably and I will depart.
14 per quos rursum mandavit Iepthae et imperavit eis ut dicerent regi Ammon
And Jephthae again sent messengers to the king of the children of Ammon,
15 haec dicit Iepthae non tulit Israhel terram Moab nec terram filiorum Ammon
and said to him, Thus says Jephthae, Israel took not the land of Moab, nor the land of the children of Ammon;
16 sed quando de Aegypto conscenderunt ambulavit per solitudinem usque ad mare Rubrum et venit in Cades
for in their going up out of Egypt Israel went in the wilderness as far as the sea of Siph, and came to Cades.
17 misitque nuntios ad regem Edom dicens dimitte ut transeam per terram tuam qui noluit adquiescere precibus eius misit quoque et ad regem Moab qui et ipse transitum praebere contempsit mansit itaque in Cades
And Israel sent messengers to the king of Edom, saying, I will pass, if it please you, by your land: and the king of Edom complied not: and [Israel] also sent to the king of Moab, and he did not consent; and Israel sojourned in Cades.
18 et circuivit ex latere terram Edom et terram Moab venitque contra orientalem plagam terrae Moab et castrametatus est trans Arnon nec voluit intrare terminos Moab Arnon quippe confinium est terrae Moab
And [they] journeyed in the wilderness, and compassed the land of Edom and the land of Moab: and they came by the east of the land of Moab, an encamped in the country beyond Arnon, and came not within the borders of Moab, for Arnon [is] the border of Moab.
19 misit itaque Israhel nuntios ad Seon regem Amorreorum qui habitabat in Esebon et dixerunt ei dimitte ut transeam per terram tuam usque ad fluvium
And Israel sent messengers to Seon king of the Amorite, king of Esbon, and Israel said to him, Let us pass, we pray you, by your land to our place.
20 qui et ipse Israhel verba despiciens non dimisit eum transire per terminos suos sed infinita multitudine congregata egressus est contra eum in Iassa et fortiter resistebat
And Seon did not trust Israel to pass by his coast; and Seon gathered all his people, and they encamped at Jasa; and he set the battle in array against Israel.
21 tradiditque eum Dominus in manu Israhel cum omni exercitu suo qui percussit eum et possedit omnem terram Amorrei habitatoris regionis illius
And the Lord God of Israel delivered Seon and all his people into the hand of Israel, and they struck him; and Israel inherited all the land of the Amorite who lived in that land,
22 et universos fines eius de Arnon usque Iaboc et de solitudine usque ad Iordanem
from Arnon and to Jaboc, and from the wilderness to Jordan.
23 Dominus ergo Deus Israhel subvertit Amorreum pugnante contra illum populo suo Israhel et tu nunc vis possidere terram eius
And now the Lord God of Israel has removed the Amorite from before his people Israel, and shall you inherit his [land]?
24 nonne ea quae possedit Chamos deus tuus tibi iure debentur quae autem Dominus Deus noster victor obtinuit in nostram cedent possessionem
Will you not inherit those possessions which Chamos your god shall cause you to inherit; and shall not we inherit the [land of] all those whom the Lord our God has removed from before you?
25 nisi forte melior es Balac filio Sepphor rege Moab aut docere potes quod iurgatus sit contra Israhel et pugnaverit contra eum
And now are you any better than Balac son of Sepphor, king of Moab? did he indeed fight with Israel, or indeed make war with him,
26 quando habitavit in Esebon et viculis eius et in Aroer et villis illius vel in cunctis civitatibus iuxta Iordanem per trecentos annos quare tanto tempore nihil super hac repetitione temptastis
when [Israel] lived in Esebon and in its coasts, and in the land of Aroer and in its coasts, and in all the cities by Jordan, three hundred years? and therefore did you not recover them in that time?
27 igitur non ego pecco in te sed tu contra me male agis indicens mihi bella non iusta iudicet Dominus arbiter huius diei inter Israhel et inter filios Ammon
And now I have not sinned against you, but you wrong me in preparing war against me: may the Lord the Judge judge this day between the children of Israel and the children of Ammon.
28 noluitque adquiescere rex filiorum Ammon verbis Iepthae quae per nuntios mandaverat
But the king of the children of Ammon listened not to the words of Jephthae, which he sent to him.
29 factus est ergo super Iepthae spiritus Domini et circumiens Galaad et Manasse Maspha quoque Galaad et inde transiens ad filios Ammon
And the spirit of the Lord came upon Jephthae, and he passed over Galaad, and Manasse, and passed by the watch-tower of Galaad to the other side of the children of Ammon.
30 votum vovit Domino dicens si tradideris filios Ammon in manus meas
And Jephthae vowed a vow to the Lord, and said, If you will indeed deliver the children of Ammon into my hand,
31 quicumque primus fuerit egressus de foribus domus meae mihique occurrerit revertenti cum pace a filiis Ammon eum holocaustum offeram Domino
then it shall come to pass that whoever shall first come out of the door of my house to meet me when I return in peace from the children of Ammon, he shall be the Lord's: I will offer him up for a whole burnt offering.
32 transivitque Iepthae ad filios Ammon ut pugnaret contra eos quos tradidit Dominus in manus eius
And Jephthae advanced to meet the sons of Ammon to fight against them; and the Lord delivered them into his hand.
33 percussitque ab Aroer usque dum venias in Mennith viginti civitates et usque ad Abel quae est vineis consita plaga magna nimis humiliatique sunt filii Ammon a filiis Israhel
And he struck them from Aroer till [one] comes to Arnon, in number twenty cities, and as far as Ebelcharmim, with a very great destruction: and the children of Ammon were straitened before the children of Israel.
34 revertenti autem Iepthae in Maspha domum suam occurrit unigenita filia cum tympanis et choris non enim habebat alios liberos
And Jephthae came to Massepha to his house; and behold, his daughter came forth to meet him with timbrels and dances; and she was his only child, he had not another son or daughter.
35 qua visa scidit vestimenta sua et ait heu filia mi decepisti me et ipsa decepta es aperui enim os meum ad Dominum et aliud facere non potero
And it came to pass when he saw her, that he tore his garments, and said, Ah, ah, my daughter, you have indeed troubled me, and you were the cause of my trouble; and I have opened my mouth against you to the Lord, and I shall not be able to return from it.
36 cui illa respondit pater mi si aperuisti os tuum ad Dominum fac mihi quodcumque pollicitus es concessa tibi ultione atque victoria de hostibus tuis
And she said to him, Father, have you opened your mouth to the Lord? Do to me accordingly as [the word] went out of your mouth, in that the Lord has wrought vengeance for you on your enemies of the children of Ammon.
37 dixitque ad patrem hoc solum mihi praesta quod deprecor dimitte me ut duobus mensibus circumeam montes et plangam virginitatem meam cum sodalibus meis
And she said to her father, Let my father now do this thing: let me alone for two months, and I will go up and down on the mountains, and I will bewail my virginity, I and my companions.
38 cui ille respondit vade et dimisit eam duobus mensibus cumque abisset cum sociis ac sodalibus suis flebat virginitatem suam in montibus
And he said, Go: and he sent her away for two months; and she went, and her companions, and she bewailed her virginity on the mountains.
39 expletisque duobus mensibus reversa est ad patrem suum et fecit ei sicut voverat quae ignorabat virum exinde mos increbuit in Israhel et consuetudo servata est
And it came to pass at the end of the two months that she returned to her father; and he performed upon her his vow which he vowed; and she knew no man:
40 ut post anni circulum conveniant in unum filiae Israhel et plangant filiam Iepthae Galaaditae diebus quattuor
and it was an ordinance in Israel, [That] the daughters of Israel went from year to year to bewail the daughter of Jephthae the Galaadite for four days in a year.