< Iosue 6 >

1 Hiericho autem clausa erat atque munita timore filiorum Israhel et nullus egredi audebat aut ingredi
Now all the entrances to Jericho were closed because of the army of Israel. No one went out and no one came in.
2 dixitque Dominus ad Iosue ecce dedi in manus tuas Hiericho et regem eius omnesque fortes viros
Yahweh said to Joshua, “See, I have delivered Jericho into your hand, its king, and its trained soldiers.
3 circuite urbem cuncti bellatores semel per diem sic facietis sex diebus
You must march around the city, all the men of war going around the city one time. You must do this for six days.
4 septimo autem die sacerdotes tollant septem bucinas quarum usus est in iobeleo et praecedant arcam foederis septiesque circuibitis civitatem et sacerdotes clangent bucinis
Seven priests must carry seven trumpets of rams' horns before the ark. On the seventh day, you must march around the city seven times, and the priests must sound blasts on the trumpets.
5 cumque insonuerit vox tubae longior atque concisior et in auribus vestris increpuerit conclamabit omnis populus vociferatione maxima et muri funditus corruent civitatis ingredienturque singuli per locum contra quem steterint
Then they must sound a long blast with the ram's horn, and when you hear the sound of the trumpet all the people must shout with a great shout, and the wall of the city will fall down flat. The soldiers must attack, each one going straight ahead.”
6 vocavit ergo Iosue filius Nun sacerdotes et dixit ad eos tollite arcam foederis et septem alii sacerdotes tollant septem iobeleorum bucinas et incedant ante arcam Domini
Then Joshua son of Nun called the priests and said to them, “Take up the ark of the covenant, and let seven priests carry seven trumpets of rams' horns in front of the ark of Yahweh.”
7 ad populum quoque ait vadite et circuite civitatem armati praecedentes arcam Domini
He said to the people, “Go over and march around the city, and the armed men will go ahead of the ark of Yahweh.”
8 cumque Iosue verba finisset et septem sacerdotes septem bucinis clangerent ante arcam foederis Domini
Just as Joshua had said to the people, the seven priests carried the seven trumpets of rams' horns before Yahweh. As they advanced, they gave a blast on the trumpets. The ark of the covenant of Yahweh followed after them.
9 omnisque praecederet armatus exercitus reliquum vulgus arcam sequebatur ac bucinis omnia concrepabant
Armed men walked before the priests, and they made a blast on their trumpets, but then the rear guard walked up behind the ark, and the priests blew their trumpets continually.
10 praeceperat autem Iosue populo dicens non clamabitis nec audietur vox vestra neque ullus sermo ex ore vestro egredietur donec veniat dies in quo dicam vobis clamate et vociferamini
But Joshua commanded the people, saying, “Do not shout. No sound must leave your mouths until the day I tell you to shout. Only then you must shout.”
11 circuivit ergo arca Domini civitatem semel per diem et reversa in castra mansit ibi
So he caused the ark of Yahweh to go around the city one time that day. Then they entered their camp, and they stayed the night in the camp.
12 igitur Iosue de nocte consurgente tulerunt sacerdotes arcam Domini
Then Joshua got up early in the morning, and the priests picked up the ark of Yahweh.
13 et septem ex eis septem bucinas quarum in iobeleis usus est praecedebantque arcam Domini ambulantes atque clangentes et armatus populus ibat ante eos vulgus autem reliquum sequebatur arcam et bucinis personabat
The seven priests, who were carrying the seven trumpets of rams' horns in front of the ark of Yahweh, walked steadily and gave blasts on the trumpets. Armed soldiers were walking in front of them. But when the rear guard walked after the ark of Yahweh, then the trumpets gave out continual blasts.
14 circumieruntque civitatem secundo die semel et reversi sunt in castra sic fecerunt sex diebus
They marched around the city one time the second day and returned to the camp. They did this for six days.
15 die autem septimo diluculo consurgentes circumierunt urbem sicut dispositum erat septies
It was on the seventh day that they got up early at daybreak, and they marched around the city in the same way that was their pattern, this time for seven times. It was on this day that they marched around the city seven times.
16 cumque septimo circuitu clangerent bucinis sacerdotes dixit Iosue ad omnem Israhel vociferamini tradidit enim vobis Dominus civitatem
It was on the seventh day, when the priests gave a blast with the trumpets, that Joshua commanded the people, “Shout! For Yahweh has given you the city.
17 sitque civitas haec anathema et omnia quae in ea sunt Domino sola Raab meretrix vivat cum universis qui cum ea in domo sunt abscondit enim nuntios quos direximus
The city and all that is in it will be set apart to Yahweh for destruction. Only Rahab the prostitute will live—she and all the ones with her in her house—because she hid the men we sent.
18 vos autem cavete ne de his quae praecepta sunt quippiam contingatis et sitis praevaricationis rei et omnia castra Israhel sub peccato sint atque turbentur
But as for you, be on guard about taking the things set apart for destruction, so that after you mark them for destruction, you do not then take any of them. If you do this, you will make the camp of Israel something that must be destroyed and you will bring trouble on it.
19 quicquid autem auri et argenti fuerit et vasorum aeneorum ac ferri Domino consecretur repositum in thesauris eius
All the silver, gold, and the things made of bronze and iron are set apart to Yahweh. They must go into the treasury of Yahweh.”
20 igitur omni vociferante populo et clangentibus tubis postquam in aures multitudinis vox sonitusque increpuit muri ilico corruerunt et ascendit unusquisque per locum qui contra se erat ceperuntque civitatem
When they gave blasts with the trumpets, the people gave a great shout and the wall fell down flat, so every man charged straight in and captured the city.
21 et interfecerunt omnia quae erant in ea a viro usque ad mulierem ab infante usque ad senem boves quoque et oves et asinos in ore gladii percusserunt
They completely destroyed all that was in the city by the edge of the sword—man and woman, young and old, oxen, sheep and donkeys.
22 duobus autem viris qui exploratores missi fuerant dixit Iosue ingredimini domum mulieris meretricis et producite eam omniaque quae illius sunt sicut illi iuramento firmastis
Then Joshua said to the two men who had spied out the land, “Go into the prostitute's house. Bring out the woman and all who are with her, as you swore to her.”
23 ingressique iuvenes eduxerunt Raab et parentes eius fratres quoque et cunctam supellectilem ac cognationem illius et extra castra Israhel manere fecerunt
So the young men who had been spies went in and brought Rahab out. They brought out her father, mother, brothers, and all the relatives that were with her. They brought them to a place outside the camp of Israel.
24 urbem autem et omnia quae in ea sunt succenderunt absque argento et auro et vasis aeneis ac ferro quae in aerarium Domini consecrarunt
They burned the city and everything in it. Only the silver, gold, and the vessels of bronze and iron were put into the treasury of the house of Yahweh.
25 Raab vero meretricem et domum patris eius atque omnia quae habebat fecit Iosue vivere et habitaverunt in medio Israhel usque in praesentem diem eo quod absconderit nuntios quos miserat ut explorarent Hiericho in tempore illo inprecatus est Iosue dicens
But Joshua allowed Rahab the prostitute, her father's household, and all that were with her to live. She lives in Israel to this day because she hid the men whom Joshua sent to spy on Jericho.
26 maledictus vir coram Domino qui suscitaverit et aedificaverit civitatem Hiericho in primogenito suo fundamenta illius iaciat et in novissimo liberorum ponat portas eius
Then Joshua commanded them at that time with an oath, and he said, “Cursed is the man in Yahweh's sight who rebuilds this city, Jericho. At the cost of his firstborn son, he will lay the foundation, and at the cost of his youngest son, he will set up its gates.”
27 fuit ergo Dominus cum Iosue et nomen eius in omni terra vulgatum est
So Yahweh was with Joshua, and his fame spread throughout the land.

< Iosue 6 >