< Iosue 11 >

1 quae cum audisset Iabin rex Asor misit ad Iobab regem Madon et ad regem Someron atque ad regem Acsaph
When King Jabin of Hazor [city] heard [about all those things that had happened], he sent messages to Jobab, the king of Madon [city], to the king of Shimron [city], and to the king of Acshaph [city], [requesting them to send their armies to come and help him fight against the Israelis].
2 ad reges quoque aquilonis qui habitabant in montanis et in planitie contra meridiem Cheneroth in campestribus quoque et in regionibus Dor iuxta mare
He also sent messages to the kings in the northern hilly area and to the kings in the Jordan [River] Valley, south of Galilee [Lake] and in the western hills. He sent a message to the king of Naphoth-Dor [in the west]
3 Chananeumque ab oriente et occidente et Amorreum atque Hettheum ac Ferezeum et Iebuseum in montanis Eveum quoque qui habitabat ad radices Hermon in terra Masphe
and to the kings of the Canaan people-group in the eastern and western parts of the land. He sent messages to the Amor people-group and the Heth people-group and the Periz people-group and the Jebus people-group who lived in the hilly area. He also sent a message to the Hiv people-group who lived below Hermon [Mountain] in the Mizpah area.
4 egressique sunt omnes cum turmis suis populus multus nimis sicut harena quae est in litore maris equi quoque et currus inmensae multitudinis
So the armies of all those kings gathered together, bringing their horses and chariots. [There seemed to be] [HYP] as many soldiers as grains of sand on the seashore.
5 conveneruntque omnes reges isti in unum ad aquas Merom ut pugnarent contra Israhel
All of those kings [and their armies] gathered together at Merom Pond, [and they set up their tents there]. Then they made plans to fight against the Israelis.
6 dixitque Dominus ad Iosue ne timeas eos cras enim hac eadem hora ego tradam omnes istos vulnerandos in conspectu Israhel equos eorum subnervabis et currus igne conbures
Then Yahweh said to Joshua, “Do not be afraid of them, because at this time tomorrow I will enable your men to defeat them. Your men must also cripple their horses and burn their chariots.”
7 venitque Iosue et omnis exercitus cum eo adversum illos ad aquas Merom subito et inruerunt super eos
So Joshua and his army traveled to Merom Pond and attacked their enemies (by surprise/before they were ready to fight).
8 tradiditque illos Dominus in manu Israhel qui percusserunt eos et persecuti sunt usque ad Sidonem magnam et aquas Maserefoth campumque Masphe qui est ad orientalem illius partem ita percussit omnes ut nullas dimitteret ex eis reliquias
Yahweh enabled the Israelis to defeat them. They pursued them to Sidon [city in the far north], and to Misrephoth-Maim [in the northwest], and to Mizpah Valley in the northeast. The Israelis fought them until (they were all dead/there were no survivors).
9 fecit sicut praeceperat ei Dominus equos eorum subnervavit currusque conbusit
Then Joshua and his men did what Yahweh told them to do: They crippled their enemies’ horses and burned their chariots.
10 reversusque statim cepit Asor et regem eius percussit gladio Asor enim antiquitus inter omnia regna haec principatum tenebat
The king of Hazor had ruled the people of all the kingdoms whose armies had fought against the Israelis. So Joshua’s army went back to Hazor and captured that city and killed their king.
11 percussitque omnes animas quae ibidem morabantur non dimisit in ea ullas reliquias sed usque ad internicionem universa vastavit ipsamque urbem permisit incendio
They killed everyone in Hazor; (they did not spare anyone/no one was left alive) [DOU]. Then they burned the city.
12 et omnes per circuitum civitates regesque earum cepit percussit atque delevit sicut praeceperat ei Moses famulus Domini
Joshua’s army captured all of those cities and killed all of their kings. They did that like Moses, the man who served Yahweh [well], had commanded them to do.
13 absque urbibus quae erant in collibus et in tumulis sitae ceteras succendit Israhel unam tantum Asor munitissimam flamma consumpsit
Joshua’s men burned Hazor [city], but they did not burn any of the other cities that were built on small hills.
14 omnemque praedam istarum urbium ac iumenta diviserunt sibi filii Israhel cunctis hominibus interfectis
The Israelis took for themselves the animals that they found in those cities and everything else [that was valuable] [DOU]. But they killed all the people.
15 sicut praeceperat Dominus Mosi servo suo ita praecepit Moses Iosue et ille universa conplevit non praeteriit de universis mandatis ne unum quidem verbum quod iusserat Dominus Mosi
[Many years before], Yahweh had told Moses to do that, and then Moses told Joshua to do it. So Joshua did everything that Yahweh had commanded Moses to do.
16 cepit itaque Iosue omnem terram montanam et meridianam terramque Gosen et planitiem et occidentalem plagam montemque Israhel et campestria eius
Joshua’s [army] defeated all the people who were living in that land. They took control over the hilly area and the area in the southern part of Canaan, all the area of Goshen, the western foothills, and the Jordan [River] Valley. They took control over all the mountains in Israel and all the hills near the mountains.
17 et partem montis quae ascendit Seir usque Baalgad per planitiem Libani subter montem Hermon omnes reges eorum cepit percussit occidit
They took control of all the land from Halak Mountain [in the south] up to the Seir [hilly area] as far as Baal-Gaal in Lebanon Valley [in the north], at the bottom of Hermon Mountain. They captured all the kings of those areas and killed them.
18 multo tempore pugnavit Iosue contra reges istos
Joshua’s men fought against those groups for many years.
19 non fuit civitas quae se non traderet filiis Israhel praeter Eveum qui habitabat in Gabaon omnes bellando cepit
There was only one group that made a peace agreement with the Israelis; they were the people of the Hiv people-group who lived in Gibeon. The Israelis captured all the other towns in battles.
20 Domini enim sententiae fuerat ut indurarentur corda eorum et pugnarent contra Israhel et caderent et non mererentur ullam clementiam ac perirent sicut praeceperat Dominus Mosi
Yahweh caused the people in all those other groups to be stubborn [IDM], with the result that they fought against the Israeli army, and the Israelis killed them all. They were not merciful to any of them. That is what Yahweh had commanded Moses to do.
21 in tempore illo venit Iosue et interfecit Enacim de montanis Hebron et Dabir et Anab et de omni monte Iuda et Israhel urbesque eorum delevit
Joshua’s army also fought the Anak people-group who lived in the hills near Hebron, Debir, and Anah [cities]. They also fought against the people who lived in the hilly area of Judah and Israel, and they killed all of those people and destroyed their cities.
22 non reliquit ullum de stirpe Enacim in terra filiorum Israhel absque civitatibus Gaza et Geth et Azoto in quibus solis relicti sunt
As a result, there were no descendants of Anak who remained alive in Israel. Only a few remained alive in Gaza, Gath, and Ashdod [cities].
23 cepit ergo Iosue omnem terram sicut locutus est Dominus ad Mosen et tradidit eam in possessionem filiis Israhel secundum partes et tribus suas quievitque terra a proeliis
Joshua’s army took control of all the land, just as Yahweh [long ago] had told Moses to do. Yahweh gave the land to the Israelis, because he had promised to give it to them. Then Joshua divided the land among the Israeli tribes. After that, there was (peace/no more battles) in the land.

< Iosue 11 >