< Iohannem 18 >

1 haec cum dixisset Iesus egressus est cum discipulis suis trans torrentem Cedron ubi erat hortus in quem introivit ipse et discipuli eius
Whanne Jhesus hadde seid these thingis, he wente out with hise disciplis ouer the strond of Cedron, where was a yerd, in to which he entride, and hise disciplis.
2 sciebat autem et Iudas qui tradebat eum ipsum locum quia frequenter Iesus convenerat illuc cum discipulis suis
And Judas, that bitrayede hym, knew the place, for ofte Jhesus cam thidur with hise disciplis.
3 Iudas ergo cum accepisset cohortem et a pontificibus et Pharisaeis ministros venit illuc cum lanternis et facibus et armis
Therfor whanne Judas hadde takun a cumpany of knyytis, and mynystris of the bischopis and of the Fariseis, he cam thidur with lanternys, and brondis, and armeris.
4 Iesus itaque sciens omnia quae ventura erant super eum processit et dicit eis quem quaeritis
And so Jhesus witynge alle thingis that weren to come on hym, wente forth, and seide to hem, Whom seken ye?
5 responderunt ei Iesum Nazarenum dicit eis Iesus ego sum stabat autem et Iudas qui tradebat eum cum ipsis
Thei answeriden to hym, Jhesu of Nazareth. Jhesus seith to hem, Y am. And Judas that bitraiede hym, stood with hem.
6 ut ergo dixit eis ego sum abierunt retrorsum et ceciderunt in terram
And whanne he seide to hem, Y am, thei wenten abak, and fellen doun on the erthe.
7 iterum ergo eos interrogavit quem quaeritis illi autem dixerunt Iesum Nazarenum
And eft he axide hem, Whom seken ye? And thei seiden, Jhesu of Nazareth.
8 respondit Iesus dixi vobis quia ego sum si ergo me quaeritis sinite hos abire
He answeride to hem, Y seide to you, that Y am; therfor if ye seken me, suffre ye these to go awei.
9 ut impleretur sermo quem dixit quia quos dedisti mihi non perdidi ex ipsis quemquam
That the word which he seide schulde be fulfillid, For Y loste not ony of hem, whiche thou `hast youun to me.
10 Simon ergo Petrus habens gladium eduxit eum et percussit pontificis servum et abscidit eius auriculam dextram erat autem nomen servo Malchus
Therfor Symount Petre hadde a swerd, and drow it out, and smoot the seruaunt of the bischop, and kittide of his riyt eer. And the name of the seruaunt was Malcus.
11 dixit ergo Iesus Petro mitte gladium in vaginam calicem quem dedit mihi Pater non bibam illum
Therfor Jhesus seide to Petre, Putte thou thi swerd in to thi schethe; wolt thou not, that Y drynke the cuppe, that my fadir yaf to me?
12 cohors ergo et tribunus et ministri Iudaeorum conprehenderunt Iesum et ligaverunt eum
Therfor the cumpenye of knyytis, and the tribune, and the mynystris of the Jewis, token Jhesu, and bounden hym,
13 et adduxerunt eum ad Annam primum erat enim socer Caiaphae qui erat pontifex anni illius
and ledden hym first to Annas; for he was fadir of Caifas wijf, that was bischop of that yeer.
14 erat autem Caiaphas qui consilium dederat Iudaeis quia expedit unum hominem mori pro populo
And it was Caifas, that yaf counsel to the Jewis, that it spedith, that o man die for the puple.
15 sequebatur autem Iesum Simon Petrus et alius discipulus discipulus autem ille erat notus pontifici et introivit cum Iesu in atrium pontificis
But Symount Petre suede Jhesu, and another disciple; and thilke disciple was knowun to the bischop. And he entride with Jhesu, in to the halle of the bischop;
16 Petrus autem stabat ad ostium foris exivit ergo discipulus alius qui erat notus pontifici et dixit ostiariae et introduxit Petrum
but Petre stood at the dore with outforth. Therfor `the tother disciple, that was knowun to the bischop, wente out, and seide to the womman that kepte the dore, and brouyte in Petre.
17 dicit ergo Petro ancilla ostiaria numquid et tu ex discipulis es hominis istius dicit ille non sum
And the damysel, kepere of the dore, seide to Petre, Whether thou art also of this mannys disciplis? He seide, Y am not.
18 stabant autem servi et ministri ad prunas quia frigus erat et calefiebant erat autem cum eis et Petrus stans et calefaciens se
And the seruantis and mynystris stooden at the coolis, for it was coold, and thei warmyden hem; and Petre was with hem, stondynge and warmynge hym.
19 pontifex ergo interrogavit Iesum de discipulis suis et de doctrina eius
And the bischop axide Jhesu of hise disciplis, and of his techyng.
20 respondit ei Iesus ego palam locutus sum mundo ego semper docui in synagoga et in templo quo omnes Iudaei conveniunt et in occulto locutus sum nihil
Jhesus answerde to hym, Y haue spokun opynli to the world; Y tauyte euermore in the synagoge, and in the temple, whider alle the Jewis camen togidere, and in hiddlis Y spak no thing.
21 quid me interrogas interroga eos qui audierunt quid locutus sum ipsis ecce hii sciunt quae dixerim ego
What axist thou me? axe hem that herden, what Y haue spokun to hem; lo! thei witen, what thingis Y haue seid.
22 haec autem cum dixisset unus adsistens ministrorum dedit alapam Iesu dicens sic respondes pontifici
Whanne he hadde seid these thingis, oon of the mynystris stondynge niy, yaf a buffat to Jhesu, and seide, Answerist thou so to the bischop?
23 respondit ei Iesus si male locutus sum testimonium perhibe de malo si autem bene quid me caedis
Jhesus answeride to hym, If Y haue spokun yuel, bere thou witnessyng of yuel; but if Y seide wel, whi smytist thou me?
24 et misit eum Annas ligatum ad Caiaphan pontificem
And Annas sente hym boundun to Caifas, the bischop.
25 erat autem Simon Petrus stans et calefaciens se dixerunt ergo ei numquid et tu ex discipulis eius es negavit ille et dixit non sum
And Symount Petre stood, and warmyde him; and thei seiden to hym, Whether also thou art his disciple? He denyede, and seide, Y am not.
26 dicit unus ex servis pontificis cognatus eius cuius abscidit Petrus auriculam nonne ego te vidi in horto cum illo
Oon of the bischops seruantis, cosyn of hym, whos eere Petre kitte of, seide, Say Y thee not in the yerd with hym?
27 iterum ergo negavit Petrus et statim gallus cantavit
And Petre eftsoone denyede, and anoon the cok crew.
28 adducunt ergo Iesum a Caiapha in praetorium erat autem mane et ipsi non introierunt in praetorium ut non contaminarentur sed manducarent pascha
Thanne thei ledden Jhesu to Cayfas, in to the moot halle; and it was eerli, and thei entriden not in to the moot halle, that thei schulden not be defoulid, but that thei schulden ete pask.
29 exivit ergo Pilatus ad eos foras et dixit quam accusationem adfertis adversus hominem hunc
Therfor Pilat wente out with outforth to hem, and seide, What accusyng brynge ye ayens this man?
30 responderunt et dixerunt ei si non esset hic malefactor non tibi tradidissemus eum
Thei answeriden, and seiden to hym, If this were not a mysdoere, we hadden not bitakun hym to thee.
31 dixit ergo eis Pilatus accipite eum vos et secundum legem vestram iudicate eum dixerunt ergo ei Iudaei nobis non licet interficere quemquam
Thanne Pilat seith to hem, Take ye hym, and deme ye him, after youre lawe. And the Jewis seiden to hym, It is not leueful to vs to sle ony man;
32 ut sermo Iesu impleretur quem dixit significans qua esset morte moriturus
that the word of Jhesu schulde be fulfillid, whiche he seide, signifiynge bi what deth he schulde die.
33 introivit ergo iterum in praetorium Pilatus et vocavit Iesum et dixit ei tu es rex Iudaeorum
Therfor eftsoone Pilat entride in to the moot halle, and clepide Jhesu, and seide to hym, Art thou kyng of Jewis?
34 et respondit Iesus a temet ipso hoc dicis an alii tibi dixerunt de me
Jhesus answerde, and seide to hym, Seist thou this thing of thi silf, ether othere han seid to thee of me?
35 respondit Pilatus numquid ego Iudaeus sum gens tua et pontifices tradiderunt te mihi quid fecisti
Pilat answeride, Whether Y am a Jewe? Thi folc and bischops bitoken thee to me; what hast thou don?
36 respondit Iesus regnum meum non est de mundo hoc si ex hoc mundo esset regnum meum ministri mei decertarent ut non traderer Iudaeis nunc autem meum regnum non est hinc
Jhesus answeride, My kingdom is not of this world; if my kingdom were of this world, my mynystris schulden stryue, that Y schulde not be takun to the Jewis; but now my kingdom is not here.
37 dixit itaque ei Pilatus ergo rex es tu respondit Iesus tu dicis quia rex sum ego ego in hoc natus sum et ad hoc veni in mundum ut testimonium perhibeam veritati omnis qui est ex veritate audit meam vocem
And so Pilat seide to hym, Thanne `thou art a king. Jhesus answeride, Thou seist, that Y am a king. To this thing Y am borun, and to this Y `am comun in to the world, to bere witnessing to treuthe. Eche that is of treuthe, herith my vois.
38 dicit ei Pilatus quid est veritas et cum hoc dixisset iterum exivit ad Iudaeos et dicit eis ego nullam invenio in eo causam
Pilat seith to hym, What is treuthe? And whanne he hadde seid this thing, eft he wente out to the Jewis, and seide to hem, Y fynde no cause in hym.
39 est autem consuetudo vobis ut unum dimittam vobis in pascha vultis ergo dimittam vobis regem Iudaeorum
But it is a custom to you, that Y delyuere oon to you in pask; therfor wole ye that Y delyuere to you the kyng of Jewis?
40 clamaverunt rursum omnes dicentes non hunc sed Barabban erat autem Barabbas latro
Alle crieden eftsoone, and seiden, Not this, but Baraban. And Barabas was a theef.

< Iohannem 18 >