< Joël Propheta 2 >

1 canite tuba in Sion ululate in monte sancto meo conturbentur omnes habitatores terrae quia venit dies Domini quia prope est
Synge ye with a trumpe in Sion, yelle ye in myn hooli hil. Alle the dwelleris of erthe be disturblid; for the dai of the Lord cometh,
2 dies tenebrarum et caliginis dies nubis et turbinis quasi mane expansum super montes populus multus et fortis similis ei non fuit a principio et post eum non erit usque in annos generationis et generationis
for the dai of derknessis and of myist is niy, the dai of cloude and of whirlewynde. As the morewtid spred abrood on hillis, a myche puple and strong. Noon was lijk it fro the bigynnyng, and after it schal not be, til in to yeeris of generacioun and of generacioun.
3 ante faciem eius ignis vorans et post eum exurens flamma quasi hortus voluptatis terra coram eo et post eum solitudo deserti neque est qui effugiat eum
Bifore the face therof schal be fier deuourynge, and after it schal be brennynge flawme; as a gardyn of liking the lond schal be bifor him, and wildirnesse of desert schal be after him, and noon is that schal ascape him.
4 quasi aspectus equorum aspectus eorum et quasi equites sic current
The lokyng of hem schal be as the lokyng of horsis, and as horse men so thei schulen renne.
5 sicut sonitus quadrigarum super capita montium exilient sicut sonitus flammae ignis devorantis stipulam velut populus fortis praeparatus ad proelium
As the sown of cartis on the heedis of hillis thei schulen skippe; as the sowne of the flawme of fier deuourynge stobil, as a strong puple maad redi to batel.
6 a facie eius cruciabuntur populi omnes vultus redigentur in ollam
Puplis schulen be turmentid of the face therof, alle facis schulen be dryuun in to a pot.
7 sicut fortes current quasi viri bellatores ascendent murum vir in viis suis gradietur et non declinabunt a semitis suis
As stronge men thei schulen renne, as men werriours thei schulen stie on the wal. Men schulen go in her weies, and thei schulen not bowe awei fro her pathis.
8 unusquisque fratrem suum non coartabit singuli in calle suo ambulabunt sed et per fenestras cadent et non demolientur
Ech man schal not make streyt his brother, ech man schal go in his path; but also thei schulen falle doun bi wyndows, and schulen not be hirt.
9 urbem ingredientur in muro current domos conscendent per fenestras intrabunt quasi fur
Thei schulen entre in to the citee, thei schulen renne on the wal; thei schulen stie on housis, thei schulen entre as a niyt theef bi wyndows.
10 a facie eius contremuit terra moti sunt caeli sol et luna obtenebrati sunt et stellae retraxerunt splendorem suum
The erthe tremblide of his face, heuenys weren mouyd, the sunne and the moone weren maad derk, and sterris withdrowen her schynyng.
11 et Dominus dedit vocem suam ante faciem exercitus sui quia multa sunt nimis castra eius quia fortia et facientia verbum eius magnus enim dies Domini et terribilis valde et quis sustinebit eum
And the Lord yaf his vois bifor the face of his oost, for hise oostis ben ful manye; for tho ben stronge, and doen the word of hym. For the dai of the Lord is greet, and ful ferdful, and who schal suffre it?
12 nunc ergo dicit Dominus convertimini ad me in toto corde vestro in ieiunio et in fletu et in planctu
Now therfor seith the Lord, Be ye conuertid to me in al youre herte, in fastyng, and wepyng, and weilyng;
13 et scindite corda vestra et non vestimenta vestra et convertimini ad Dominum Deum vestrum quia benignus et misericors est patiens et multae misericordiae et praestabilis super malitia
and kerue ye youre hertis, and not youre clothis, and be ye conuertid to youre Lord God, for he is benygne, and merciful, pacient, and of myche merci, and abidynge, ether foryyuynge, on malice.
14 quis scit si convertatur et ignoscat et relinquat post se benedictionem sacrificium et libamen Domino Deo nostro
Who woot, if God be conuertid, and foryyue, and leeue blessyng aftir hym? sacrifice and moist sacrifice to oure Lord God.
15 canite tuba in Sion sanctificate ieiunium vocate coetum
Synge ye with a trumpe in Sion, halewe ye fastyng, clepe ye cumpany; gadere ye togidere the puple, halewe ye the chirche,
16 congregate populum sanctificate ecclesiam coadunate senes congregate parvulos et sugentes ubera egrediatur sponsus de cubili suo et sponsa de thalamo suo
gadere ye togidere elde men, gadere ye togidere litle children, and soukynge the brestis; a spouse go out of his bed, and a spousesse of hir chaumbre.
17 inter vestibulum et altare plorabunt sacerdotes ministri Domini et dicent parce Domine populo tuo et ne des hereditatem tuam in obprobrium ut dominentur eis nationes quare dicunt in populis ubi est Deus eorum
Prestis, the mynystris of the Lord, schulen wepe bitwixe the porche and the auter, and schulen seie, Lord! spare thou, spare thi puple, and yyue thou not thin eritage in to schenschipe, that naciouns be lordis of hem. Whi seien thei among puplis, Where is the God of hem?
18 zelatus est Dominus terram suam et pepercit populo suo
The Lord louyde gelousli his lond, and sparide his puple.
19 et respondit Dominus et dixit populo suo ecce ego mittam vobis frumentum et vinum et oleum et replebimini eo et non dabo vos ultra obprobrium in gentibus
And the Lord answeride, and seide to his puple, Lo! Y schal sende to you wheete, and wyn, and oile, and ye schulen be fillid with tho; and Y schal no more yyue you schenschipe among hethene men.
20 et eum qui ab aquilone est procul faciam a vobis et expellam eum in terram inviam et desertam faciem eius contra mare orientale et extremum eius ad mare novissimum et ascendet fetor eius et ascendet putredo eius quia superbe egit
And Y schal make hym that is at the north fer fro you; and Y schal cast hym out in to a lond with out weie, and desert; his face ayens the eest see, and the laste part therof at the last see; and the stynk therof schal stie, and the root therof schal stie, for he dide proudli.
21 noli timere terra exulta et laetare quoniam magnificavit Dominus ut faceret
Erthe, nyle thou drede, make thou ful out ioye, and be glad; for the Lord magnefiede that he schulde do.
22 nolite timere animalia regionis quia germinaverunt speciosa deserti quia lignum adtulit fructum suum ficus et vinea dederunt virtutem suam
Beestis of the cuntrei, nyle ye drede, for the faire thingis of desert buriowneden; for the tre brouyte his fruyt, the fige tre and vyner yauen her vertu.
23 et filii Sion exultate et laetamini in Domino Deo vestro quia dedit vobis doctorem iustitiae et descendere faciet ad vos imbrem matutinum et serotinum in principio
And the sones of Sion, make ye ful out ioie, and be ye glad in youre Lord God, for he yaf to you a techere of riytfulnesse, and he schal make morewtid reyn and euentid reyn to come doun to you, as in the bigynnyng.
24 et implebuntur areae frumento et redundabunt torcularia vino et oleo
And cornflooris schulen be fillid of wheete, and pressours schulen flowe with wyn, and oile.
25 et reddam vobis annos quos comedit lucusta bruchus et rubigo et eruca fortitudo mea magna quam misi in vos
And Y schal yelde to you the yeris whiche the locuste, bruke, and rust, and wort worm, my greet strengthe, eet, which Y sente in to you.
26 et comedetis vescentes et saturabimini et laudabitis nomen Domini Dei vestri qui fecit vobiscum mirabilia et non confundetur populus meus in sempiternum
And ye schulen ete etyng, and ye schulen be fillid; and ye schulen herie the name of youre Lord God, that made merueils with you; and my puple schal not be schent with outen ende.
27 et scietis quia in medio Israhel ego sum et ego Dominus Deus vester et non est amplius et non confundetur populus meus in aeternum
And ye schulen wite, that Y am in the myddis of Israel; and Y am youre Lord God, and `noon is more; and my puple schal not be schent with outen ende.
28 et erit post haec effundam spiritum meum super omnem carnem et prophetabunt filii vestri et filiae vestrae senes vestri somnia somniabunt et iuvenes vestri visiones videbunt
And it schal be, aftir these thingis Y schal schede out my spirit on ech man, and youre sones and youre douytris schulen profesie; youre elde men schulen dreme dremes, and youre yonge men schulen se visiouns.
29 sed et super servos et ancillas in diebus illis effundam spiritum meum
But also Y schal schede out my spirit on my seruauntis, and handmaydis, in tho daies;
30 et dabo prodigia in caelo et in terra sanguinem et ignem et vaporem fumi
and Y schal yyue grete wondris in heuene, and in erthe, blood, and fier, and the heete of smoke.
31 sol vertetur in tenebras et luna in sanguinem antequam veniat dies Domini magnus et horribilis
The sunne schal be turned in to derknessis, and the moone in to blood, bifor that the greet dai and orrible of the Lord come.
32 et erit omnis qui invocaverit nomen Domini salvus erit quia in monte Sion et in Hierusalem erit salvatio sicut dixit Dominus et in residuis quos Dominus vocaverit
And it schal be, ech that clepith to helpe the name of the Lord, schal be saaf; for whi saluacioun schal be in the hil of Sion and in Jerusalem, as the Lord seide, and in the residue men, whiche the Lord clepith.

< Joël Propheta 2 >