< Job 8 >

1 respondens autem Baldad Suites dixit
And Bildad the Shuhite answers and says:
2 usquequo loqueris talia et spiritus multiplex sermones oris tui
“Until when do you speak these things? And a strong wind—sayings of your mouth?
3 numquid Deus subplantat iudicium et Omnipotens subvertit quod iustum est
Does God pervert judgment? And does the Mighty One pervert justice?
4 etiam si filii tui peccaverunt ei et dimisit eos in manu iniquitatis suae
If your sons have sinned before Him, And He sends them away, By the hand of their transgression,
5 tu tamen si diluculo consurrexeris ad Deum et Omnipotentem fueris deprecatus
If you seek for God early, And make supplication to the Mighty,
6 si mundus et rectus incesseris statim evigilabit ad te et pacatum reddet habitaculum iustitiae tuae
If you [are] pure and upright, Surely now He wakes for you, And has completed The habitation of your righteousness.
7 in tantum ut priora tua fuerint parva et novissima tua multiplicentur nimis
And your beginning has been small, And your latter end is very great.
8 interroga enim generationem pristinam et diligenter investiga patrum memoriam
For inquire, please, of a former generation, And prepare for a search of their fathers,
9 hesterni quippe sumus et ignoramus quoniam sicut umbra dies nostri sunt super terram
For we [are] of yesterday, and we do not know, For our days [are] a shadow on earth.
10 et ipsi docebunt te loquentur tibi et de corde suo proferent eloquia
Do they not show you—speak to you, And from their heart bring forth words?
11 numquid vivere potest scirpus absque humore aut crescet carectum sine aqua
Does a rush rise without a marsh? A reed increase without water?
12 cum adhuc sit in flore nec carpatur manu ante omnes herbas arescit
While it [is] in its budding—uncropped, Even before any herb it withers.
13 sic viae omnium qui obliviscuntur Deum et spes hypocritae peribit
So [are] the paths of all forgetting God, And the hope of the profane perishes,
14 non ei placebit vecordia sua et sicut tela aranearum fiducia eius
Whose confidence is loathsome, And the house of a spider his trust.
15 innitetur super domum suam et non stabit fulciet eam et non consurget
He leans on his house—and it does not stand, He takes hold on it—and it does not abide.
16 humectus videtur antequam veniat sol et in horto suo germen eius egreditur
He [is] green before the sun, And over his garden his branch goes out.
17 super acervum petrarum radices eius densabuntur et inter lapides commorabitur
His roots are wrapped by a heap, He looks for a house of stones.
18 si absorbuerit eum de loco suo negabit eum et dicet non novi te
If [one] destroys him from his place, Then it has feigned concerning him, I have not seen you!
19 haec est enim laetitia viae eius ut rursum de terra alii germinentur
Behold, this [is] the joy of His way, And from the dust others spring up.
20 Deus non proiciet simplicem nec porriget manum malignis
Behold, God does not reject the perfect, Nor takes hold on the hand of evildoers.
21 donec impleatur risu os tuum et labia tua iubilo
While He fills your mouth with laughter, And your lips with shouting,
22 qui oderunt te induentur confusione et tabernaculum impiorum non subsistet
Those hating you put on shame, And the tent of the wicked is not!”

< Job 8 >