< Job 38 >

1 respondens autem Dominus Iob de turbine dixit
Forsothe the Lord answeride fro the whirlewynd to Joob,
2 quis est iste involvens sententias sermonibus inperitis
and seide, Who is this man, wlappynge sentences with vnwise wordis?
3 accinge sicut vir lumbos tuos interrogabo te et responde mihi
Girde thou as a man thi leendis; Y schal axe thee, and answere thou to me.
4 ubi eras quando ponebam fundamenta terrae indica mihi si habes intellegentiam
Where were thou, whanne Y settide the foundementis of erthe? schewe thou to me, if thou hast vndurstondyng.
5 quis posuit mensuras eius si nosti vel quis tetendit super eam lineam
Who settide mesures therof, if thou knowist? ethir who stretchide forth a lyne theronne?
6 super quo bases illius solidatae sunt aut quis dimisit lapidem angularem eius
On what thing ben the foundementis therof maad fast? ether who sente doun the corner stoon therof,
7 cum me laudarent simul astra matutina et iubilarent omnes filii Dei
whanne the morew sterris herieden me togidere, and alle the sones of God sungun ioyfuli?
8 quis conclusit ostiis mare quando erumpebat quasi de vulva procedens
Who closide togidere the see with doris, whanne it brak out comynge forth as of the wombe?
9 cum ponerem nubem vestimentum eius et caligine illud quasi pannis infantiae obvolverem
Whanne Y settide a cloude the hilyng therof, and Y wlappide it with derknesse, as with clothis of yong childhed.
10 circumdedi illud terminis meis et posui vectem et ostia
Y cumpasside it with my termes, and Y settide a barre, and doris;
11 et dixi usque huc venies et non procedes amplius et hic confringes tumentes fluctus tuos
and Y seide, `Til hidur thou schalt come, and thou schalt not go forth ferthere; and here thou schalt breke togidere thi bolnynge wawis.
12 numquid post ortum tuum praecepisti diluculo et ostendisti aurorae locum suum
Whethir aftir thi birthe thou comaundist to the bigynnyng of dai, and schewidist to the morewtid his place?
13 et tenuisti concutiens extrema terrae et excussisti impios ex ea
Whethir thou heldist schakynge togidere the laste partis of erthe, and schakedist awei wickid men therfro?
14 restituetur ut lutum signaculum et stabit sicut vestimentum
A seeling schal be restorid as cley, and it schal stonde as a cloth.
15 auferetur ab impiis lux sua et brachium excelsum confringetur
The liyt of wickid men schal be takun awey fro hem, and an hiy arm schal be brokun.
16 numquid ingressus es profunda maris et in novissimis abyssis deambulasti
Whethir thou entridist in to the depthe of the see, and walkidist in the laste partis of the occian?
17 numquid apertae tibi sunt portae mortis et ostia tenebrosa vidisti
Whether the yatis of deeth ben openyd to thee, and `siest thou the derk doris?
18 numquid considerasti latitudines terrae indica mihi si nosti omnia
Whethir thou hast biholde the brede of erthe? Schewe thou to me, if thou knowist alle thingis,
19 in qua via habitet lux et tenebrarum quis locus sit
in what weie the liyt dwellith, and which is the place of derknesse;
20 ut ducas unumquodque ad terminos suos et intellegas semitas domus eius
that thou lede ech thing to hise termes, and thou vndurstonde the weies of his hows.
21 sciebas tunc quod nasciturus esses et numerum dierum tuorum noveras
Wistist thou thanne, that thou schuldist be borun, and knew thou the noumbre of thi daies?
22 numquid ingressus es thesauros nivis aut thesauros grandinis aspexisti
Whethir thou entridist in to the tresours of snow, ether biheldist thou the tresours of hail?
23 quae praeparavi in tempus hostis in diem pugnae et belli
whiche thingis Y made redy in to the tyme of an enemy, in to the dai of fiytyng and of batel.
24 per quam viam spargitur lux dividitur aestus super terram
Bi what weie is the liyt spred abrood, heete is departid on erthe?
25 quis dedit vehementissimo imbri cursum et viam sonantis tonitrui
Who yaf cours to the strongeste reyn,
26 ut plueret super terram absque homine in deserto ubi nullus mortalium commoratur
and weie of the thundur sownynge? That it schulde reyne on the erthe with out man in desert, where noon of deedli men dwellith?
27 ut impleret inviam et desolatam et produceret herbas virentes
That it schulde fille a lond with out weie and desolat, and schulde brynge forth greene eerbis?
28 quis est pluviae pater vel quis genuit stillas roris
Who is fadir of reyn, ether who gendride the dropis of deew?
29 de cuius utero egressa est glacies et gelu de caelo quis genuit
Of whos wombe yede out iys, and who gendride frost fro heuene?
30 in similitudinem lapidis aquae durantur et superficies abyssi constringitur
Watris ben maad hard in the licnesse of stoon, and the ouer part of occian is streyned togidere.
31 numquid coniungere valebis micantes stellas Pliadis aut gyrum Arcturi poteris dissipare
Whether thou schalt mowe ioyne togidere schynynge sterris Pliades, ethir thou schalt mowe distrie the cumpas of Arturis?
32 numquid producis luciferum in tempore suo et vesperum super filios terrae consurgere facis
Whether thou bryngist forth Lucifer, `that is, dai sterre, in his tyme, and makist euene sterre to rise on the sones of erthe?
33 numquid nosti ordinem caeli et pones rationem eius in terra
Whether thou knowist the ordre of heuene, and schalt sette the resoun therof in erthe?
34 numquid elevabis in nebula vocem tuam et impetus aquarum operiet te
Whethir thou schalt reise thi vois in to a cloude, and the fersnesse of watris schal hile thee?
35 numquid mittes fulgura et ibunt et revertentia dicent tibi adsumus
Whethir thou schalt sende leitis, and tho schulen go, and tho schulen turne ayen, and schulen seie to thee, We ben present?
36 quis posuit in visceribus hominis sapientiam vel quis dedit gallo intellegentiam
Who puttide wisdoom in the entrailis of man, ethir who yaf vndurstondyng to the cok?
37 quis enarravit caelorum rationem et concentum caeli quis dormire faciet
Who schal telle out the resoun of heuenes, and who schal make acordyng of heuene to sleep?
38 quando fundebatur pulvis in terram et glebae conpingebantur
Whanne dust was foundid in the erthe, and clottis weren ioyned togidere?
39 numquid capies leaenae praedam et animam catulorum eius implebis
Whether thou schalt take prey to the lionesse, and schalt fille the soulis of hir whelpis,
40 quando cubant in antris et in specubus insidiantur
whanne tho liggen in caues, and aspien in dennes?
41 quis praeparat corvo escam suam quando pulli eius ad Deum clamant vagantes eo quod non habeant cibos
Who makith redi for the crowe his mete, whanne hise briddis crien to God, and wandren aboute, for tho han not meetis?

< Job 38 >