< Job 36 >

1 addens quoque Heliu haec locutus est
Elihu [finished by] saying this:
2 sustine me paululum et indicabo tibi adhuc enim habeo quod pro Deo loquar
“[Job, ] be patient with me a little longer, because I have something else to teach you. I have something else to say that God [wants you to know].
3 repetam scientiam meam a principio et operatorem meum probabo iustum
I will tell you what I have learned from many sources, in order to show that God, my creator, is just/fair.
4 vere enim absque mendacio sermones mei et perfecta scientia probabitur tibi
I am not saying anything to you that is false; I, who am standing in front of you, am someone who understands things (very well/perfectly) [HYP].
5 Deus potentes non abicit cum et ipse sit potens
“Hey, God is [very] powerful, and he does not despise anyone, and he understands everything.
6 sed non salvat impios et iudicium pauperibus tribuit
He does not allow wicked people to remain alive, and he always acts justly toward those who are poor.
7 non aufert a iusto oculos suos et reges in solio conlocat in perpetuum et illi eriguntur
He always watches over [MTY] those who are righteous; he allows them to sit on thrones [and rule] with kings, and they are honored forever.
8 et si fuerint in catenis et vinciantur funibus paupertatis
But if people [who commit crimes] are caught, they [are thrown into prison and] are caused to suffer by being fastened with chains.
9 indicabit eis opera eorum et scelera eorum quia violenti fuerint
When that happens, God shows them what they have done; he shows them the sins that they have committed, and he shows them that they have been proud/arrogant.
10 revelabit quoque aurem eorum ut corripiat et loquetur ut revertantur ab iniquitate
He causes them to listen [MTY] to what he is warning them, and he commands them to turn away from [doing what is] evil.
11 si audierint et observaverint conplebunt dies suos in bono et annos suos in gloria
If they (listen to/heed) him and serve him, [after they get out of prison] they will prosper for all the years that they are alive and be peaceful/happy.
12 si autem non audierint transibunt per gladium et consumentur in stultitia
But if they do not (listen/pay attention) to him, they will die violently, not knowing [why God is causing them to die].
13 simulatores et callidi provocant iram Dei neque clamabunt cum vincti fuerint
“Godless/Wicked people continue being angry, and they do not cry out for help, [even] when God is punishing them.
14 morietur in tempestate anima eorum et vita eorum inter effeminatos
They die while they are still young, disgraced because of their very immoral behavior [EUP].
15 eripiet pauperem de angustia sua et revelabit in tribulatione aurem eius
But God teaches people by causing them to suffer; by afflicting them, he causes them to listen to [MTY] what he is telling them.
16 igitur salvabit te de ore angusto latissime et non habentis fundamentum subter se requies autem mensae tuae erit plena pinguedine
“And Job, [I think that] God [wants to] bring you out of your troubles and allow you to live without distress; he wants your table to be full of very nice food.
17 causa tua quasi impii iudicata est causam iudiciumque recipies
But now, you are being punished [MTY] as wicked people are punished; [God] [PRS] has been punishing you (justly/as you deserve).
18 non te ergo superet ira ut aliquem opprimas nec multitudo donorum inclinet te
So be careful that you are not deceived by [desiring to acquire] money or that you are not ruined by [accepting] large bribes.
19 depone magnitudinem tuam absque tribulatione et omnes robustos fortitudine
[If you are deceived by those things, ] it certainly will not [RHQ] help you to cry out when you are distressed; all of your strength will not help you.
20 ne protrahas noctem ut ascendant populi pro eis
Do not wish that it would be nighttime [in order that God will not see you and punish you], because night is the time when [even] people-groups are destroyed!
21 cave ne declines ad iniquitatem hanc enim coepisti sequi post miseriam
Be careful not to [begin doing] evil things, because [God] has caused you to suffer to prevent you from doing evil.
22 ecce Deus excelsus in fortitudine sua et nullus ei similis in legislatoribus
“Hey, God is extremely powerful; there is certainly [RHQ] no teacher who teaches like he does.
23 quis poterit scrutari vias eius aut quis ei dicere operatus es iniquitatem
No one has [RHQ] told him what he should do, and no one has [RHQ] said to him, ‘You have done what is wrong!’
24 memento quod ignores opus eius de quo cecinerunt viri
People have [always] sung to praise him, so you also should never forget to praise him for what he has done.
25 omnes homines vident eum unusquisque intuetur procul
Everyone has seen [what he has done], but [sometimes] we can see it only from far away.
26 ecce Deus magnus vincens scientiam nostram numerus annorum eius inaestimabilis
“Hey, God is very great, and we are not able to know how great he is, and we do not know how old he is.
27 qui aufert stillas pluviae et effundit imbres ad instar gurgitum
He draws water up [from the earth and puts it in clouds] and causes it to become rain.
28 qui de nubibus fluunt quae praetexunt cuncta desuper
The rain pours down from the sky/clouds; God causes abundant showers to fall on everyone.
29 si voluerit extendere nubes quasi tentorium suum
No one can [RHQ] understand how the clouds move [across the sky] or how it thunders in the sky where God lives.
30 et fulgurare lumine suo desuper cardines quoque maris operiet
He causes lightning to flash all around him, but he causes the bottom of the oceans to remain dark.
31 per haec enim iudicat populos et dat escas multis mortalibus
By providing plenty of rain for us, he enables us to have abundant food.
32 in manibus abscondit lucem et praecipit ei ut rursus adveniat
[It is as though] he holds the lightning in his hands, and [then] he commands it to strike where he wants it to.
33 adnuntiat de ea amico suo quod possessio eius sit et ad eam possit ascendere
When we hear his thunder, we know that there will be a storm, and the cattle know it, too.”

< Job 36 >