< Job 3 >

1 post haec aperuit Iob os suum et maledixit diei suo
after so to open Job [obj] lip his and to lighten [obj] day his
2 et locutus est
and to answer Job and to say
3 pereat dies in qua natus sum et nox in qua dictum est conceptus est homo
to perish day to beget in/on/with him and [the] night to say to conceive great man
4 dies ille vertatur in tenebras non requirat eum Deus desuper et non inlustret lumine
[the] day [the] he/she/it to be darkness not to seek him god from above and not to shine upon him light
5 obscurent eum tenebrae et umbra mortis occupet eum caligo et involvatur amaritudine
to redeem: redeem him darkness and shadow to dwell upon him cloud to terrify him darkness day
6 noctem illam tenebrosus turbo possideat non conputetur in diebus anni nec numeretur in mensibus
[the] night [the] he/she/it to take: take him darkness not to rejoice in/on/with day year in/on/with number month not to come (in): come
7 sit nox illa solitaria nec laude digna
behold [the] night [the] he/she/it to be solitary not to come (in): come triumphing in/on/with him
8 maledicant ei qui maledicunt diei qui parati sunt suscitare Leviathan
to curse him to curse day [the] ready to rouse Leviathan
9 obtenebrentur stellae caligine eius expectet lucem et non videat nec ortum surgentis aurorae
to darken star twilight his to await to/for light and nothing and not to see: see in/on/with eyelid dawn
10 quia non conclusit ostia ventris qui portavit me nec abstulit mala ab oculis meis
for not to shut door belly: womb my and to hide trouble from eye my
11 quare non in vulva mortuus sum egressus ex utero non statim perii
to/for what? not from womb to die from belly: womb to come out: produce and to die
12 quare exceptus genibus cur lactatus uberibus
why? to meet me knee and what? breast for to suckle
13 nunc enim dormiens silerem et somno meo requiescerem
for now to lie down: lay down and to quiet to sleep then to rest to/for me
14 cum regibus et consulibus terrae qui aedificant sibi solitudines
with king and to advise land: country/planet [the] to build desolation to/for them
15 aut cum principibus qui possident aurum et replent domos suas argento
or with ruler gold to/for them [the] to fill house: home their silver: money
16 aut sicut abortivum absconditum non subsisterem vel qui concepti non viderunt lucem
or like/as miscarriage to hide not to be like/as infant not to see: see light
17 ibi impii cessaverunt a tumultu et ibi requieverunt fessi robore
there wicked to cease turmoil and there to rest weary strength
18 et quondam vincti pariter sine molestia non audierunt vocem exactoris
unitedness prisoner to rest not to hear: hear voice to oppress
19 parvus et magnus ibi sunt et servus liber a domino suo
small and great: large there he/she/it and servant/slave free from lord his
20 quare data est misero lux et vita his qui in amaritudine animae sunt
to/for what? to give: give to/for labour(er) light and life to/for bitter soul
21 qui expectant mortem et non venit quasi effodientes thesaurum
[the] to wait to/for death and nothing he and to search him from treasure
22 gaudentque vehementer cum invenerint sepulchrum
[the] glad to(wards) rejoicing to rejoice for to find grave
23 viro cuius abscondita est via et circumdedit eum Deus tenebris
to/for great man which way: journey his to hide and to fence god about/through/for him
24 antequam comedam suspiro et quasi inundantes aquae sic rugitus meus
for to/for face: before food: bread my sighing my to come (in): come and to pour like/as water roaring my
25 quia timor quem timebam evenit mihi et quod verebar accidit
for dread to dread and to come me and which to fear to come (in): come to/for me
26 nonne dissimulavi nonne silui nonne quievi et venit super me indignatio
not to prosper and not to quiet and not to rest and to come (in): come turmoil

< Job 3 >