< Job 20 >
1 respondens autem Sophar Naamathites dixit
And Zophar the Naamathite answered and said,
2 idcirco cogitationes meae variae succedunt sibi et mens in diversa rapitur
Therefore do my thoughts give me an answer, and for this is my haste within me.
3 doctrinam qua me arguis audiam et spiritus intellegentiae meae respondebit mihi
I hear a reproof putting me to shame; and [my] spirit answereth me by mine understanding.
4 hoc scio a principio ex quo positus est homo super terram
Knowest thou [not] this, that of old, since man was placed upon earth,
5 quod laus impiorum brevis sit et gaudium hypocritae ad instar puncti
The exultation of the wicked is short, and the joy of the ungodly man but for a moment?
6 si ascenderit usque ad caelum superbia eius et caput eius nubes tetigerit
Though his height mount up to the heavens, and his head reach unto the clouds,
7 quasi sterquilinium in fine perdetur et qui eum viderant dicent ubi est
Like his own dung doth he perish for ever; they which have seen him shall say, Where is he?
8 velut somnium avolans non invenietur transiet sicut visio nocturna
He flieth away as a dream, and is not found; and is chased away as a vision of the night.
9 oculus qui eum viderat non videbit neque ultra intuebitur eum locus suus
The eye which saw him shall [see him] not again; and his place beholdeth him no more.
10 filii eius adterentur egestate et manus illius reddent ei dolorem suum
His children shall seek the favour of the poor, and his hands restore his wealth.
11 ossa eius implebuntur vitiis adulescentiae eius et cum eo in pulverem dormient
His bones were full of his youthful strength; but it shall lie down with him in the dust.
12 cum enim dulce fuerit in ore eius malum abscondet illud sub lingua sua
Though wickedness be sweet in his mouth [and] he hide it under his tongue,
13 parcet illi et non derelinquet illud et celabit in gutture suo
[Though] he spare it, and forsake it not, but keep it within his mouth,
14 panis eius in utero illius vertetur in fel aspidum intrinsecus
His food is turned in his bowels; it is the gall of asps within him.
15 divitias quas devoravit evomet et de ventre illius extrahet eas Deus
He hath swallowed down riches, but he shall vomit them up again: God shall cast them out of his belly.
16 caput aspidum suget occidet eum lingua viperae
He shall suck the poison of asps; the viper's tongue shall kill him.
17 non videat rivulos fluminis torrentes mellis et butyri
He shall not see streams, rivers, brooks of honey and butter.
18 luet quae fecit omnia nec tamen consumetur iuxta multitudinem adinventionum suarum sic et sustinebit
That which he laboured for shall he restore, and not swallow down; its restitution shall be according to the value, and he shall not rejoice [therein].
19 quoniam confringens nudavit pauperes domum rapuit et non aedificavit eam
For he hath oppressed, hath forsaken the poor; he hath violently taken away a house that he did not build.
20 nec est satiatus venter eius et cum habuerit quae cupierat possidere non poterit
Because he knew no rest in his craving, he shall save nought of what he most desired.
21 non remansit de cibo eius et propterea nihil permanebit de bonis eius
Nothing escaped his greediness; therefore his prosperity shall not endure.
22 cum satiatus fuerit artabitur aestuabit et omnis dolor inruet in eum
In the fulness of his sufficiency he shall be in straits; every hand of the wretched shall come upon him.
23 utinam impleatur venter eius ut emittat in eum iram furoris sui et pluat super illum bellum suum
It shall be that, to fill his belly, he will cast his fierce anger upon him, and will rain it upon him into his flesh.
24 fugiet arma ferrea et inruet in arcum aereum
If he have fled from the iron weapon, the bow of brass shall strike him through.
25 eductus et egrediens de vagina sua et fulgurans in amaritudine sua vadent et venient super eum horribiles
He draweth it forth; it cometh out of his body, and the glittering point out of his gall: terrors are upon him.
26 omnes tenebrae absconditae sunt in occultis eius devorabit eum ignis qui non succenditur adfligetur relictus in tabernaculo suo
All darkness is laid up for his treasures: a fire not blown shall devour him; it shall feed upon what is left in his tent.
27 revelabunt caeli iniquitatem eius et terra consurget adversus eum
The heavens shall reveal his iniquity, and the earth shall rise up against him.
28 apertum erit germen domus illius detrahetur in die furoris Dei
The increase of his house shall depart, flowing away in the day of his anger.
29 haec est pars hominis impii a Deo et hereditas verborum eius a Domino
This is the portion of the wicked man from God, and the heritage appointed to him by God.