< Job 18 >

1 respondens autem Baldad Suites dixit
Then answered Bildad the Shuhite, and said,
2 usque ad quem finem verba iactabitis intellegite prius et sic loquamur
When will yee make an ende of your words? cause vs to vnderstande, and then wee will speake.
3 quare reputati sumus ut iumenta et sorduimus coram vobis
Wherefore are wee counted as beastes, and are vile in your sight?
4 qui perdis animam tuam in furore tuo numquid propter te derelinquetur terra et transferentur rupes de loco suo
Thou art as one that teareth his soule in his anger. Shall the earth bee forsaken for thy sake? or the rocke remoued out of his place?
5 nonne lux impii extinguetur nec splendebit flamma ignis eius
Yea, the light of the wicked shalbe quenched, and the sparke of his fire shall not shine.
6 lux obtenebrescet in tabernaculo illius et lucerna quae super eum est extinguetur
The light shalbe darke in his dwelling, and his candle shalbe put out with him.
7 artabuntur gressus virtutis eius et praecipitabit eum consilium suum
The steps of his strength shalbe restrained, and his owne counsell shall cast him downe.
8 inmisit enim in rete pedes suos et in maculis eius ambulat
For hee is taken in the net by his feete, and he walketh vpon the snares.
9 tenebitur planta illius laqueo et exardescet contra eum sitis
The grenne shall take him by the heele, and the theefe shall come vpon him.
10 abscondita est in terra pedica eius et decipula illius super semitam
A snare is layed for him in the ground, and a trappe for him in the way.
11 undique terrebunt eum formidines et involvent pedes eius
Fearefulnesse shall make him afrayde on euery side, and shall driue him to his feete.
12 adtenuetur fame robur eius et inedia invadat costas illius
His strength shalbe famine: and destruction shalbe readie at his side.
13 devoret pulchritudinem cutis eius consumat brachia illius primogenita mors
It shall deuoure the inner partes of his skinne, and the first borne of death shall deuoure his strength.
14 avellatur de tabernaculo suo fiducia eius et calcet super eum quasi rex interitus
His hope shalbe rooted out of his dwelling, and shall cause him to go to the King of feare.
15 habitent in tabernaculo illius socii eius qui non est aspergatur in tabernaculo eius sulphur
Feare shall dwell in his house (because it is not his) and brimstone shalbe scattered vpon his habitation.
16 deorsum radices eius siccentur sursum autem adteratur messis eius
His rootes shalbe dryed vp beneath, and aboue shall his branche be cut downe.
17 memoria illius pereat de terra et non celebretur nomen eius in plateis
His remembrance shall perish from the earth, and he shall haue no name in the streete.
18 expellet eum de luce in tenebras et de orbe transferet eum
They shall driue him out of the light vnto darkenesse, and chase him out of the world.
19 non erit semen eius neque progenies in populo suo nec ullae reliquiae in regionibus eius
Hee shall neither haue sonne nor nephewe among his people, nor any posteritie in his dwellings.
20 in die eius stupebunt novissimi et primos invadet horror
The posteritie shalbe astonied at his day, and feare shall come vpon the ancient.
21 haec sunt ergo tabernacula iniqui et iste locus eius qui ignorat Deum
Surely such are the habitations of the wicked, and this is the place of him that knoweth not God.

< Job 18 >