< Job 11 >

1 respondens autem Sophar Naamathites dixit
And Zophar the Naamathite answers and says:
2 numquid qui multa loquitur non et audiet aut vir verbosus iustificabitur
“Is a multitude of words not answered? And is a man of lips justified?
3 tibi soli tacebunt homines et cum ceteros inriseris a nullo confutaberis
Your boastings make men keep silent, You scorn, and none is causing blushing!
4 dixisti enim purus est sermo meus et mundus sum in conspectu tuo
And you say, My discourse [is] pure, And I have been clean in Your eyes.
5 atque utinam Deus loqueretur tecum et aperiret labia sua tibi
And yet, O that God had spoken! And opens His lips with you.
6 ut ostenderet tibi secreta sapientiae et quod multiplex esset lex eius et intellegeres quod multo minora exigaris a Deo quam meretur iniquitas tua
And declares to you secrets of wisdom, for counsel has foldings. And know that God forgets of your iniquity for you.
7 forsitan vestigia Dei conprehendes et usque ad perfectum Omnipotentem repperies
Do you find out God by searching? To perfection find out the Mighty One?
8 excelsior caelo est et quid facies profundior inferno et unde cognosces (Sheol h7585)
Heights of the heavens—what [can] you do? Deeper than Sheol—what [can] you know? (Sheol h7585)
9 longior terrae mensura eius et latior mari
Its measure [is] longer than earth, and broader than the sea.
10 si subverterit omnia vel in unum coartaverit quis contradicet ei
If He passes on, and shuts up, and assembles, Who then reverses it?
11 ipse enim novit hominum vanitatem et videns iniquitatem nonne considerat
For He has known men of vanity, And He sees iniquity, And one does not consider [it]!
12 vir vanus in superbiam erigitur et tamquam pullum onagri se liberum natum putat
And empty man is bold, And man is born [as] the colt of a wild donkey.
13 tu autem firmasti cor tuum et expandisti ad eum manus tuas
If you have prepared your heart, And have spread out your hands to Him,
14 si iniquitatem quod est in manu tua abstuleris a te et non manserit in tabernaculo tuo iniustitia
If iniquity [is] in your hand, put it far off, And do not let perverseness dwell in your tents.
15 tum levare poteris faciem tuam absque macula et eris stabilis et non timebis
For then you lift up your face from blemish, And you have been firm, and do not fear.
16 miseriae quoque oblivisceris et quasi aquarum quae praeterierint recordaberis
For you forget misery, As waters passed away you remember.
17 et quasi meridianus fulgor consurget tibi ad vesperam et cum te consumptum putaveris orieris ut lucifer
And age rises above the noon, You fly—you are as the morning.
18 et habebis fiduciam proposita tibi spe et defossus securus dormies
And you have trusted because there is hope, And searched—in confidence you lie down,
19 requiesces et non erit qui te exterreat et deprecabuntur faciem tuam plurimi
And you have rested, And none is causing trembling, And many have begged [at] your face;
20 oculi autem impiorum deficient et effugium peribit ab eis et spes eorum abominatio animae
And the eyes of the wicked are consumed, And refuge has perished from them, And their hope [is] a breathing out of soul!”

< Job 11 >