< Jeremiæ 7 >
1 verbum quod factum est ad Hieremiam a Domino dicens
The word that was maad of the Lord to Jeremye,
2 sta in porta domus Domini et praedica ibi verbum istud et dic audite verbum Domini omnis Iuda qui ingredimini per portas has ut adoretis Dominum
and seide, Stonde thou in the yate of the hous of the Lord, and preche there this word, and seie, Al Juda, that entren bi these yatis for to worschipe the Lord, here ye the word of the Lord.
3 haec dicit Dominus exercituum Deus Israhel bonas facite vias vestras et studia vestra et habitabo vobiscum in loco isto
The Lord of oostis, God of Israel, seith these thingis, Make ye good youre weies, and youre studies, and Y schal dwelle with you in this place.
4 nolite confidere in verbis mendacii dicentes templum Domini templum Domini templum Domini est
Nyle ye triste in the wordis of leesyng, and seie, The temple of the Lord, the temple of the Lord, the temple of the Lord is.
5 quoniam si bene direxeritis vias vestras et studia vestra si feceritis iudicium inter virum et proximum eius
For if ye blessen youre weies, and your studies; if ye doon doom bitwixe a man and his neiybore;
6 advenae et pupillo et viduae non feceritis calumniam nec sanguinem innocentem effuderitis in loco hoc et post deos alienos non ambulaveritis in malum vobismet ipsis
if ye maken not fals caleng to a comelyng, and to a fadirles child, and to a widewe; nether scheden out innocent blood in this place, and goen not after alien goddis, in to yuel to you silf,
7 habitabo vobiscum in loco isto in terra quam dedi patribus vestris a saeculo usque in saeculum
Y schal dwelle with you in this place, in the lond which Y yaf to youre fadris, fro the world and til in to the world.
8 ecce vos confiditis vobis in sermonibus mendacii qui non proderunt vobis
Lo! ye trusten to you in the wordis of leesyng, that shulen not profite to you;
9 furari occidere adulterare iurare mendaciter libare Baali et ire post deos alienos quos ignoratis
to stele, to sle, to do auowtrie, to swere falsli, to make sacrifice to Baalym, and to go aftir alien goddys, whiche ye knowen not.
10 et venistis et stetistis coram me in domo hac in qua invocatum est nomen meum et dixistis liberati sumus eo quod fecerimus omnes abominationes istas
And ye camen, and stoden bifor me in this hous, in which my name is clepid to help; and ye seiden, We ben delyuered, for we han do alle these abhomynaciouns.
11 ergo spelunca latronum facta est domus ista in qua invocatum est nomen meum in oculis vestris ego ego sum ego vidi dicit Dominus
Whether therfor this hous, wherynne my name is clepid to help bifore youre iyen, is maad a denne of theues? I, Y am, Y siy, seith the Lord.
12 ite ad locum meum in Silo ubi habitavit nomen meum a principio et videte quae fecerim ei propter malitiam populi mei Israhel
Go ye to my place in Silo, where my name dwellide at the bigynnyng, and se ye what thingis Y dide to it, for the malice of my puple Israel.
13 et nunc quia fecistis omnia opera haec dicit Dominus et locutus sum ad vos mane consurgens et loquens et non audistis et vocavi vos et non respondistis
And now, for ye han do alle these werkis, seith the Lord, and Y spak to you, and roos eerli, and Y spak, and ye herden not, and Y clepide you, and ye answeriden not;
14 faciam domui huic in qua invocatum est nomen meum et in qua vos habetis fiduciam et loco quem dedi vobis et patribus vestris sicut feci Silo
Y schal do to this hous, wherynne my name is clepid to help, and in which hous ye han trist, and to the place which Y yaf to you and to youre fadris, as Y dide to Silo.
15 et proiciam vos a facie mea sicut proieci omnes fratres vestros universum semen Ephraim
And Y schal caste you forth fro my face, as Y castide forth alle youre britheren, al the seed of Effraym.
16 tu ergo noli orare pro populo hoc nec adsumas pro eis laudem et orationem et non obsistas mihi quia non exaudiam te
Therfor nyl thou preie for this puple, nether take thou heriyng and preier for hem; and ayenstonde thou not me, for Y schal not here thee.
17 nonne vides quid isti faciant in civitatibus Iuda et in plateis Hierusalem
Whether thou seest not, what these men don in the citees of Juda, and in the stretis of Jerusalem?
18 filii colligunt ligna et patres succendunt ignem et mulieres conspergunt adipem ut faciant placentas Reginae caeli et libent diis alienis et me ad iracundiam provocent
The sones gaderen stickis, and the fadris kyndlen a fier; and wymmen sprengen togidere ynnere fatnesse, to make kakis to the queen of heuene, to make sacrifice to alien goddis, and to terre me to wrathfulnesse.
19 numquid me ad iracundiam provocant dicit Dominus nonne semet ipsos in confusionem vultus sui
Whether thei stiren me to wrathfulnesse? seith the Lord; whether thei stiren not hem silf in to schenschip of her cheer?
20 ideo haec dicit Dominus Deus ecce furor meus et indignatio mea conflatur super locum istum super viros et super iumenta et super lignum regionis et super fruges terrae et succendetur et non extinguetur
Therfor the Lord God seith these thingis, Lo! my strong veniaunce and myn indignacioun is wellid togidere on this place, on men, and on beestis, and on the tree of the cuntrei, and on the fruitis of erthe; and it schal be kyndlid, and it schal not be quenchid.
21 haec dicit Dominus exercituum Deus Israhel holocaustomata vestra addite victimis vestris et comedite carnes
The Lord of oostis, God of Israel, seith these thingis, Heepe ye youre brent sacrifices to youre slayn sacrifices, and ete ye fleischis.
22 quia non sum locutus cum patribus vestris et non praecepi eis in die qua eduxi eos de terra Aegypti de verbo holocaustomatum et victimarum
For Y spak not with youre fadris, and Y comaundide not to hem of the word of brent sacrifices, and of slayn sacrifices, in the dai in which Y ledde hem out of the lond of Egipt.
23 sed hoc verbum praecepi eis dicens audite vocem meam et ero vobis Deus et vos eritis mihi populus et ambulate in omni via quam mandavi vobis ut bene sit vobis
But Y comaundide this word to hem, and Y seide, Here ye my vois, and Y schal be God to you, and ye schulen be a puple to me; and go ye in al the weie which Y comaundide to you, that it be wel to you.
24 et non audierunt nec inclinaverunt aurem suam sed abierunt in voluntatibus et pravitate cordis sui mali factique sunt retrorsum et non in ante
And thei herden not, nether bowiden doun her eere, but thei yeden in her lustis, and in the schrewidnesse of her yuel herte; and thei ben put bihynde, and not bifore,
25 a die qua egressi sunt patres eorum de terra Aegypti usque ad diem hanc et misi ad vos omnes servos meos prophetas per diem consurgens diluculo et mittens
fro the dai in which her fadris yeden out of the lond of Egipt til to this dai. And Y sente to you alle my seruauntis profetis, and Y roos eerli bi the dai, and Y sente.
26 et non audierunt me nec inclinaverunt aurem suam sed induraverunt cervicem et peius operati sunt quam patres eorum
And thei herden not me, nether bowiden doun her eere; but thei maden hard her nol, and wrouyten worse than the fadris of hem.
27 et loqueris ad eos omnia verba haec et non audient te et vocabis eos et non respondebunt tibi
And thou schalt speke to hem alle these wordis, and thei schulen not heere thee; and thou schalt clepe hem, and thei schul not answere to thee.
28 et dices ad eos haec est gens quae non audivit vocem Domini Dei sui nec recepit disciplinam periit fides et ablata est de ore eorum
And thou schalt seie to hem, This is the folc, that herde not the vois of her Lord God, nether resseyuede chastysyng; feith perischide, and is takun awei fro the mouth of hem.
29 tonde capillum tuum et proice et sume in directum planctum quia proiecit Dominus et reliquit generationem furoris sui
Clippe thin heer, and cast awei, and take thou weilyng streiytli; for the Lord hath cast awei, and hath forsake the generacioun of his strong veniaunce.
30 quia fecerunt filii Iuda malum in oculis meis dicit Dominus posuerunt offendicula sua in domo in qua invocatum est nomen meum ut polluerent eam
For the sones of Juda han do yuel bifor myn iyen, seith the Lord; thei han set her offendyngis in the hous, in which my name is clepid to help, that thei schulden defoule that hous;
31 et aedificaverunt excelsa Thofeth qui est in valle filii Ennom ut incenderent filios suos et filias suas igni quae non praecepi nec cogitavi in corde meo
and thei bildiden hiye thingis in Tophet, which is in the valei of the sone of Ennon, that thei schulden brenne her sones and her douytris bi fier, whiche thingis Y comaundide not, nether thouyte in myn herte.
32 ideo ecce dies venient dicit Dominus et non dicetur amplius Thofeth et vallis filii Ennom sed vallis Interfectionis et sepelient in Thofeth eo quod non sit locus
Therfor lo! daies comen, seith the Lord, and it schal no more be seid Tophet, and the valei of the sone of Ennon, but the valey of sleyng; and thei schulen birie in Tophet, for ther is no place.
33 et erit morticinum populi huius in cibum volucribus caeli et bestiis terrae et non erit qui abigat
And the deed careyn of this puple schal be in to mete to the briddis of heuene, and to the beestis of erthe; and noon schal be that schal dryue awei.
34 et quiescere faciam de urbibus Iuda et de plateis Hierusalem vocem gaudii et vocem laetitiae vocem sponsi et vocem sponsae in desolatione enim erit terra
And Y schal make to ceesse the vois of ioye, and the vois of gladnesse, and the vois of spouse, and the vois of spousesse fro the citees of Juda, and fro the stretis of Jerusalem; for the lond schal be in desolacioun.