< Jeremiæ 38 >
1 audivit autem Saphatias filius Matthan et Gedelias filius Phassur et Iuchal filius Selemiae et Phassur filius Melchiae sermones quos Hieremias loquebatur ad omnem populum dicens
Forsothe Safacie, sone of Nathan, and Jedelie, sone of Fassur, and Jothal, sone of Selemye, and Fassour, sone of Melchie, herden the wordis whiche Jeremye spak to al the puple,
2 haec dicit Dominus quicumque manserit in civitate hac morietur gladio et fame et peste qui autem profugerit ad Chaldeos vivet et erit anima eius sospes et vivens
`and seide, The Lord seith these thingis, Who euer dwellith in this citee, schal die bi swerd, and hungur, and pestilence; but he that flieth to Caldeis, shal lyue, and his soule schal be hool and lyuynge.
3 haec dicit Dominus tradenda tradetur civitas haec in manu exercitus regis Babylonis et capiet eam
The Lord seith these thingis, This citee to be bitakun schal be bitakun in to the hond of the oost of the kyng of Babiloyne, and he schal take it.
4 et dixerunt principes regi rogamus ut occidatur homo iste de industria enim dissolvit manus virorum bellantium qui remanserunt in civitate hac et manus universi populi loquens ad eos iuxta verba haec siquidem homo hic non quaerit pacem populi huius sed malum
And the princes seiden to the kyng, We preien, that this man be slayn; for of bifore castyng he discoumfortith the hondis of men werriours, that dwelliden in this citee, and the hondis of al the puple, and spekith to hem bi alle these wordis. For whi this man sekith not pees to this puple, but yuel.
5 et dixit rex Sedecias ecce ipse in manibus vestris est nec enim fas est regem vobis quicquam negare
And kyng Sedechie seide, Lo! he is in youre hondis, for it is not leueful that the kyng denye ony thing to you.
6 tulerunt ergo Hieremiam et proiecerunt eum in lacu Melchiae filii Ammelech qui erat in vestibulo carceris et submiserunt Hieremiam in funibus et in lacum non erat aqua sed lutum descendit itaque Hieremias in caenum
Therfor thei token Jeremye, and castiden hym doun in to the lake of Elchie, sone of Amalech, which was in the porche of the prisoun; and thei senten doun Jeremye bi cordis in to the lake, wherynne was no watir, but fen; therfor Jeremye yede doun in to the filthe.
7 audivit autem Abdemelech Aethiops vir eunuchus qui erat in domo regis quod misissent Hieremiam in lacum porro rex sedebat in porta Beniamin
Forsothe Abdemalech Ethiopien, a chast man and oneste, herde, that was in the kyngis hous, that thei hadden sent Jeremye in to the lake; sotheli the king sat in the yate of Beniamyn.
8 et egressus est Abdemelech de domo regis et locutus est ad regem dicens
And Abdemalech yede out of the kyngis hous, and spak to the kyng,
9 domine mi rex malefecerunt viri isti omnia quaecumque perpetrarunt contra Hieremiam prophetam mittentes eum in lacum ut moriatur ibi fame non sunt enim panes ultra in civitate
and seide, My lord the kyng, these men diden yuele alle thingis, what euer thingis thei diden ayens Jeremye, the profete, sendynge hym in to the lake, that he die there for hungur; for whi looues ben no more in the citee.
10 praecepit itaque rex Abdemelech Aethiopi dicens tolle tecum hinc triginta viros et leva Hieremiam prophetam de lacu antequam moriatur
Therfor the kyng comaundide to Abdemelech Ethiopien, and seide, Take with thee thretti men fro hennus, and reise thou Jeremye, the profete, fro the lake, bifor that he die.
11 adsumptis ergo Abdemelech secum viris ingressus est domum regis quae erat sub cellario et tulit inde veteres pannos et antiqua quae conputruerant et submisit ea ad Hieremiam in lacum per funiculos
Therfor whanne Abdemelech hadde take men with hym, he entride in to the hous of the kyng, that was vndur the celer; and he took fro thennus elde clothis, and elde ragges, that weren rotun; and he sente tho doun to Jeremye, in to the lake, bi cordis.
12 dixitque Abdemelech Aethiops ad Hieremiam pone veteres pannos et haec scissa et putrida sub cubitu manuum tuarum et subter funes fecit ergo Hieremias sic
And Abdemelech Ethiopien seide to Jeremye, Putte thou elde clothis, and these to-rent and rotun thingis vndur the cubit of thin hondis, and on the cordis. Therfor Jeremye dide so.
13 et extraxerunt Hieremiam funibus et eduxerunt eum de lacu mansit autem Hieremias in vestibulo carceris
And thei drowen out Jeremye with cordis, and ledden hym out of the lake. Forsothe Jeremye dwellide in the porche of the prisoun.
14 et misit rex Sedecias et tulit ad se Hieremiam prophetam ad ostium tertium quod erat in domo Domini et dixit rex ad Hieremiam interrogo ego te sermonem ne abscondas a me aliquid
And kyng Sedechie sente, and took hym Jeremye, the profete, at the thridde dore that was in the hous of the Lord. And the kyng seide to Jeremye, Y axe of thee a word; hide thou not ony thing fro me.
15 dixit autem Hieremias ad Sedeciam si adnuntiavero tibi numquid non interficies me et si consilium tibi dedero non me audies
Forsothe Jeremye seide to Sedechie, If Y telle to thee, whether thou schalt not sle me? And if Y yyue councel to thee, thou schalt not here me.
16 iuravit ergo rex Sedecias Hieremiae clam dicens vivit Dominus qui fecit nobis animam hanc si occidero te et si tradidero te in manu virorum istorum qui quaerunt animam tuam
Therfor Sedechie the king swoor to Jeremye priueli, and seide, The Lord lyueth, that maad to vs this soule, Y schal not sle thee, and Y schal not bitake thee in to the hondis of these men, that seken thi lijf.
17 et dixit Hieremias ad Sedeciam haec dicit Dominus exercituum Deus Israhel si profectus exieris ad principes regis Babylonis vivet anima tua et civitas haec non succendetur igni et salvus eris tu et domus tua
And Jeremye seide to Sedechie, The Lord of oostis, God of Israel, seith these thingis, If thou goest forth, and goest out to the princes of the kyng of Babiloyne, thi soule schal lyue, and this citee schal not be brent with fier, and thou schalt be saaf, thou and thin hous.
18 si autem non exieris ad principes regis Babylonis tradetur civitas haec in manu Chaldeorum et succendent eam igni et tu non effugies de manu eorum
Forsothe if thou goest not out to the princes of the kyng of Babiloyne, this citee schal be bitakun in to the hondis of Caldeis; and thei schulen brenne it with fier, and thou schalt not ascape fro the hond of hem.
19 et dixit rex Sedecias ad Hieremiam sollicitus sum propter Iudaeos qui transfugerunt ad Chaldeos ne forte tradar in manus eorum et inludant mihi
And kyng Sedechie seide to Jeremye, Y am angwischid for the Jewis that fledden ouer to Caldeis, lest perauenture Y be bitakun in to the hondis of hem, and thei scorne me.
20 respondit autem Hieremias non te tradent audi quaeso vocem Domini quam ego loquor ad te et bene tibi erit et vivet anima tua
Forsothe Jeremye answeride, and seide to hym, Thei schulen not bitake thee; Y biseche, here thou the vois of the Lord, which Y schal speke to thee, and it schal be wel to thee, and thi soule schal lyue.
21 quod si nolueris egredi iste est sermo quem ostendit mihi Dominus
That if thou wolt not go out, this is the word which the Lord schewide to me, Lo!
22 ecce omnes mulieres quae remanserunt in domo regis Iuda educentur ad principes regis Babylonis et ipsae dicent seduxerunt te et praevaluerunt adversum te viri pacifici tui demerserunt in caeno et lubrico pedes tuos et recesserunt a te
alle the wymmen, that weren left in the hous of the kyng of Juda, schulen be led out to the princes of the kyng of Babiloyne; and tho wymmen schulen seie, Thi pesible men disseyueden thee, and hadden the maistrye ayens thee; thei drenchiden thee in filthe, and thi feet in slidirnesse, and yeden awei fro thee.
23 et omnes uxores tuae et filii tui educentur ad Chaldeos et non effugies manus eorum sed in manu regis Babylonis capieris et civitatem hanc conburet igni
And alle thi wyues and thi sones schulen be led out to Caldeis, and thou schalt not ascape the hondis of hem; but thou schalt be bitakun in to the hondis of the kyng of Babiloyne, and he schal brenne this citee bi fier.
24 dixit ergo Sedecias ad Hieremiam nullus sciat verba haec et non morieris
Therfore Sedechie seide to Jeremye, No man wite these wordis, and thou schalt not die.
25 si autem audierint principes quia locutus sum tecum et venerint ad te et dixerint tibi indica nobis quid locutus sis cum rege ne celes nos et non te interficiemus et quid locutus est tecum rex
Sotheli if the princes heren, that Y spak with thee, and comen to thee, and seien to thee, Schewe thou to vs what thou spakest with the kyng, hide thou not fro vs, and we schulen not sle thee; and what the kyng spak with thee,
26 dices ad eos prostravi ego preces meas coram rege ne me reduci iuberet in domum Ionathan et ibi morerer
thou schalt seie to hem, Knelyngli Y puttide forth my preiris bifore the kyng, that he schulde not comaunde me to be led ayen in to the hous of Jonathan, and Y schulde die there.
27 venerunt ergo omnes principes ad Hieremiam et interrogaverunt eum et locutus est eis iuxta omnia verba quae praeceperat ei rex et cessaverunt ab eo nihil enim fuerat auditum
Therfor alle the princes camen to Jeremye, and axiden hym; and he spak to hem bi alle the wordis whiche the kyng hadde comaundid to hym, and thei ceessiden fro hym; for whi no thing was herd.
28 mansit vero Hieremias in vestibulo carceris usque ad diem quo capta est Hierusalem et factum est ut caperetur Hierusalem
Therfor Jeremye dwellide in the porche of the prisoun, til to the dai wherynne Jerusalem was takun; and it was don, that Jerusalem schulde be takun.