< Jeremiæ 33 >

1 et factum est verbum Domini ad Hieremiam secundo cum adhuc clausus esset in atrio carceris dicens
While I was still being guarded in the courtyard of the palace, Yahweh gave me this second message:
2 haec dicit Dominus qui facturus est Dominus et formaturus illud et paraturus Dominus nomen eius
“This is what I, the one who made the earth, who formed/shaped it and put it in its place, say [to the people of Jerusalem]: ‘My name is Yahweh.
3 clama ad me et exaudiam te et adnuntiabo tibi grandia et firma quae nescis
Call out to me, and [then] I will tell you great and wonderful things that you have not known [before].’
4 quia haec dicit Dominus Deus Israhel ad domos urbis huius et ad domos regis Iuda quae destructae sunt et ad munitiones et gladium
This is what [I, ] Yahweh, the God whom [you] Israeli people [say you belong to], say: ‘[The men in this city] have torn down [some of] their houses, and [even parts of] the king’s palace, to get materials to strengthen the walls around the city, in order that [the soldiers of Babylonia will not be able to break through the walls after they climb up] the ramps that they have built against the walls, and [kill the inhabitants with] their swords.
5 venientium ut dimicent cum Chaldeis et impleant eas cadaveribus hominum quas percussi in furore meo et in indignatione mea abscondens faciem meam a civitate hac propter omnem malitiam eorum
You are expecting to fight against the army from Babylonia, but [what will happen is that] the houses of this city will be filled with the corpses of the men of this city whom I will [allow to be killed] because I am extremely angry [DOU] with them. I have abandoned them because of all the wicked things that they have done.
6 ecce ego obducam ei cicatricem et sanitatem et curabo eos et revelabo illis deprecationem pacis et veritatis
However, [there will be a time when] I will cause the people in this city to be healthy and strong again. I will enable them to be prosperous and have peace.
7 et convertam conversionem Iuda et conversionem Hierusalem et aedificabo eos sicut a principio
I will bring the people of Judah and Israel back from the lands to which they were exiled. I will enable them to rebuild their towns.
8 et emundabo illos ab omni iniquitate sua in qua peccaverunt mihi et propitius ero cunctis iniquitatibus eorum in quibus deliquerunt mihi et spreverunt me
I will get rid of their guilt for all the sins that they have committed against me, and I will forgive them for their sin of rebelling against me.
9 et erit mihi in nomen et in gaudium et in laudem et in exultationem cunctis gentibus terrae quae audierint omnia bona quae ego facturus sum eis et pavebunt et turbabuntur in universis bonis et in omni pace quam ego faciam ei
[When that happens], all the nations of the world will rejoice, and they will praise me and honor me. They will hear about all the good things that I have done for this city and, because of that, they will revere me, and they will tremble because I have caused [the people in this city] to have peace and to prosper.’
10 haec dicit Dominus adhuc audietur in loco isto quem vos dicitis esse desertum eo quod non sit homo et iumentum in civitatibus Iuda et foris Hierusalem quae desolatae sunt absque homine et absque habitatore et absque pecore
And this is also what [I], Yahweh, say: ‘You people have said that this is a land where there are no [longer] any people or animals. But in the streets of Jerusalem that are now completely empty [DOU], and in the [other] towns in Judah,
11 vox gaudii et vox laetitiae vox sponsi et vox sponsae vox dicentium confitemini Domino exercituum quoniam bonus Dominus quoniam in aeternum misericordia eius et portantium vota in domum Domini reducam enim conversionem terrae sicut a principio dicit Dominus
[some day] people will again be happy and laugh. Brides and bridegrooms will [again] sing [joyfully]. And many other people will also sing joyfully as they bring their offerings to me to thank me [for what I have done for them]. [They will sing this song]: “[We] thank you, the Commander of the armies of angels, because you are good [to us]. You faithfully love [us] forever.” [They will sing that] because I will cause [the people of] land to be as prosperous as they were before.’
12 haec dicit Dominus exercituum adhuc erit in loco isto deserto absque homine et absque iumento et in cunctis civitatibus eius habitaculum pastorum accubantium gregum
This land is [now] desolate. There are no people or animals living here. But [I], the Commander of the armies of angels, say this: ‘In this land there will again be pastures/fields where shepherds will lead their sheep.
13 in civitatibus montuosis et in civitatibus campestribus et in civitatibus quae ad austrum sunt et in terra Beniamin et in circuitu Hierusalem et in civitatibus Iuda adhuc transibunt greges ad manum numerantis ait Dominus
Shepherds will again count their sheep as the sheep walk by, outside the towns in the hilly area, in the western foothills, in the southern desert area, in the land [where the descendants] of Benjamin live, around Jerusalem, and outside [all] the [other] towns in Judah.’ [That will surely happen because I], Yahweh, have said it.
14 ecce dies veniunt dicit Dominus et suscitabo verbum bonum quod locutus sum ad domum Israhel et ad domum Iuda
Listen to this! [I], Yahweh, say that there will be a time when I will do for the people of Israel and Judah [all the good things that] I promised to do [for them].
15 in diebus illis et in tempore illo germinare faciam David germen iustitiae et faciet iudicium et iustitiam in terra
At that time [DOU] I will appoint a righteous man who will be a descendant [MET] of King David. Throughout the land, he will do what is just and right.
16 in diebus illis salvabitur Iuda et Hierusalem habitabit confidenter et hoc est quod vocabit eam Dominus iustus noster
At that time, [the people of] Judah will be rescued [from their enemies], and [the people of] Jerusalem will be safe. And people will say that the name of the city is ‘Yahweh [is the one who] vindicates/defends us’.
17 quia haec dicit Dominus non interibit de David vir qui sedeat super thronum domus Israhel
And this is [also] what [I], Yahweh, say: ‘There will be descendants of King David ruling [MTY] Israel forever.
18 et de sacerdotibus et Levitis non interibit vir a facie mea qui offerat holocaustomata et incendat sacrificium et caedat victimas cunctis diebus
And there will always be priests who are descendants of Levi who [stand] in front of me and offer sacrifices that will be completely burned [on the altar] and who will burn grain offerings and [other] sacrifices.’”
19 et factum est verbum Domini ad Hieremiam dicens
[Then] Yahweh gave me this message:
20 haec dicit Dominus si irritum fieri potest pactum meum cum die et pactum meum cum nocte ut non sit dies et nox in tempore suo
“This is what [I], Yahweh, say: ‘[You] certainly cannot annul my promise/agreement to cause nighttime to follow daytime each day.
21 et pactum meum irritum esse poterit cum David servo meo ut non sit ex eo filius qui regnet in throno eius et Levitae et sacerdotes ministri mei
Similarly, you cannot annul the promise/agreement [that I made] with King David, who served me [well], that there will always be descendants of his who will rule [Judah]. The same is true for my agreement with the descendants of Levi who are priests who do work for me.
22 sicuti numerari non possunt stellae caeli et metiri harena maris sic multiplicabo semen David servi mei et Levitas ministros meos
No one can count the stars in the sky, and no one can count the grains of sand at the seashore. Similarly, I will cause there to be a huge number of priests who are descendants of David and descendants of Levi who will work for me.’”
23 et factum est verbum Domini ad Hieremiam dicens
Yahweh gave another message to me. He said,
24 numquid non vidisti quid populus hic locutus sit dicens duae cognationes quas elegerat Dominus abiectae sunt et populum meum despexerunt eo quod non sit ultra gens coram eis
“Have you noticed/heard that some people are saying, ‘Yahweh chose two groups, the people [of Judah] and the people [of Israel], and [later] abandoned them.’ They are despising my people and saying that Israel no longer deserves to be considered a nation.
25 haec dicit Dominus si pactum meum inter diem et noctem et leges caelo et terrae non posui
But this is what I say: ‘I will not change my laws that control the day and the night, the sky and the earth.
26 equidem et semen Iacob et David servi mei proiciam ut non adsumam de semine eius principes seminis Abraham et Isaac et Iacob reducam enim conversionem eorum et miserebor eis
Similarly, I will never abandon the descendants of David or the [other] descendants of Jacob, and I will always allow descendants of David to rule the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. I will bring my people back to their land, and I will act mercifully toward them.’”

< Jeremiæ 33 >