< Jeremiæ 28 >

1 et factum est in anno illo in principio regni Sedeciae regis Iuda in anno quarto in mense quinto dixit ad me Ananias filius Azur propheta de Gabaon in domo Domini coram sacerdotibus et omni populo dicens
It happened the same year, in the beginning of the reign of Zedekiah king of Judah, in the fourth year, in the fifth month, that Hananiah the son of Azzur, the prophet, who was of Gibeon, spoke to me in the house of Jehovah, in the presence of the priests and of all the people, saying,
2 haec dicit Dominus exercituum Deus Israhel contrivi iugum regis Babylonis
"Thus speaks Jehovah of hosts, the God of Israel, saying, 'I have broken the yoke of the king of Babylon.
3 adhuc duo anni dierum et ego referri faciam ad locum istum omnia vasa Domini quae tulit Nabuchodonosor rex Babylonis de loco isto et transtulit ea in Babylonem
Within two full years will I bring again into this place all the vessels of Jehovah's house, that Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon took away from this place, and carried to Babylon:
4 et Iechoniam filium Ioachim regem Iuda et omnem transmigrationem Iudae qui ingressi sunt in Babylonem ego convertam ad locum istum ait Dominus conteram enim iugum regis Babylonis
and I will bring again to this place Jeconiah the son of Jehoiakim, king of Judah, with all the captives of Judah, who went to Babylon,' says Jehovah; 'for I will break the yoke of the king of Babylon.'"
5 et dixit Hieremias propheta ad Ananiam prophetam in oculis sacerdotum et in oculis omnis populi qui stabant in domo Domini
Then the prophet Jeremiah said to the prophet Hananiah in the presence of the priests, and in the presence of all the people who stood in the house of Jehovah,
6 et ait Hieremias propheta amen sic faciat Dominus suscitet Dominus verba tua quae prophetasti ut referantur vasa in domum Domini et omnis transmigratio de Babylone ad locum istum
even the prophet Jeremiah said, "Amen: Jehovah do so; Jehovah perform your words which you have prophesied, to bring back the vessels of Jehovah's house, and all them of the captivity, from Babylon to this place.
7 verumtamen audi verbum hoc quod ego loquor in auribus tuis et in auribus universi populi
Nevertheless hear you now this word that I speak in your ears, and in the ears of all the people:
8 prophetae qui fuerunt ante me et te ab initio et prophetaverunt super terras multas et super regna magna de proelio et de adflictione et de fame
The prophets who have been before me and before you of old prophesied against many countries, and against great kingdoms, of war, and of evil, and of pestilence.
9 propheta qui vaticinatus est pacem cum venerit verbum eius scietur propheta quem misit Dominus in veritate
The prophet who prophesies of peace, when the word of the prophet shall happen, then shall the prophet be known, that Jehovah has truly sent him."
10 et tulit Ananias propheta catenam de collo Hieremiae prophetae et confregit eam
Then Hananiah the prophet took the bar from off the prophet Jeremiah's neck, and broke it.
11 et ait Ananias in conspectu omnis populi dicens haec dicit Dominus sic confringam iugum Nabuchodonosor regis Babylonis post duos annos dierum de collo omnium gentium
Hananiah spoke in the presence of all the people, saying, "Thus says Jehovah: 'Even so will I break the yoke of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon within two full years from off the neck of all the nations.'" The prophet Jeremiah went his way.
12 et abiit Hieremias prophetes in viam suam et factum est verbum Domini ad Hieremiam postquam confregit Ananias propheta catenam de collo Hieremiae prophetae dicens
Then the word of Jehovah came to Jeremiah, after that Hananiah the prophet had broken the bar from off the neck of the prophet Jeremiah, saying,
13 vade et dices Ananiae haec dicit Dominus catenas ligneas contrivisti et facies pro eis catenas ferreas
"Go, and tell Hananiah, saying, 'Thus says Jehovah: You have broken the bars of wood; but you have made in their place bars of iron.
14 quia haec dicit Dominus exercituum Deus Israhel iugum ferreum posui super collum cunctarum gentium istarum ut serviant Nabuchodonosor regi Babylonis et servient ei insuper et bestias terrae dedi ei
For thus says Jehovah of hosts, the God of Israel: "I have put a yoke of iron on the neck of all these nations, that they may serve Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon; and they shall serve him: and I have given him the animals of the field also."'"
15 et dixit Hieremias propheta ad Ananiam prophetam audi Anania non misit te Dominus et tu confidere fecisti populum istum in mendacio
Then the prophet Jeremiah said to Hananiah the prophet, "Hear now, Hananiah: Jehovah has not sent you; but you make this people to trust in a lie.
16 idcirco haec dicit Dominus ecce emittam te a facie terrae hoc anno morieris adversum Dominum enim locutus es
Therefore thus says Jehovah, 'Look, I will send you away from off the surface of the earth: this year you shall die, because you have spoken rebellion against Jehovah.'"
17 et mortuus est Ananias propheta in anno illo mense septimo
So Hananiah the prophet died the same year in the seventh month.

< Jeremiæ 28 >