< Jeremiæ 10 >

1 audite verbum quod locutus est Dominus super vos domus Israhel
You people of Israel, listen to what Yahweh says:
2 haec dicit Dominus iuxta vias gentium nolite discere et a signis caeli nolite metuere quae timent gentes
“Do not act like the people of [other] nations act, and do not be terrified by strange/unusual things that you see in the sky, even though they cause the [people of other] nations to be terrified.
3 quia leges populorum vanae sunt quia lignum de saltu praecidit opus manuum artificis in ascia
The customs of the people [of other nations] are worthless. [For example], they cut down a tree in the forest. Then a [skilled] worker/craftsman [cuts a section of it and] uses his chisel to carve an idol from that section.
4 argento et auro decoravit illud clavis et malleis conpegit ut non dissolvatur
[Then] people decorate the idol with silver and gold. [Then] they fasten it securely with nails in order that it will not topple/fall over.
5 in similitudinem palmae fabricata sunt et non loquentur portata tollentur quia incedere non valent nolite ergo timere ea quia nec male possunt facere nec bene
[Then] the idol [stands there] like [SIM] a scarecrow in a field of cucumbers/melons! It cannot speak, and people must carry it, because it cannot walk. Do not be afraid of idols, because they cannot harm [anyone], and they cannot do [anything] good [to help anyone].”
6 non est similis tui Domine magnus tu et magnum nomen tuum in fortitudine
Yahweh, there is no one like you. You [MTY] are great, and you are very powerful.
7 quis non timebit te o rex gentium tuum est enim decus inter cunctos sapientes gentium et in universis regnis eorum nullus est similis tui
You are the king of all the nations! Everyone should [RHQ] revere you, because that is what you deserve. Among all the wise people on the earth and in all the kingdoms where they live, (there is no one like you./who can compare with you?)
8 pariter insipientes et fatui probabuntur doctrina vanitatis eorum lignum est
Those people who [think that they are] very wise [IRO] are stupid and foolish [DOU]. The idols that they worship are only made of wood! Those idols certainly cannot teach them anything.
9 argentum involutum de Tharsis adfertur et aurum de Ofaz opus artificis et manus aerarii hyacinthus et purpura indumentum eorum opus artificum universa haec
People hammer into thin sheets silver from Tarshish and gold from Uphaz, and then they give those sheets of silver and gold to skilled workers/craftsmen to cover the idols. Then they put on those idols expensive purple robes that are made by skilled workers.
10 Dominus autem Deus verus est ipse Deus vivens et rex sempiternus ab indignatione eius commovebitur terra et non sustinebunt gentes comminationem eius
But Yahweh is the [only] true God; he is the all-powerful God, the king [who rules] forever. When he is angry, [all] the earth shakes/quakes; and [the people of] the nations cannot endure [what he does] when he is angry [with them].
11 sic ergo dicetis eis dii qui caelos et terram non fecerunt pereant de terra et de his quae sub caelis sunt
[You Israeli people], tell this to those people: “Those idols did not make the sky and the earth, and they will disappear from the earth.”
12 qui facit terram in fortitudine sua praeparat orbem in sapientia sua et prudentia sua extendit caelos
But [Yahweh] made the earth by his power; he established it [firmly] by his wisdom and stretched out the sky by his understanding.
13 ad vocem suam dat multitudinem aquarum in caelo et elevat nebulas ab extremitatibus terrae fulgura in pluviam facit et educit ventum de thesauris suis
When he speaks [loudly], there is thunder in the sky; he causes clouds to form over every part of the earth. He sends lightning with the rain and releases the winds from his storehouses.
14 stultus factus est omnis homo ab scientia confusus est omnis artifex in sculptili quoniam falsum est quod conflavit et non est spiritus in eis
People are senseless and know very little [HYP]; those who make idols are always disappointed because their idols do nothing for them. The images/statues that they make are not real [gods]; they are lifeless.
15 vana sunt et opus risu dignum in tempore visitationis suae peribunt
Idols are worthless; they deserve to be ridiculed; there will be a time when they [all] will be destroyed.
16 non est his similis pars Iacob qui enim formavit omnia ipse est et Israhel virga hereditatis eius Dominus exercituum nomen illi
But the God whom we Israelis worship is not like those idols; he is the one who created everything [that exists]; we, the tribe/people of Israel, belong to him; he is the Commander of the armies of angels.
17 congrega de terra confusionem tuam quae habitas in obsidione
[Yahweh says this to the people of Jerusalem]: “The army of your enemies surrounds your city, so gather up your possessions [and prepare] to leave the city.
18 quia haec dicit Dominus ecce ego longe proiciam habitatores terrae in hac vice et tribulabo eos ita ut inveniantur
I will soon throw you out of this land and cause you to experience great troubles, with the result that you will have severe pain (OR, none of you will be left here).”
19 vae mihi super contritione mea pessima plaga mea ego autem dixi plane haec infirmitas mea est et portabo illam
[The people replied, “It is as though] we have been [badly] wounded, and we are very grieved; [It is as though] we have a very serious illness, and we must endure the pain.
20 tabernaculum meum vastatum est omnes funiculi mei disrupti sunt filii mei exierunt a me et non subsistunt non est qui extendat ultra tentorium meum et erigat pelles meas
[It is as though] our [great] tent is destroyed; the ropes [that held it up] have been cut; our children have gone away from us and will not return; there are no people left to rebuild our great tent.
21 quia stulte egerunt pastores et Dominum non quaesierunt propterea non intellexerunt et omnis grex eorum dispersus est
Our leaders [MET] no [longer] have any sense; they no [longer] ask Yahweh [to (guide them/tell them what to do)], so they will no [longer] prosper, and all those over whom they rule [MET] will be scattered.
22 vox auditionis ecce venit et commotio magna de terra aquilonis ut ponat civitates Iuda solitudinem et habitaculum draconum
Listen! [Our enemies’ armies] in the north are making a [very] big noise/commotion [as they march toward us]. The towns in Judah will be destroyed, [and they will become] a place where jackals/wolves live.”
23 scio Domine quia non est hominis via eius nec viri est ut ambulet et dirigat gressus suos
Yahweh, I know that no person controls what will happen to him; no one is able to direct the events that he will experience.
24 corripe me Domine verumtamen in iudicio et non in furore tuo ne forte ad nihilum redigas me
[So] correct/discipline us, but do it gently. Do not correct/punish us when you are angry, because we would die if you did that.
25 effunde indignationem tuam super gentes quae non cognoverunt te et super provincias quae nomen tuum non invocaverunt quia comederunt Iacob et devoraverunt eum et consumpserunt illum et decus eius dissipaverunt
Punish [MTY] [all] the nations whose people do not acknowledge/say that you are God; punish all the nations whose people do not worship you, because they are completely destroying [DOU] [us people of] Israel and they are causing our land to soon be only a desert.

< Jeremiæ 10 >