< Isaiæ 6 >

1 in anno quo mortuus est rex Ozias vidi Dominum sedentem super solium excelsum et elevatum et ea quae sub eo erant implebant templum
In the yeer in which the kyng Osie was deed, Y siy the Lord sittynge on an hiy seete, and reisid; and the hous was ful of his mageste, and tho thingis that weren vndur hym, filliden the temple.
2 seraphin stabant super illud sex alae uni et sex alae alteri duabus velabant faciem eius et duabus velabant pedes eius et duabus volabant
Serafyn stoden on it, sixe wyngis weren to oon, and sixe wyngis to the tothir; with twei wyngis thei hiliden the face of hym, and with twei wyngis thei hiliden the feet of hym, and with twei wyngis thei flowen.
3 et clamabant alter ad alterum et dicebant sanctus sanctus sanctus Dominus exercituum plena est omnis terra gloria eius
And thei crieden `the toon to the tother, and seiden, Hooli, hooli, hooli is the Lord God of oostis; al erthe is ful of his glorie.
4 et commota sunt superliminaria cardinum a voce clamantis et domus impleta est fumo
And the lyntels aboue of the herris were moued togidere of the vois of the criere, and the hous was fillid with smoke.
5 et dixi vae mihi quia tacui quia vir pollutus labiis ego sum et in medio populi polluta labia habentis ego habito et Regem Dominum exercituum vidi oculis meis
And Y seide, Wo to me, for Y was stille; for Y am a man defoulid in lippis, and Y dwelle in the myddis of the puple hauynge defoulid lippis, and Y siy with myn iyen the kyng Lord of oostis.
6 et volavit ad me unus de seraphin et in manu eius calculus quem forcipe tulerat de altari
And oon of serafyn flei to me, and a brennynge cole was in his hond, which cole he hadde take with a tonge fro the auter.
7 et tetigit os meum et dixit ecce tetigit hoc labia tua et auferetur iniquitas tua et peccatum tuum mundabitur
And he touchide my mouth, and seide, Lo! Y haue touchid thi lippis with this cole, and thi wickidnesse schal be don awei, and thi synne schal be clensid.
8 et audivi vocem Domini dicentis quem mittam et quis ibit nobis et dixi ecce ego sum mitte me
And Y herde the vois of the Lord, seiynge, Whom schal Y sende, and who schal go to you? And Y seide, Lo! Y; sende thou me.
9 et dixit vade et dices populo huic audite audientes et nolite intellegere et videte visionem et nolite cognoscere
And he seide, Go thou, and thou schalt seie to this puple, Ye herynge here, and nyle ye vndurstonde; and se ye the profesie, and nyle ye knowe.
10 excaeca cor populi huius et aures eius adgrava et oculos eius claude ne forte videat oculis suis et auribus suis audiat et corde suo intellegat et convertatur et sanem eum
Make thou blynde the herte of this puple, and aggrege thou the eeris therof, and close thou the iyen therof; lest perauenture it se with hise iyen, and here with hise eeris, and vndurstonde with his herte, and it be conuertid, and Y make it hool.
11 et dixi usquequo Domine et dixit donec desolentur civitates absque habitatore et domus sine homine et terra relinquetur deserta
And Y seide, Lord, hou long? And he seide, Til citees ben maad desolat with out dwellere, and housis with out man. And the lond schal be left desert,
12 et longe faciet Dominus homines et multiplicabitur quae derelicta fuerat in medio terrae
and the Lord schal make men fer. And that that was forsakun in the myddil of erthe, schal be multiplied, and yit tithing schal be ther ynne;
13 et adhuc in ea decimatio et convertetur et erit in ostensionem sicut terebinthus et sicuti quercus quae expandit ramos suos semen sanctum erit id quod steterit in ea
and it schal be conuertid, and it schal be in to schewyng, as a terebynte is, and as an ook, that spredith abrood hise boowis; that schal be hooli seed, that schal stonde ther ynne.

< Isaiæ 6 >