< Isaiæ 33 >
1 vae qui praedaris nonne et ipse praedaberis et qui spernis nonne et ipse sperneris cum consummaveris depraedationem depraedaberis cum fatigatus desiveris contemnere contemneris
Wo to thee, that robbest; whether and thou schalt not be robbid? and that dispisist, whether and thou schalt not be dispisid? Whanne thou hast endid robbyng, thou schalt be robbid; and whanne thou maad weri ceessist to dispise, thou schalt be dispisid.
2 Domine miserere nostri te expectavimus esto brachium eorum in mane et salus nostra in tempore tribulationis
Lord, haue thou merci on vs, for we abiden thee; be thou oure arm in the morewtid, and oure helthe in the tyme of tribulacioun.
3 a voce angeli fugerunt populi ab exaltatione tua dispersae sunt gentes
Puplis fledden fro the vois of the aungel; hethene men ben scaterid of thin enhaunsyng.
4 et congregabuntur spolia vestra sicut colligitur brucus velut cum fossae plenae fuerint de eo
And youre spuylis schulen be gaderid togidere, as a bruke is gaderid togidere, as whanne dichis ben ful therof.
5 magnificatus est Dominus quoniam habitavit in excelso implevit Sion iudicio et iustitia
The Lord is magnefied, for he dwellide an hiy, he fillid Sion with doom and riytfulnesse.
6 et erit fides in temporibus tuis divitiae salutis sapientia et scientia timor Domini ipse thesaurus eius
And feith schal be in thi tymes; the ritchessis of helthe is wisdom and kunnynge; the drede of the Lord, thilke is the tresour of hym.
7 ecce videntes clamabunt foris angeli pacis amare flebunt
Lo! seeris withoutenforth schulen crye, aungels of pees schulen wepe bittirli.
8 dissipatae sunt viae cessavit transiens per semitam irritum factum est pactum proiecit civitates non reputavit homines
Weies ben distried, a goere bi the path ceesside; the couenaunt is maad voide, he castide doun citees, he arettide not men.
9 luxit et elanguit terra confusus est Libanus et obsorduit et factus est Saron sicut desertum et concussa est Basan et Carmelus
The lond morenyde, and was sijk; the Liban was schent, and was foul; and Saron is maad as desert, and Basan is schakun, and Carmele.
10 nunc consurgam dicit Dominus nunc exaltabor nunc sublevabor
Now Y schal ryse, seith the Lord, now I schal be enhaunsid, and now I schal be reisid vp.
11 concipietis ardorem parietis stipulam spiritus vester ut ignis vorabit vos
Ye schulen conseyue heete, ye schulen brynge forth stobil; youre spirit as fier schal deuoure you.
12 et erunt populi quasi de incendio cinis spinae congregatae igni conburentur
And puplis schulen be as aischis of the brennyng; thornes gaderid togidere schulen be brent in fier.
13 audite qui longe estis quae fecerim et cognoscite vicini fortitudinem meam
Ye that ben fer, here what thingis Y haue do; and, ye neiyboris, knowe my strengthe.
14 conterriti sunt in Sion peccatores possedit tremor hypocritas quis poterit habitare de vobis cum igne devorante quis habitabit ex vobis cum ardoribus sempiternis
Synneris ben al to-brokun in Syon, tremblyng weldide ipocritis; who of you mai dwelle with fier deuowringe? who of you schal dwelle with euerlastinge brennyngis?
15 qui ambulat in iustitiis et loquitur veritates qui proicit avaritiam ex calumnia et excutit manus suas ab omni munere qui obturat aures suas ne audiat sanguinem et claudit oculos suos ne videat malum
He that goith in riytfulnessis, and spekith treuthe; he that castith awei aueryce of fals calenge, and schakith awei his hondis fro al yifte; he that stoppith his eeris, that he heere not blood, and closith his iyen, that he se not yuel.
16 iste in excelsis habitabit munimenta saxorum sublimitas eius panis ei datus est aquae eius fideles sunt
This man schal dwelle in hiy thingis, the strengthis of stoonys ben the hiynesse of hym; breed is youun to hym, hise watris ben feithful.
17 regem in decore suo videbunt oculi eius cernent terram de longe
Thei schulen se the kyng in his fairnesse; the iyen of hym schulen biholde the londe fro fer.
18 cor tuum meditabitur timorem ubi est litteratus ubi legis verba ponderans ubi doctor parvulorum
Eliachym, thin herte schal bithenke drede; where is the lettrid man? Where is he that weieth the wordis of the lawe? where is the techere of litle children?
19 populum inpudentem non videbis populum alti sermonis ita ut non possis intellegere disertitudinem linguae eius in quo nulla est sapientia
Thou schalt not se a puple vnwijs, a puple of hiy word, so that thou maist not vndurstonde the fair speking of his tunge, in which puple is no wisdom.
20 respice Sion civitatem sollemnitatis nostrae oculi tui videbunt Hierusalem habitationem opulentam tabernaculum quod nequaquam transferri poterit nec auferentur clavi eius in sempiternum et omnes funiculi eius non rumpentur
Biholde thou Sion, the citee of youre solempnyte; thin iyen schulen se Jerusalem, a riche citee, a tabernacle that mai not be borun ouer, nether the nailis therof schulen be takun awei withouten ende; and alle the cordis therof schulen not be brokun.
21 quia solummodo ibi magnificus Dominus noster locus fluviorum rivi latissimi et patentes non transibit per eum navis remigum neque trieris magna transgredietur eum
For oneli the worschipful doere oure Lord God is there; the place of floodis is strondis ful large and opyn; the schip of roweris schal not entre bi it, nethir a greet schip schal passe ouer it.
22 Dominus enim iudex noster Dominus legifer noster Dominus rex noster ipse salvabit nos
For whi the Lord is oure iuge, the Lord is oure lawe yyuere, the Lord is oure kyng; he schal saue vs.
23 laxati sunt funiculi tui sed non praevalebunt sic erit malus tuus ut dilatare signum non queas tunc dividentur spolia praedarum multarum claudi diripient rapinam
Thi roopis ben slakid, but tho schulen not auaile; thi mast schal be so, that thou mow not alarge a signe. Thanne the spuylis of many preyes schulen be departid, crokid men schulen rauysche raueyn.
24 nec dicet vicinus elangui populus qui habitat in ea auferetur ab eo iniquitas
And a neiybore schal seie, Y was not sijk; the puple that dwellith in that Jerusalem, wickidnesse schal be takun awei fro it.