< Isaiæ 17 >

1 onus Damasci ecce Damascus desinet esse civitas et erit sicut acervus lapidum in ruina
The burden of Damascus. Beholde, Damascus is taken away from being a citie, for it shall be a ruinous heape.
2 derelictae civitates Aroer gregibus erunt et requiescent ibi et non erit qui exterreat
The cities of Aroer shall be forsaken: they shall be for the flockes: for they shall lye there, and none shall make them afraide.
3 et cessabit adiutorium ab Ephraim et regnum a Damasco et reliquiae Syriae sicut gloria filiorum Israhel erunt dicit Dominus exercituum
The munition also shall cease from Ephraim, and the kingdome from Damascus, and the remnant of Aram shall be as the glory of the children of Israel, sayeth the Lord of hostes.
4 et erit in die illa adtenuabitur gloria Iacob et pingue carnis eius marcescet
And in that day the glorie of Iaakob shall be impouerished, and the fatnes of his flesh shalbe made leane.
5 et erit sicut congregans in messe quod restiterit et brachium eius spicas leget et erit sicut quaerens spicas in valle Rafaim
And it shalbe as when the haruest man gathereth the corne, and reapeth the eares with his arme, and he shall be as he that gathereth the eares in the valley of Rephaim.
6 et relinquetur in eo sicut racemus et sicut excussio oleae duarum aut trium olivarum in summitate rami sive quattuor aut quinque in cacuminibus eius fructus eius dicit Dominus Deus Israhel
Yet a gathering of grapes shall be left in it, as the shaking of an oliue tree, two or three beries are in the top of the vpmost boughes, and foure or fiue in the hie branches of the fruite thereof, sayeth the Lord God of Israel.
7 in die illa inclinabitur homo ad factorem suum et oculi eius ad Sanctum Israhel respicient
At that day shall a man looke to his maker, and his eyes shall looke to the holy one of Israel.
8 et non inclinabitur ad altaria quae fecerunt manus eius et quae operati sunt digiti eius non respiciet lucos et delubra
And hee shall not looke to the altars, the workes of his owne hands, neither shall he looke to those thinges, which his owne fingers haue made, as groues and images.
9 in die illa erunt civitates fortitudinis eius derelictae sicut aratra et segetes quae derelictae sunt a facie filiorum Israhel et erit deserta
In that day shall the cities of their strength be as the forsaking of boughes and branches, which they did forsake, because of the children of Israel, and there shall be desolation.
10 quia oblita es Dei salvatoris tui et Fortis adiutoris tui non es recordata propterea plantabis plantationem fidelem et germen alienum seminabis
Because thou hast forgotten the God of thy saluation, and hast not remembred the God of thy strength, therefore shalt thou set pleasant plantes, and shalt graffe strange vine branches:
11 in die plantationis tuae labrusca et mane semen tuum florebit ablata est messis in die hereditatis et dolebit graviter
In the day shalt thou make thy plant to growe, and in the morning shalt thou make thy seede to florish: but the haruest shall be gone in the day of possession, and there shalbe desperate sorrowe.
12 vae multitudo populorum multorum ut multitudo maris sonantis et tumultus turbarum sicut sonitus aquarum multarum
Ah, the multitude of many people, they shall make a sounde like the noyse of the sea: for the noyse of the people shall make a sounde like the noyse of mightie waters.
13 sonabunt populi sicut sonitus aquarum inundantium et increpabit eum et fugiet procul et rapietur sicut pulvis montium a facie venti et sicut turbo coram tempestate
The people shall make a sounde like the noise of many waters: but God shall rebuke them, and they shall flee farre off, and shalbe chased as the chaffe of the mountaines before the winde, and as a rolling thing before the whirlewinde.
14 in tempore vespere et ecce turbatio in matutino et non subsistet haec est pars eorum qui vastaverunt nos et sors diripientium nos
And loe, in the euening there is trouble: but afore the morning it is gone. This is the portion of them that spoyle vs, and the lot of them that robbe vs.

< Isaiæ 17 >