< Isaiæ 13 >

1 onus Babylonis quod vidit Isaias filius Amos
The doom of Babylon, which Isaiah Amoz' son foresaw.
2 super montem caligosum levate signum exaltate vocem levate manum et ingrediantur portas duces
Upon a high mountain lift ye up a banner, raise high your voice unto them, wave the hand, that they may enter into the gates of the princes.
3 ego mandavi sanctificatis meis et vocavi fortes meos in ira mea exultantes in gloria mea
I have charged my prepared ones, I have also called my heroes for my anger, those that rejoice in my highness.
4 vox multitudinis in montibus quasi populorum frequentium vox sonitus regum gentium congregatarum Dominus exercituum praecepit militiae belli
There is a noise of tumult on the mountains, like that of a numerous people; a noise of shouting of kingdoms of nations assembled; the Lord of hosts mustereth a host of battle.
5 venientibus de terra procul a summitate caeli Dominus et vasa furoris eius ut disperdat omnem terram
They are coming from a far-off country, from the end of the heavens, [here is] the Lord, with the weapons of his indignation, to destroy all the land.
6 ululate quia prope est dies Domini quasi vastitas a Domino veniet
Wail ye; for nigh is the day of the Lord; like wasting from the Almighty shall it come.
7 propter hoc omnes manus dissolventur et omne cor hominis tabescet
Therefore all hands shall become weak, and every mortal's heart shall melt;
8 et conteretur tortiones et dolores tenebunt quasi parturiens dolebunt unusquisque ad proximum suum stupebit facies conbustae vultus eorum
And they shall be affrighted, pangs and pains shall seize on them; they shall have throes as a woman that travaileth; one at the other shall they look amazed; red like flames shall their faces glow.
9 ecce dies Domini venit crudelis et indignationis plenus et irae furorisque ad ponendam terram in solitudine et peccatores eius conterendos de ea
Behold, the day of the Lord cometh, direful, [laden] with wrath and the fierceness of anger, to render the earth desolate: and its sinners will he destroy out of it.
10 quoniam stellae caeli et splendor earum non expandent lumen suum obtenebratus est sol in ortu suo et luna non splendebit in lumine suo
For the stars of the heavens and their constellations shall not give forth their light: the sun shall be darkened in his going forth, and the moon shall not shed abroad her light.
11 et visitabo super orbis mala et contra impios iniquitatem eorum et quiescere faciam superbiam infidelium et arrogantiam fortium humiliabo
And I will visit on the world its evil, and on the wicked their iniquity; and I will stop the arrogance of the presumptuous, and the haughtiness of the tyrants will I humble.
12 pretiosior erit vir auro et homo mundo obrizo
I will make the mortal more precious than fine gold; and man, more than the valued metal of Ophir.
13 super hoc caelum turbabo et movebitur terra de loco suo propter indignationem Domini exercituum et propter diem irae furoris eius
Therefore will I shake the heavens, and the earth shall start quaking out of her place, at the wrath of the Lord of hosts, and on the day of his fierce anger.
14 et erit quasi dammula fugiens et quasi ovis et non erit qui congreget unusquisque ad populum suum convertetur et singuli ad terram suam fugient
And the people shall be as the chased roe, and as flocks which no one gathereth up; every man to his own people shall they turn, and every man into his own land shall they flee.
15 omnis qui inventus fuerit occidetur et omnis qui supervenerit cadet in gladio
Every one that is found shall be thrust through; and every one that is joined unto them shall fall by the sword.
16 infantes eorum adlident in oculis eorum diripientur domus eorum et uxores eorum violabuntur
And their babes shall be dashed to pieces before their eyes: spoiled shall be their houses, and their wives ravished.
17 ecce ego suscitabo super eos Medos qui argentum non quaerant nec aurum velint
Behold, I will stir up against them the Medes; who will not regard silver, and who will not delight in gold.
18 sed sagittis parvulos interficiant et lactantibus uteri non misereantur et super filios non parcat oculus eorum
And their bows will dash young men to pieces; and on the fruit of the womb will they have no mercy; on children their eye will not look with pity.
19 et erit Babylon illa gloriosa in regnis inclita in superbia Chaldeorum sicut subvertit Deus Sodomam et Gomorram
And [thus] shall Babylon, the glory of kingdoms, the proud ornament of the Chaldeans, become like the overthrow through God of Sodom and Gomorrah.
20 non habitabitur usque in finem et non fundabitur usque ad generationem et generationem nec ponet ibi tentoria Arabs nec pastores requiescent ibi
It shall not be inhabited for ever, and it shall not be dwelt in from generation to generation; nor shall the Arabian pitch there his tent; and shepherds shall not let their flocks rest there.
21 sed requiescent ibi bestiae et replebuntur domus eorum draconibus et habitabunt ibi strutiones et pilosi saltabunt ibi
But there shall rest the wild beasts of the desert; and their houses shall be full of owls; and ostriches shall dwell there, and evil spirits shall dance there.
22 et respondebunt ibi ululae in aedibus eius et sirenae in delubris voluptatis
And jackals shall howl in her palaces, and monsters in the temples of pleasure; and near to come is her time, and her days shall not be extended.

< Isaiæ 13 >