< Isaiæ 11 >
1 et egredietur virga de radice Iesse et flos de radice eius ascendet
But there shall come a rodde foorth of the stocke of Ishai, and a grasse shall growe out of his rootes.
2 et requiescet super eum spiritus Domini spiritus sapientiae et intellectus spiritus consilii et fortitudinis spiritus scientiae et pietatis
And the Spirite of the Lord shall rest vpon him: the Spirite of wisedome and vnderstanding, the Spirite of counsell and strength, the Spirite of knowledge, and of the feare of the Lord,
3 et replebit eum spiritus timoris Domini non secundum visionem oculorum iudicabit neque secundum auditum aurium arguet
And shall make him prudent in the feare of the Lord: for he shall not iudge after the sight of his eies, neither reproue by ye hearing of his eares.
4 sed iudicabit in iustitia pauperes et arguet in aequitate pro mansuetis terrae et percutiet terram virga oris sui et spiritu labiorum suorum interficiet impium
But with righteousnesse shall he iudge the poore, and with equitie shall he reprooue for the meeke of the earth: and he shall smite the earth with the rod of his mouth, and with the breath of his lippes shall he slay the wicked.
5 et erit iustitia cingulum lumborum eius et fides cinctorium renis eius
And iustice shall be ye girdle of his loynes, and faithfulnesse the girdle of his reines.
6 habitabit lupus cum agno et pardus cum hedo accubabit vitulus et leo et ovis simul morabuntur et puer parvulus minabit eos
The wolfe also shall dwell with the lambe, and the leopard shall lie with the kid, and the calfe, and the lyon, and the fat beast together, and a litle childe shall leade them.
7 vitulus et ursus pascentur simul requiescent catuli eorum et leo quasi bos comedet paleas
And the kow and the beare shall feede: their yong ones shall lie together: and the lyon shall eate strawe like the bullocke.
8 et delectabitur infans ab ubere super foramine aspidis et in caverna reguli qui ablactatus fuerit manum suam mittet
And the sucking childe shall play vpon the hole of the aspe, and the wained childe shall put his hand vpon the cockatrice hole.
9 non nocebunt et non occident in universo monte sancto meo quia repleta est terra scientia Domini sicut aquae maris operientes
Then shall none hurt nor destroy in all the mountaine of mine holines: for the earth shalbe full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters that couer the sea.
10 in die illa radix Iesse qui stat in signum populorum ipsum gentes deprecabuntur et erit sepulchrum eius gloriosum
And in that day the roote of Ishai, which shall stand vp for a signe vnto the people, the nations shall seeke vnto it, and his rest shall be glorious.
11 et erit in die illa adiciet Dominus secundo manum suam ad possidendum residuum populi sui quod relinquetur ab Assyriis et ab Aegypto et a Fetros et ab Aethiopia et ab Aelam et a Sennaar et ab Emath et ab insulis maris
And in the same day shall the Lord stretche out his hand againe the second time, to possesse the remnant of his people, (which shalbe left) of Asshur, and of Egypt, and of Pathros, and of Ethiopia, and of Elam, and of Shinear, and of Hamath, and of the yles of the sea.
12 et levabit signum in nationes et congregabit profugos Israhel et dispersos Iuda colliget a quattuor plagis terrae
And he shall set vp a signe to the nations, and assemble the dispersed of Israel, and gather the scattered of Iudah from the foure corners of the worlde.
13 et auferetur zelus Ephraim et hostes Iuda peribunt Ephraim non aemulabitur Iudam et Iudas non pugnabit contra Ephraim
The hatred also of Ephraim shall depart, and the aduersaries of Iudah shalbe cut off: Ephraim shall not enuie Iudah, neither shall Iudah vexe Ephraim:
14 et volabunt in umeros Philisthim per mare simul praedabuntur filios orientis Idumea et Moab praeceptum manus eorum et filii Ammon oboedientes erunt
But they shall flee vpon the shoulders of the Philistims toward the West: they shall spoyle them of the East together: Edom and Moab shall be the stretching out of their hands, and the children of Ammon in their obedience.
15 et desolabit Dominus linguam maris Aegypti et levabit manum suam super Flumen in fortitudine spiritus sui et percutiet eum in septem rivis ita ut transeant per eum calciati
The Lord also shall vtterly destroy the tongue of the Egyptians sea, and with his mightie winde shall lift vp his hand ouer the riuer, and shall smite him in his seuen streames, and cause men to walke therein with shooes.
16 et erit via residuo populo meo qui relinquetur ab Assyriis sicut fuit Israhel in die qua ascendit de terra Aegypti
And there shalbe a path to the remnant of his people, which are left of Asshur, like as it was vnto Israel in the day that he came vp out of the land of Egypt.