< Osee Propheta 9 >

1 noli laetari Israhel noli exultare sicut populi quia fornicatus es a Deo tuo dilexisti mercedem super omnes areas tritici
Israel, nyle thou be glad, nyle thou make ful out ioie as puplis; for thou hast do fornicacioun fro thi God. Thou louedist meede on alle the cornflooris of wheete.
2 area et torcular non pascet eos et vinum mentietur eis
The cornfloor and pressour schal not feede hem, and wyn schal lie to hem.
3 non habitabunt in terra Domini reversus est Ephraim Aegyptum et in Assyriis pollutum comedit
Thei schulen not dwelle in the lond of the Lord. Effraym turnede ayen in to Egipt, and eet defoulid thing among Assiriens.
4 non libabunt Domino vinum et non placebunt ei sacrificia eorum quasi panis lugentium omnes qui comedunt eum contaminabuntur quia panis eorum animae ipsorum non intrabit in domum Domini
Thei schulen not offre wyn to the Lord, and thei schulen not plese hym. The sacrificis of hem ben as breed of mourneris; alle that schulen ete it schulen be defoulid. For the breed of hem is to the lijf of hem; thei schulen not entre in to the hous of the Lord.
5 quid facietis in die sollemni in die festivitatis Domini
What schulen ye do in the solempne dai, in the dai of the feeste of the Lord?
6 ecce enim profecti sunt a vastitate Aegyptus congregavit eos Memphis sepeliet eos desiderabile argenti eorum urtica hereditabit lappa in tabernaculis eorum
For lo! thei ben goon out fro distriyng. Egipt schal gadere hem togidere, Memphis schal birie hem. A nettle schal enherite the desirable siluer of hem, a clote schal be in the tabernaclis of hem.
7 venerunt dies visitationis venerunt dies retributionis scitote Israhel stultum prophetam insanum virum spiritalem propter multitudinem iniquitatis tuae et multitudo amentiae
Daies of visitacioun ben comun, daies of yeldyng ben comun. Knowe ye, that Israel is a fool, a wood profete, a spiritual man, for the multitude of thi wickidnesse is also the multitude of woodnesse.
8 speculator Ephraim cum Deo meo propheta laqueus ruinae super omnes vias eius insania in domo Dei eius
The biholdere of Effraym with my God is a profete; a snare of fallyng is maad now on alle the weies of hym, woodnesse is in the hous of his God.
9 profunde peccaverunt sicut in diebus Gabaa recordabitur iniquitatis eorum et visitabit peccata eorum
Thei synneden deepli, as in the daies of Gabaa. The Lord schal haue mynde on the wickidnesse of hem, and schal visite the synnes of hem.
10 quasi uvas in deserto inveni Israhel quasi prima poma ficulneae in cacumine eius vidi patres eorum ipsi autem intraverunt ad Beelphegor et abalienati sunt in confusione et facti sunt abominabiles sicut ea quae dilexerunt
Y foond Israel as grapis in desert, Y siy the fadris of hem as the firste applis of a fige tree, in the cop therof; but thei entriden to Belfegor, and weren alienyd in confusioun, and thei weren maad abhomynable as tho thingis whiche thei louyden.
11 Ephraim quasi avis avolavit gloria eorum a partu et ab utero et a conceptu
Effraym as a brid fley awei; the glorye of hem is of childberyng, and of the wombe, and of conseyuyng.
12 quod si et enutrierint filios suos absque liberis eos faciam in hominibus sed et vae eis cum recessero ab eis
That if thei nurschen her sones, Y schal make hem with out children among men. But also wo to hem, whanne Y schal go awei fro hem.
13 Ephraim ut vidi Tyrus erat fundata in pulchritudine et Ephraim educit ad interfectorem filios suos
Y siy that Effraym was as Tire, foundid in fairnesse; and Effraym schal lede out hise sones to the sleere.
14 da eis Domine quid dabis eis da eis vulvam sine liberis et ubera arentia
Lord, yyue thou to hem; what schalt thou yyue to hem? yyue thou to hem a wombe with out children, and drie tetis.
15 omnes nequitiae eorum in Galgal quia ibi exosos habui eos propter malitiam adinventionum eorum de domo mea eiciam eos non addam ut diligam eos omnes principes eorum recedentes
Alle the wickidnessis of hem ben in Galgal, for there Y hadde hem hateful; for the malice of her fyndyngis. Y schal caste hem out of myn hous; Y schal not leie to, that Y loue hem. Alle the princes of hem goen awei.
16 percussus est Ephraim radix eorum exsiccata est fructum nequaquam facient quod si et genuerint interficiam amantissima uteri eorum
Effraym is smyten, the roote of hem is dried vp; thei schulen not make fruyt. That thouy thei gendren, Y schal sle the moost louyd thingis of her wombe.
17 abiciet eos Deus meus quia non audierunt eum et erunt vagi in nationibus
My God schal caste hem awey, for thei herden not hym; and thei schulen be of vnstable dwellyng among naciouns.

< Osee Propheta 9 >