< Osee Propheta 2 >

1 dicite fratribus vestris Populus meus et sorori vestrae Misericordiam consecuta
Call ye your brethren My-people; and your sisters Pitied.
2 iudicate matrem vestram iudicate quoniam ipsa non uxor mea et ego non vir eius auferat fornicationes suas a facie sua et adulteria sua de medio uberum suorum
Contend ye with your mother, contend! For she is not my wife, Nor am I her husband; That she put away lewdness from her face, And adultery from her breasts, Lest I strip her naked, And expose her, as when she was born;
3 ne forte expoliem eam nudam et statuam eam secundum diem nativitatis suae et ponam eam quasi solitudinem et statuam eam velut terram inviam et interficiam eam siti
Lest I make her as the desert, and like a parched land, And kill her with thirst.
4 et filiorum illius non miserebor quoniam filii fornicationum sunt
Upon her sons also I will not have pity, For they are the sons of lewdness.
5 quia fornicata est mater eorum confusa est quae concepit eos quia dixit vadam post amatores meos qui dant panes mihi et aquas meas lanam meam et linum meum oleum meum et potum meum
For their mother hath been guilty of lewdness; She that bore them hath brought upon herself shame; For she said, I will go after my lovers, Who give me my food and my water, My wool and my flax, my oil and my strong drink.
6 propter hoc ecce ego sepiam viam tuam spinis et sepiam eam maceria et semitas suas non inveniet
Therefore, behold, I will hedge up her way with thorns, And I will enclose her with a wall, So that she shall not find her paths.
7 et sequetur amatores suos et non adprehendet eos et quaeret eos et non inveniet et dicet vadam et revertar ad virum meum priorem quia bene mihi erat tunc magis quam nunc
When she followeth after her lovers, she shall not overtake them; When she seeketh them, she shall not find them. Then shall she say, I will go back to my former husband, For then it was better with me than now.
8 et haec nescivit quia ego dedi ei frumentum et vinum et oleum et argentum multiplicavi ei et aurum quae fecerunt Baal
For she did not consider that I gave her corn, and wine, and oil, And multiplied silver unto her, And gold, of which they made images of Baal.
9 idcirco convertar et sumam frumentum meum in tempore suo et vinum meum in tempore suo et liberabo lanam meam et linum meum quae operiebant ignominiam eius
Therefore will I take back my corn in its time, And my new wine in its season, And I will take away my wool and my flax, Which covered her nakedness.
10 et nunc revelabo stultitiam eius in oculis amatorum eius et vir non eruet eam de manu mea
And now will I reveal her shame before the eyes of her lovers, And none shall deliver her out of my hand.
11 et cessare faciam omne gaudium eius sollemnitatem eius neomeniam eius sabbatum eius et omnia festa tempora eius
And I will cause all her joy to cease; Her feasts, and new moons, and sabbaths, And all her festal days.
12 et corrumpam vineam eius et ficum eius de quibus dixit mercedes hae meae sunt quas dederunt mihi amatores mei et ponam eam in saltu et comedet illam bestia agri
I will destroy her vines, and her fig-trees, Of which she said, These are my hire, Which my lovers have given me; And I will make them a forest, And the wild beasts shall eat them.
13 et visitabo super eam dies Baalim quibus accendebat incensum et ornabatur inaure sua et monili suo et ibat post amatores suos et mei obliviscebatur dicit Dominus
I will punish her for the days of the Baals, When she burned incense to them, And decked herself with her rings and her jewels, And went after her lovers, And forgot me, saith Jehovah.
14 propter hoc ecce ego lactabo eam et ducam eam in solitudinem et loquar ad cor eius
Therefore, behold, I will allure her, And will lead her to the desert, And will speak kindly to her;
15 et dabo ei vinitores eius ex eodem loco et vallem Achor ad aperiendam spem et canet ibi iuxta dies iuventutis suae et iuxta dies ascensionis suae de terra Aegypti
And thence will I give her her vineyards, And the valley of Achor for a door of hope; And there shall she sing, as in the days of her youth! As in the day when she came up from the land of Egypt.
16 et erit in die illo ait Dominus vocabit me Vir meus et non vocabit me ultra Baali
At that time, saith Jehovah, Thou shalt call me, MY HUSBAND; Thou shalt no more call me, MY BAAL;
17 et auferam nomina Baalim de ore eius et non recordabitur ultra nominis eorum
For I will take away the name of the Baals out of her mouth, And their name shall no more be uttered.
18 et percutiam eis foedus in die illa cum bestia agri et cum volucre caeli et cum reptili terrae et arcum et gladium et bellum conteram de terra et dormire eos faciam fiducialiter
At that time will I make for them a covenant With the beasts of the forest, and with the birds of heaven, And with the creeping things of the ground. The bow and the sword and the battle will I break from the land, And I will cause them to lie down in safety.
19 et sponsabo te mihi in sempiternum et sponsabo te mihi in iustitia et iudicio et in misericordia et miserationibus
I will betroth thee to me forever; Yea, I will betroth thee to me in righteousness, and in justice, And in kindness, and in tender love.
20 et sponsabo te mihi in fide et scies quia ego Dominus
Yea, I will betroth thee to me in faithfulness, And thou shalt know Jehovah.
21 et erit in illa die exaudiam dicit Dominus exaudiam caelos et illi exaudient terram
At that time will I hear, saith Jehovah; I will hear the heavens; And they shall hear the earth,
22 et terra exaudiet triticum et vinum et oleum et haec exaudient Hiezrahel
And the earth shall hear the corn, and the new wine, and the oil, And they shall hear Jezreel.
23 et seminabo eam mihi in terram et miserebor eius quae fuit absque misericordia et dicam non populo meo populus meus tu et ipse dicet Dominus meus es tu
And I will plant her for myself in the land; And I will have pity upon her that was called Unpitied; And I will say to them called Not-my-people, Thou art my people; And they shall say, Thou art my God.

< Osee Propheta 2 >