< Osee Propheta 11 >
1 sicuti mane transit pertransiit rex Israhel quia puer Israhel et dilexi eum et ex Aegypto vocavi filium meum
As the morning passeth, so hath the king of Israel Israel was a child, and I loved him: and I called my son out of Egypt.
2 vocaverunt eos sic abierunt a facie eorum Baalim immolabant et simulacris sacrificabant
As they called them, they went away from before their face: they offered victims to Baalim, and sacrificed to idols.
3 et ego quasi nutricius Ephraim portabam eos in brachiis meis et nescierunt quod curarem eos
And I was like a foster father to Ephraim, I carried them in my arms: and they knew not that I healed them.
4 in funiculis Adam traham eos in vinculis caritatis et ero eis quasi exaltans iugum super maxillas eorum et declinavi ad eum ut vesceretur
I will draw them with the cords of Adam, with the bands of love: and I will be to them as one that taketh off the yoke on their jaws: and I put his meat to him that he might eat.
5 non revertetur in terram Aegypti et Assur ipse rex eius quoniam noluerunt converti
He shall not return into the land of Egypt, but the Assyrian shall be his king: because they would not be converted.
6 coepit gladius in civitatibus eius et consumet electos eius et comedet capita eorum
The sword hath begun in his cities, and it shall consume his chosen men, and shall devour their heads.
7 et populus meus pendebit ad reditum meum iugum autem inponetur ei simul quod non auferetur
And my people shall long for my return: but a yoke shall be put upon them together, which shall not be taken off.
8 quomodo dabo te Ephraim protegam te Israhel quomodo dabo te sicut Adama ponam te ut Seboim conversum est in me cor meum pariter conturbata est paenitudo mea
How shall I deal with thee, O Ephraim, shall I protect thee, O Israel? how shall I make thee as Adama, shall I set thee as Seboim? my heart is turned within me, my repentance is stirred up.
9 non faciam furorem irae meae non convertar ut disperdam Ephraim quoniam Deus ego et non homo in medio tui Sanctus et non ingrediar civitatem
I will not execute the fierceness of my wrath: I will not return to destroy Ephraim: because I am God, and not man: the holy one in the midst of thee, and I will not enter into the city.
10 post Dominum ambulabunt quasi leo rugiet quia ipse rugiet et formidabunt filii maris
They shall walk after the Lord, he shall roar as a lion: because he shall roar, and the children of the sea shall fear.
11 et avolabunt quasi avis ex Aegypto et quasi columba de terra Assyriorum et conlocabo eos in domibus suis dicit Dominus
And they shall fly away like a bird out of Egypt, and like a dove out of the land of the Assyrians: and I will place them in their own houses, saith the Lord.
12 circumdedit me in negatione Ephraim et in dolo domus Israhel Iudas autem testis descendit cum Deo et cum sanctis fidelis
Ephraim hath compassed me about with denials, and the house of Israel with deceit: but Juda went down as a witness with God, and is faithful with the saints.