< Genesis 7 >

1 dixitque Dominus ad eum ingredere tu et omnis domus tua arcam te enim vidi iustum coram me in generatione hac
And the LORde sayd vnto Noe: goo in to the arcke both thou and all thy houssold. For the haue I sene rightuous before me in thys generacion.
2 ex omnibus animantibus mundis tolle septena septena masculum et feminam de animantibus vero non mundis duo duo masculum et feminam
Of all clene beastes take vnto the. vij. of every kynde the male and hys female And of vnclene beastes a payre the male and hys female:
3 sed et de volatilibus caeli septena septena masculum et feminam ut salvetur semen super faciem universae terrae
lykewyse of the byrdes of the ayre vij. of every kynde male and female to save seed vppon all the erth.
4 adhuc enim et post dies septem ego pluam super terram quadraginta diebus et quadraginta noctibus et delebo omnem substantiam quam feci de superficie terrae
For. vij. dayes hence wyll I send rayne vppo the erth. xl. dayes and. xl. nyghtes and wyll dystroy all maner of thynges that I haue made from of the face of the erth.
5 fecit ergo Noe omnia quae mandaverat ei Dominus
And Noe dyd acordynge to all yt the lorde comaunded hym:
6 eratque sescentorum annorum quando diluvii aquae inundaverunt super terram
and Noe was. vi. hundred yere olde when the floud of water came vppon the erth:
7 et ingressus est Noe et filii eius uxor eius et uxores filiorum eius cum eo in arcam propter aquas diluvii
and Noe went and his sonnes and his wyfe and his sonnes wyves wyth hym in to the arke from the waters of the floud.
8 de animantibus quoque mundis et inmundis et de volucribus et ex omni quod movetur super terram
And of clene beastes and of beastes that ware vnclene and of byrdes and of all that crepeth vppo the erth
9 duo et duo ingressa sunt ad Noe in arcam masculus et femina sicut praeceperat Deus Noe
came in by cooples of every kynde vnto Noe in to the arke: a male and a female: even as God commaunded Noe.
10 cumque transissent septem dies aquae diluvii inundaverunt super terram
And the seventh daye the waters of the floud came vppon the erth.
11 anno sescentesimo vitae Noe mense secundo septimodecimo die mensis rupti sunt omnes fontes abyssi magnae et cataractae caeli apertae sunt
In the. vi. hundred yere of Noes lyfe in the secode moneth in the. xvij daye of the moneth yt same daye were all the founteynes of the grete depe broken vp and the wyndowes of heave were opened
12 et facta est pluvia super terram quadraginta diebus et quadraginta noctibus
ad there fell a rayne vpon the erth. xl. dayes and. xl. nyghtes.
13 in articulo diei illius ingressus est Noe et Sem et Ham et Iafeth filii eius uxor illius et tres uxores filiorum eius cum eis in arcam
And the selfe same daye went Noe Sem Ham and Iapheth Noes sonnes and Noes wyfe and the. iij. wyues of his sonnes wyth them in to the arke:
14 ipsi et omne animal secundum genus suum universaque iumenta in genus suum et omne quod movetur super terram in genere suo cunctumque volatile secundum genus suum universae aves omnesque volucres
both they and all maner of beastes in their kide and all maner of catell in their kynde and all maner of wormes that crepe vppon the erth in their kynde and all maner of byrdes in there kynde. and all maner off foules what soever had feders.
15 ingressae sunt ad Noe in arcam bina et bina ex omni carne in qua erat spiritus vitae
And they came vnto Noe in to the arke by cooples of all flesh yt had breth of lyfe in it.
16 et quae ingressa sunt masculus et femina ex omni carne introierunt sicut praeceperat ei Deus et inclusit eum Dominus de foris
And they that came came male ad female of every flesh acordige as God comaunded hym: and ye LORde shytt the dore vppo him
17 factumque est diluvium quadraginta diebus super terram et multiplicatae sunt aquae et elevaverunt arcam in sublime a terra
And the floud came. xl. dayes and. xl. nyghtes vppon the erth and the water increased and bare vp the arcke ad it was lifte vp from of the erth
18 vehementer inundaverunt et omnia repleverunt in superficie terrae porro arca ferebatur super aquas
And the water prevayled and increased exceadingly vppon the erth: and the arke went vppo he toppe of the waters.
19 et aquae praevaluerunt nimis super terram opertique sunt omnes montes excelsi sub universo caelo
And the waters prevayled excedingly above mesure vppo the erth so that all the hye hylles which are vnder all the partes of heaven were covered:
20 quindecim cubitis altior fuit aqua super montes quos operuerat
eve. xv. cubytes hye prevayled the waters so that the hylles were covered.
21 consumptaque est omnis caro quae movebatur super terram volucrum animantium bestiarum omniumque reptilium quae reptant super terram universi homines
And all fleshe that moved on the erth bothe birdes catell and beastes perisshed with al that crepte on the erth and all men:
22 et cuncta in quibus spiraculum vitae est in terra mortua sunt
so that all that had the breth of liffe in the nostrels of it thorow out all that was on drye lond dyed.
23 et delevit omnem substantiam quae erat super terram ab homine usque ad pecus tam reptile quam volucres caeli et deleta sunt de terra remansit autem solus Noe et qui cum eo erant in arca
Thus was destroyed all that was vppo the erth both man beastes wormes and foules of the ayre so that they were destroyed from the erth: save Noe was reserved only and they that were wyth hym in the arke.
24 obtinueruntque aquae terras centum quinquaginta diebus
And the waters prevayled vppon the erth an hundred and fyftye dayes.

< Genesis 7 >

The Great Flood
The Great Flood