< Genesis 47 >

1 ingressus ergo Ioseph nuntiavit Pharaoni dicens pater meus et fratres oves eorum et armenta et cuncta quae possident venerunt de terra Chanaan et ecce consistunt in terra Gessen
Therfor Joseph entride, and telde to Farao, and seide, My fadir and brethren, the scheep and grete beestis of hem, and alle thingis whiche thei welden, camen fro the lond of Canaan; and lo! thei stonden in the lond of Gessen.
2 extremos quoque fratrum suorum quinque viros statuit coram rege
And he ordeynede fyue, the laste men of hise britheren, bifore the kyng,
3 quos ille interrogavit quid habetis operis responderunt pastores ovium sumus servi tui et nos et patres nostri
whiche he axide, What werk han ye? Thei answeriden, We thi seruauntis ben kepers of scheep, bothe we and oure faderis;
4 ad peregrinandum in terra tua venimus quoniam non est herba gregibus servorum tuorum ingravescente fame in regione Chanaan petimusque ut esse nos iubeas servos tuos in terra Gessen
we camen in to thi lond to be pilgrymys, for noo gras is to the flockis of thi seruauntis; hungur wexith greuouse in the lond of Canaan, and we axen that thou comaunde vs thi seruauntis to be in the lond of Gessen.
5 dixit itaque rex ad Ioseph pater tuus et fratres tui venerunt ad te
And so the kyng seide to Joseph, Thi fadir and thi britheren camen to thee;
6 terra Aegypti in conspectu tuo est in optimo loco fac habitare eos et trade eis terram Gessen quod si nosti esse in eis viros industrios constitue illos magistros pecorum meorum
the lond of Egipt is in thi siyt, make thou hem to dwelle in the beste place, and yyue thou to hem the lond of Gessen; that if thou woost that witti men ben in hem, ordeyne thou hem maystris of my beestis.
7 post haec introduxit Ioseph patrem suum ad regem et statuit eum coram eo qui benedicens illi
After these thingis Joseph brouyte in his fader to the king, and settide him bifor the king, which blesside the king;
8 et interrogatus ab eo quot sunt dies annorum vitae tuae
and he was axid of the king, Hou many ben the daies of the yeeris of thi lijf?
9 respondit dies peregrinationis vitae meae centum triginta annorum sunt parvi et mali et non pervenerunt usque ad dies patrum meorum quibus peregrinati sunt
And he answeride, The daies of pilgrymage of my lijf, ben feewe and yuele, of an hundrid and thretti yeer, and tho `camen not til to the daies of my fadris, in whiche thei weren pilgryms.
10 et benedicto rege egressus est foras
And whanne he hadde blessid the kyng, he yede out.
11 Ioseph vero patri et fratribus suis dedit possessionem in Aegypto in optimo loco terrae solo Ramesses ut praeceperat Pharao
Forsothe Joseph yaf to hise fadir and britheren possessioun in Egipt, in Ramasses, the beste soile of erthe, as Farao comaundide;
12 et alebat eos omnemque domum patris sui praebens cibaria singulis
and he fedde hem, and al the hows of his fadir, and yaf metis to alle.
13 in toto enim orbe panis deerat et oppresserat fames terram maxime Aegypti et Chanaan
For breed failide in al the world, and hungur oppresside the lond, moost of Egipt and of Canaan;
14 e quibus omnem pecuniam congregavit pro venditione frumenti et intulit eam in aerarium regis
of whiche londis he gaderide al the money for the sillyng of wheete, and brouyte it in to the `tresorie of the kyng.
15 cumque defecisset emptoris pretium venit cuncta Aegyptus ad Ioseph dicens da nobis panes quare morimur coram te deficiente pecunia
And whanne prijs failide to the bieris, al Egipt cam to Joseph, and seide, Yyue thou `looues to vs; whi shulen we die bifore thee, while monei failith?
16 quibus ille respondit adducite pecora vestra et dabo vobis pro eis cibos si pretium non habetis
To whiche he answeride, Brynge ye youre beestis, and Y schal yyue to you metis for tho, if ye han not prijs.
17 quae cum adduxissent dedit eis alimenta pro equis et ovibus et bubus et asinis sustentavitque eos illo anno pro commutatione pecorum
And whanne thei hadden brouyt tho, he yaf to hem metis for horsis, and scheep, and oxun, and assis; and he susteynede hem in that yeer for the chaungyng of beestis.
18 veneruntque anno secundo et dixerunt ei non celamus dominum nostrum quod deficiente pecunia pecora simul defecerint nec clam te est quod absque corporibus et terra nihil habeamus
And thei camen in the secunde yeer, and seiden to hym, We helen not fro oure lord, that the while monei failith, also beestis failiden togidere, nether it is hid fro thee, that with out bodies and lond we han no thing;
19 cur ergo morimur te vidente et nos et terra nostra tui erimus eme nos in servitutem regiam et praebe semina ne pereunte cultore redigatur terra in solitudinem
whi therfor schulen we die, while thou seest? bothe we and oure lond schulen be thine, bie thou vs in to the kyngis seruage, and yyue thou seedis, lest the while the tiliere perischith, the lond be turned in to wildirnesse.
20 emit igitur Ioseph omnem terram Aegypti vendentibus singulis possessiones suas prae magnitudine famis subiecitque eam Pharaoni
Therfor Joseph bouyte al the lond of Egipt, while all men seelden her possessiouns, for the greetnesse of hungur;
21 et cunctos populos eius a novissimis terminis Aegypti usque ad extremos fines eius
and he made it and alle puplis therof suget to Farao, fro the laste termes of Egipt til to the laste endis therof,
22 praeter terram sacerdotum quae a rege tradita fuerat eis quibus et statuta cibaria ex horreis publicis praebebantur et idcirco non sunt conpulsi vendere possessiones suas
outakun the lond of preestis, that was youun of the kyng to hem, to whiche preestis also metis weren youun of the comun bernys, and therfor thei weren not compellid to sille her possessiouns.
23 dixit ergo Ioseph ad populos en ut cernitis et vos et terram vestram Pharao possidet accipite semina et serite agros
Therfor Joseph seide to the puplis, Lo! as ye seen, Farao weldith bothe you and youre lond; take ye seedis, and `sowe ye feeldis,
24 ut fruges habere possitis quintam partem regi dabitis quattuor reliquas permitto vobis in sementem et in cibos famulis et liberis vestris
that ye moun haue fruytis; ye schulen yyue the fifthe part to the kyng; Y suffre to you the foure residue partis in to seed and in to meetis, to you, and to youre fre children.
25 qui responderunt salus nostra in manu tua est respiciat nos tantum dominus noster et laeti serviemus regi
Whiche answeriden, Oure helthe is in thin hond; oneli oure God biholde vs, and we schulen ioifuli serue the kyng.
26 ex eo tempore usque in praesentem diem in universa terra Aegypti regibus quinta pars solvitur et factum est quasi in legem absque terra sacerdotali quae libera ab hac condicione fuit
For that tyme til in to present dai, in al the lond of Egipt, the fyuethe part is paied to the kyngis, and it is maad as in to a lawe, with out the lond of preestis, that was fre fro this condicioun.
27 habitavit ergo Israhel in Aegypto id est in terra Gessen et possedit eam auctusque est et multiplicatus nimis
Therfor Israel dwellide in Egipt, that is, in the lond of Jessen, and weldide it; and he was encreessid and multiplied ful mych.
28 et vixit in ea decem et septem annis factique sunt omnes dies vitae illius centum quadraginta septem annorum
And he lyuede therynne sixtene yeer; and alle the daies of his lijf weren maad of an hundrid and seuene and fourti yeer.
29 cumque adpropinquare cerneret mortis diem vocavit filium suum Ioseph et dixit ad eum si inveni gratiam in conspectu tuo pone manum sub femore meo et facies mihi misericordiam et veritatem ut non sepelias me in Aegypto
And whanne he seiy the dai of deeth nyye, he clepide his sone Joseph, and seide to hym, If Y haue founde grace in thi siyt; putte thin hond vndur myn hipe, and thou schal do merci and treuthe to me, that thou birie not me in Egipt;
30 sed dormiam cum patribus meis et auferas me de hac terra condasque in sepulchro maiorum cui respondit Ioseph ego faciam quod iussisti
but `Y schal slepe with my fadris, and take thou awey me fro this lond, and birie in the sepulcre of my grettere. To whom Joseph answeride, Y schal do that that thou comaundist.
31 et ille iura ergo inquit mihi quo iurante adoravit Israhel Deum conversus ad lectuli caput
And Israel seide, Therfor swere thou to me; and whanne Joseph swoor, Israel turnede to the heed of the bed, and worschipide God.

< Genesis 47 >