< Genesis 43 >

1 interim fames omnem terram vehementer premebat
In the meene tyme hungur oppresside greetli al the lond;
2 consumptisque cibis quos ex Aegypto detulerant dixit Iacob ad filios suos revertimini et emite pauxillum escarum
and whanne the meetis weren wastid, whiche thei brouyten fro Egipt, Jacob seide to hise sones, Turne ye ayen, and bie ye a litil of meetis to vs.
3 respondit Iudas denuntiavit nobis vir ille sub testificatione iurandi dicens non videbitis faciem meam nisi fratrem vestrum minimum adduxeritis vobiscum
Judas answeride, The ilke man denounside to vs vndir witnessyng of an ooth, and seide, Ye schulen not se my face, if ye schulen not brynge with you youre leeste brother;
4 si ergo vis mittere eum nobiscum pergemus pariter et ememus tibi necessaria
therfor if thou wolt sende hym with vs, we schulen go to gidere, and we schulen bie necessaries to thee;
5 si autem non vis non ibimus vir enim ut saepe diximus denuntiavit nobis dicens non videbitis faciem meam absque fratre vestro minimo
ellis if thou wolt not, we schulen not go; for as we seiden ofte, the man denounside to vs, and seide, Ye schulen not se my face with out youre leeste brother.
6 dixit eis Israhel in meam hoc fecistis miseriam ut indicaretis ei et alium habere vos fratrem
Forsothe Israel seide to hem, Ye diden this in to my wretchidnesse, that ye schewiden to hym, that ye hadden also another brother.
7 at illi responderunt interrogavit nos homo per ordinem nostram progeniem si pater viveret si haberemus fratrem et nos respondimus ei consequenter iuxta id quod fuerat sciscitatus numquid scire poteramus quod dicturus esset adducite vobiscum fratrem vestrum
And thei answeriden, The man axide vs bi ordre oure generacioun, if the fadir lyuede, if we hadden a brother; and we answeriden suyngli to hym, bi that that he axide; whether we myyten wite that he wolde seie, Brynge ye youre brothir with you?
8 Iudas quoque dixit patri suo mitte puerum mecum ut proficiscamur et possimus vivere ne moriamur nos et parvuli nostri
And Judas seide to his fadir, Sende the child with me, that we go, and moun lyue, lest we dien, and oure litle children;
9 ego suscipio puerum de manu mea require illum nisi reduxero et tradidero eum tibi ero peccati in te reus omni tempore
Y take the child, require thou hym of myn hoond; if Y schal not brynge ayen, and bitake hym to thee, Y schal be gilti of synne ayens thee in al tyme;
10 si non intercessisset dilatio iam vice altera venissemus
if delai hadde not be, we hadden come now anothir tyme.
11 igitur Israhel pater eorum dixit ad eos si sic necesse est facite quod vultis sumite de optimis terrae fructibus in vasis vestris et deferte viro munera modicum resinae et mellis et styracis et stactes et terebinthi et amigdalarum
Therfor Israel, `the fadir of hem, seide to hem, If it is nede so, do ye that that ye wolen; `take ye of the beste fruytis of the lond in youre vesselis, and `bere ye yiftis to the man, a litil of gumme, and of hony, and of storax, and of mirre, and of therebynte, and of alemaundis;
12 pecuniamque duplicem ferte vobiscum et illam quam invenistis in sacculis reportate ne forte errore factum sit
and `bere ye with you double money, and `bere ye ayen that money which ye founden in baggis, lest perauenture it be doon bi errour;
13 sed et fratrem vestrum tollite et ite ad virum
but also take ye youre brother, and go ye to the man;
14 Deus autem meus omnipotens faciat vobis eum placabilem et remittat vobiscum fratrem vestrum quem tenet et hunc Beniamin ego autem quasi orbatus absque liberis ero
forsothe my God Almyyti mak him pesible to you, and sende he ayen youre brother, whom he holdith in boondis, and this Beniamyn; forsothe Y schal be as maad bare without sones.
15 tulerunt ergo viri munera et pecuniam duplicem et Beniamin descenderuntque in Aegyptum et steterunt coram Ioseph
Therfor the men token yiftis, and double monei, and Beniamyn; and thei yeden doun in to Egipt, and stoden bifore Joseph.
16 quos cum ille vidisset et Beniamin simul praecepit dispensatori domus suae dicens introduc viros domum et occide victimas et instrue convivium quoniam mecum sunt comesuri meridie
And whanne he hadde seyn `hem and Beniamyn togidere, he comaundide the dispendere of his hows, and seide, Lede these men in to the hous, and sle beestis, and make a feeste; for thei schulen ete with me to dai.
17 fecit ille sicut fuerat imperatum et introduxit viros domum
He dide as it was comaundid, and ledde the men in to the hows;
18 ibique exterriti dixerunt mutuo propter pecuniam quam rettulimus prius in saccis nostris introducti sumus ut devolvat in nos calumniam et violenter subiciat servituti et nos et asinos nostros
and there thei weren aferd, and seiden to gidere, We ben brouyt in for the monei which we baren ayen bifore in oure sackis, that he putte chalenge `in to vs, and make suget bi violence to seruage bothe vs and oure assis.
19 quam ob rem in ipsis foribus accedentes ad dispensatorem
Wherfor thei neiyeden in the `yatis, and spaken to the dispendere,
20 locuti sunt oramus domine ut audias iam ante descendimus ut emeremus escas
Lord, we preien that thou here vs; we camen doun now bifore that we schulden bie metis;
21 quibus emptis cum venissemus ad diversorium aperuimus sacculos nostros et invenimus pecuniam in ore saccorum quam nunc eodem pondere reportamus
whanne tho weren bouyt, whanne we camen to the ynne, we openeden oure baggis, and we founden money in the mouth of sackis, which money we han brouyt ayen now in the same weiyte;
22 sed et aliud adtulimus argentum ut emamus quae necessaria sunt non est in nostra conscientia quis eam posuerit in marsuppiis nostris
but also we han brouyt other siluer, that we bie tho thingis that ben nedeful to vs; it is not in oure conscience, who puttide the money in oure pursis.
23 at ille respondit pax vobiscum nolite timere Deus vester et Deus patris vestri dedit vobis thesauros in sacculis vestris nam pecuniam quam dedistis mihi probatam ego habeo eduxitque ad eos Symeon
And he answerde, Pees be to you, nyle ye drede; youre God and God of youre fadir yaf to you tresouris in youre baggis; for I haue the monei preued, which ye yauen to me. And he ledde out Symeon to hem;
24 et introductis domum adtulit aquam et laverunt pedes suos deditque pabula asinis eorum
and whanne thei weren brouyt in to the hows, he brouyte watir, and thei waischiden her feet, and he yaf `meetis to her assis.
25 illi vero parabant munera donec ingrederetur Ioseph meridie audierant enim quod ibi comesuri essent panem
Sotheli thei maden redi yiftis til Joseph entride at myd day, for thei hadden herd that thei schulden ete breed there.
26 igitur ingressus est Ioseph domum suam obtuleruntque ei munera tenentes in manibus et adoraverunt proni in terram
Therfor Joseph entride in to his hows, and thei offriden yiftis to hym, and helden in the hondis, and worschipiden lowe to erthe.
27 at ille clementer resalutatis eis interrogavit dicens salvusne est pater vester senex de quo dixeratis mihi adhuc vivit
And he grette hem ayen mekeli; and he axide hem, and seide, Whether youre fadir, the elde man, is saaf, of whom ye seiden to me? lyueth he yit?
28 qui responderunt sospes est servus tuus pater noster adhuc vivit et incurvati adoraverunt eum
Whiche answeriden, He is hool, thi seruaunt oure fadir lyueth yit; and thei weren bowid, and worschipiden hym.
29 adtollens autem oculos Ioseph vidit Beniamin fratrem suum uterinum et ait iste est frater vester parvulus de quo dixeratis mihi et rursum Deus inquit misereatur tui fili mi
Forsothe Joseph reyside hise iyen, and siy Beniamyn his brother of the same wombe, and seide, Is this youre litil brother, of whom ye seiden to me? And eft Joseph seide, My sone, God haue merci of thee.
30 festinavitque quia commota fuerant viscera eius super fratre suo et erumpebant lacrimae et introiens cubiculum flevit
And Joseph hastide in to the hous, for his entrailis weren moued on his brother, and teeris brasten out, and he entride into a closet, and wepte.
31 rursusque lota facie egressus continuit se et ait ponite panes
And eft whanne the face was waischun, he yede out, and refreynede hym silf, and seide, Sette ye looues.
32 quibus adpositis seorsum Ioseph et seorsum fratribus Aegyptiis quoque qui vescebantur simul seorsum inlicitum est enim Aegyptiis comedere cum Hebraeis et profanum putant huiuscemodi convivium
`And whanne tho weren set to Joseph by hym silf, and to the britheren bi hem silf, and to Egipcyans that eeten to gidre by hem silf; for it is vnleueful to Egipcians to ete with Ebrewis, and thei gessen sich a feeste vnhooli.
33 sederunt coram eo primogenitus iuxta primogenita sua et minimus iuxta aetatem suam et mirabantur nimis
Therfor thei saten bifore hym, the firste gendrid bi the rite of his firste gendryng, and the leeste bi his age; and thei wondriden greetli,
34 sumptis partibus quas ab eo acceperant maiorque pars venit Beniamin ita ut quinque partibus excederet biberuntque et inebriati sunt cum eo
whanne the partis weren takun whiche thei hadden resseyued of him, and the more part cam to Beniamyn, so that it passide in fyue partis; and thei drunken, and weren fillid with him.

< Genesis 43 >