< Genesis 39 >

1 igitur Ioseph ductus est in Aegyptum emitque eum Putiphar eunuchus Pharaonis princeps exercitus vir aegyptius de manu Ismahelitarum a quibus perductus erat
Meanwhile, the descendants of Ishmael took Joseph down to Egypt. There Potiphar bought Joseph from them. Potiphar was an Egyptian who was one of the king’s officials and the captain of the king’s (palace guards/guards who protected the king).
2 fuitque Dominus cum eo et erat vir in cunctis prospere agens habitabatque in domo domini sui
Because Yahweh helped Joseph, he was able to do his work very well, and lived in the house of his Egyptian master.
3 qui optime noverat esse Dominum cum eo et omnia quae gereret ab eo dirigi in manu illius
His master saw that Yahweh was helping Joseph and enabling him to be successful in everything that he did.
4 invenitque Ioseph gratiam coram domino suo et ministrabat ei a quo praepositus omnibus gubernabat creditam sibi domum et universa quae tradita fuerant
Joseph’s master was pleased with him, so he appointed him to be his personal servant. Then he appointed him to be the one who would take care of everything in his household and all of his possessions.
5 benedixitque Dominus domui Aegyptii propter Ioseph et multiplicavit tam in aedibus quam in agris cunctam eius substantiam
From the time Potiphar appointed Joseph to take care of everything in his household and all that he owned, Yahweh blessed the people who lived in Potiphar’s house because of Joseph. He also caused Potiphar’s crops to grow well.
6 nec quicquam aliud noverat nisi panem quo vescebatur erat autem Ioseph pulchra facie et decorus aspectu
Potiphar allowed Joseph to take care of everything that he owned. Potiphar needed to decide only about the food he ate. He was not concerned about anything else in his house. Joseph was well-built/muscular and handsome.
7 post multos itaque dies iecit domina oculos suos in Ioseph et ait dormi mecum
Because of that, after a while, his master’s wife started to look fondly at Joseph. So one day she said to him, “Have sex [EUP] with me!”
8 qui nequaquam adquiescens operi nefario dixit ad eam ecce dominus meus omnibus mihi traditis ignorat quid habeat in domo sua
But he refused, saying to his master’s wife, “Listen! My master is not concerned about anything in this house. He has appointed me to take care of everything that he owns.
9 nec quicquam est quod non in mea sit potestate vel non tradiderit mihi praeter te quae uxor eius es quomodo ergo possum malum hoc facere et peccare in Deum meum
No one in this household has more authority than I do. The only thing that he has not allowed me to have is you, because you are his wife! So (how could I do this wicked thing [that you are asking me to do]?/I certainly could not do this wicked thing!) [RHQ] I would be sinning against God if I did that!”
10 huiuscemodi verbis per singulos dies et mulier molesta erat adulescenti et ille recusabat stuprum
She kept on asking Joseph day after day to have sex [EUP] with her, but he refused. He would not even go near her.
11 accidit autem ut quadam die intraret Ioseph domum et operis quippiam absque arbitris faceret
One day Joseph went into the house to do his work, and none of the other household servants were in the house.
12 et illa adprehensa lacinia vestimenti eius diceret dormi mecum qui relicto in manu illius pallio fugit et egressus est foras
Potiphar’s wife grabbed his cloak and said, “Have sex [EUP] with me!” Joseph ran out of the house, but his cloak was still in her hand!
13 cumque vidisset mulier vestem in manibus suis et se esse contemptam
When she saw that he had run outside leaving his cloak in her hand,
14 vocavit homines domus suae et ait ad eos en introduxit virum hebraeum ut inluderet nobis ingressus est ad me ut coiret mecum cumque ego succlamassem
she called the household servants. She said to them, “Look! This Hebrew man that my husband brought to us is (insulting/trying to do something disgraceful to) us! He came into my room and tried to (rape me/make me have sex [EUP] with him), but I screamed loudly.
15 et audisset vocem meam reliquit pallium quod tenebam et fugit foras
As soon as he heard me scream loudly, he left his loincloth with me and ran outside!”
16 in argumentum ergo fidei retentum pallium ostendit marito revertenti domum
She kept the loincloth beside her until her husband, Joseph’s master, came home.
17 et ait ingressus est ad me servus hebraeus quem adduxisti ut inluderet mihi
Then she told him this story: “That Hebrew slave whom you brought here came into my room and tried to rape me!
18 cumque vidisset me clamare reliquit pallium et fugit foras
As soon as I screamed loudly, he ran outside, leaving me holding his loincloth!”
19 his auditis dominus et nimium credulus verbis coniugis iratus est valde
When Joseph’s master heard this story that his wife told him, saying “This is how your slave treated me,” he was very angry.
20 tradiditque Ioseph in carcerem ubi vincti regis custodiebantur et erat ibi clausus
Joseph’s master took Joseph and put him in prison, the place where all the king’s prisoners were put, and Joseph stayed there.
21 fuit autem Dominus cum Ioseph et misertus illius dedit ei gratiam in conspectu principis carceris
But Yahweh was kind to Joseph and helped him, and caused the (prison warden/man who was in charge of the prison) to be pleased with him.
22 qui tradidit in manu ipsius universos vinctos qui in custodia tenebantur et quicquid fiebat sub ipso erat
So the prison warden put Joseph in charge of all those who were in the prison, and in charge of all the work that was done there.
23 nec noverat aliquid cunctis ei creditis Dominus enim erat cum illo et omnia eius opera dirigebat
The warden was not concerned with anything that Joseph was taking care of, because Yahweh helped Joseph to do well everything that he did.

< Genesis 39 >