< Genesis 22 >

1 quae postquam gesta sunt temptavit Deus Abraham et dixit ad eum Abraham ille respondit adsum
And aftir that these thingis weren don, God assaiede Abraham, and seide to hym, Abraham! Abraham! He answerde, Y am present.
2 ait ei tolle filium tuum unigenitum quem diligis Isaac et vade in terram Visionis atque offer eum ibi holocaustum super unum montium quem monstravero tibi
God seide to him, Take thi `sone oon gendrid, whom thou louest, Ysaac; and go into the lond of visioun, and offre thou hym there in to brent sacrifice, on oon of the hillis whiche Y schal schewe to thee.
3 igitur Abraham de nocte consurgens stravit asinum suum ducens secum duos iuvenes et Isaac filium suum cumque concidisset ligna in holocaustum abiit ad locum quem praeceperat ei Deus
Therfor Abraham roos bi niyt, and sadlide his asse, and ledde with hym twey yonge men, and Ysaac his sone; and whanne he hadde hewe trees in to brent sacrifice, he yede to the place which God hadde comaundid to him.
4 die autem tertio elevatis oculis vidit locum procul
Forsothe in the thridde dai he reiside hise iyen, and seiy a place afer;
5 dixitque ad pueros suos expectate hic cum asino ego et puer illuc usque properantes postquam adoraverimus revertemur ad vos
and he seide to hise children, Abide ye here with the asse, Y and the child schulen go thidur; and aftir that we han worschipid, we schulen turne ayen to you.
6 tulit quoque ligna holocausti et inposuit super Isaac filium suum ipse vero portabat in manibus ignem et gladium cumque duo pergerent simul
And he took the trees of brent sacrifice, and puttide on Ysaac his sone; forsothe he bar fier, and a swerd in hise hondis. And whanne thei tweyne yeden togidere, Isaac seide to his fadir, My fadir!
7 dixit Isaac patri suo pater mi at ille respondit quid vis fili ecce inquit ignis et ligna ubi est victima holocausti
And he answerde, What wolt thou, sone? He seide, Lo! fier and trees, where is the beeste of brent sacrifice?
8 dixit Abraham Deus providebit sibi victimam holocausti fili mi pergebant ergo pariter
Abraham seide, My sone, God schal puruey to hym the beeste of brent sacrifice.
9 veneruntque ad locum quem ostenderat ei Deus in quo aedificavit altare et desuper ligna conposuit cumque conligasset Isaac filium suum posuit eum in altari super struem lignorum
Therfor thei yeden to gidere, and camen to the place whiche God hadde schewid to hym, in which place Abraham bildide an auter, and dresside trees a boue; and whanne he hadde bounde to gidere Ysaac, his sone, he puttide Ysaac in the auter, on the heep of trees.
10 extenditque manum et arripuit gladium ut immolaret filium
And he helde forth his hond, and took the swerd to sacrifice his sone.
11 et ecce angelus Domini de caelo clamavit dicens Abraham Abraham qui respondit adsum
And lo! an aungel of the Lord criede fro heuene, and seide, Abraham! Abraham!
12 dixitque ei non extendas manum tuam super puerum neque facias illi quicquam nunc cognovi quod timeas Dominum et non peperceris filio tuo unigenito propter me
Which answerde, I am present. And the aungel seide to hym, Holde thou not forth thin honde on the child, nether do thou ony thing to him; now Y haue knowe that thou dredist God, and sparidist not thin oon gendrid sone for me.
13 levavit Abraham oculos viditque post tergum arietem inter vepres herentem cornibus quem adsumens obtulit holocaustum pro filio
Abraham reiside hise iyen, and he seiy `bihynde his bak a ram cleuynge bi hornes among breris, which he took, and offride brent sacrifice for the sone.
14 appellavitque nomen loci illius Dominus videt unde usque hodie dicitur in monte Dominus videbit
And he clepide the name of that place, The Lord seeth; wherfore it is seyd, til to dai, The Lord schal see in the hil.
15 vocavit autem angelus Domini Abraham secundo de caelo dicens
Forsothe the aungel of the Lord clepide Abraham the secounde tyme fro heuene,
16 per memet ipsum iuravi dicit Dominus quia fecisti rem hanc et non pepercisti filio tuo unigenito
and seide, The Lord seith, Y haue swore bi my silf, for thou hast do this thing, and hast not sparid thin oon gendrid for me,
17 benedicam tibi et multiplicabo semen tuum sicut stellas caeli et velut harenam quae est in litore maris possidebit semen tuum portas inimicorum suorum
Y schal blesse thee, and Y schal multiplie thi seed as the sterris of heuene, and as grauel which is in the brynk of the see; thi seed schal gete the yatis of hise enemyes;
18 et benedicentur in semine tuo omnes gentes terrae quia oboedisti voci meae
and alle the folkis of erthe schulen be blessid in thi seed, for thou obeiedist to my vois.
19 reversus est Abraham ad pueros suos abieruntque Bersabee simul et habitavit ibi
Abraham turnede ayen to hise children, and thei yeden to Bersabee to gidere, and he dwellide there.
20 his itaque gestis nuntiatum est Abraham quod Melcha quoque genuisset filios Nahor fratri suo
And so whanne these thingis weren don, it was teld to Abraham that also Melcha hadde bore sones to Nachor his brother;
21 Hus primogenitum et Buz fratrem eius Camuhel patrem Syrorum
Hus the firste gendrid, and Buz his brothir, and Chamuhel the fadir of Sireis,
22 et Chased et Azau Pheldas quoque et Iedlaph
and Cased, and Asan, and Feldas,
23 ac Bathuel de quo nata est Rebecca octo istos genuit Melcha Nahor fratri Abraham
and Jedlaf, and Batuhel, of whom Rebecca was borun; Melcha childide these eiyte to Nachor brother of Abraham.
24 concubina vero illius nomine Roma peperit Tabee et Gaom et Thaas et Maacha
Forsothe his concubyn, Roma bi name, childide Thabee, and Gaon, and Thaas, and Maacha.

< Genesis 22 >