< Genesis 17 >

1 postquam vero nonaginta et novem annorum esse coeperat apparuit ei Dominus dixitque ad eum ego Deus omnipotens ambula coram me et esto perfectus
Forsothe aftir that Abram bigan to be of nynti yeer and nyne, the Lord apperide to hym, and seide to him, Y am Almyyti God; go thou bifore me, and be thou perfit;
2 ponamque foedus meum inter me et te et multiplicabo te vehementer nimis
and Y schal sette my couenaunt of pees bitwixe me and thee; and Y schal multiplie thee ful greetli.
3 cecidit Abram pronus in faciem
And Abram felde doun lowe on his face.
4 dixitque ei Deus ego sum et pactum meum tecum erisque pater multarum gentium
And God seide to hym, Y am, and my couenaunt of pees is with thee, and thou schalt be the fadir of many folkis;
5 nec ultra vocabitur nomen tuum Abram sed appellaberis Abraham quia patrem multarum gentium constitui te
and thi name schal no more be clepid Abram, but thou schalt be clepid Abraham, for Y haue maad thee fadir of many folkis;
6 faciamque te crescere vehementissime et ponam in gentibus regesque ex te egredientur
and Y schal make thee to wexe ful greetli, and Y schal sette thee in folkis, and kyngis schulen go out of thee;
7 et statuam pactum meum inter me et te et inter semen tuum post te in generationibus suis foedere sempiterno ut sim Deus tuus et seminis tui post te
and Y schal make my couenaunt bitwixe me and thee, and bitwixe thi seed after thee, in her generaciouns, bi euerlastynge bond of pees, that Y be thi God, and of thi seed after thee;
8 daboque tibi et semini tuo terram peregrinationis tuae omnem terram Chanaan in possessionem aeternam eroque Deus eorum
and Y schal yyue to thee and to thi seed after thee the lond of thi pilgrymage, al the lond of Chanaan, in to euerlastynge possessioun, and Y schal be the God of hem.
9 dixit iterum Deus ad Abraham et tu ergo custodies pactum meum et semen tuum post te in generationibus suis
God seide eft to Abraham, And therfor thou schalt kepe my couenaunt, and thi seed after thee, in her generaciouns.
10 hoc est pactum quod observabitis inter me et vos et semen tuum post te circumcidetur ex vobis omne masculinum
This is my couenaunt, which ye schulen kepe bitwixe me and you, and thi seed after thee; ech male kynde of you schal be circumcidid,
11 et circumcidetis carnem praeputii vestri ut sit in signum foederis inter me et vos
and ye schulen circumside the fleisch of youre mannes yeerd, that it be in to a signe of boond of pees bytwixe me and you.
12 infans octo dierum circumcidetur in vobis omne masculinum in generationibus vestris tam vernaculus quam empticius circumcidetur et quicumque non fuerit de stirpe vestra
A yong child of eiyte daies schal be circumsidid in you, al male kynde in youre generaciouns, as wel a borun seruaunt as a seruaunt bouyt schal be circumsidid, and who euere is of youre kynrede he schal be circumsidid;
13 eritque pactum meum in carne vestra in foedus aeternum
and my couenaunt schal be in youre fleisch in to euerlastynge boond of pees.
14 masculus cuius praeputii caro circumcisa non fuerit delebitur anima illa de populo suo quia pactum meum irritum fecit
A man whos fleisch of his yerde schal not be circumsidid, thilke man schal be doon a wei fro his puple; for he made voide my couenaunt.
15 dixit quoque Deus ad Abraham Sarai uxorem tuam non vocabis Sarai sed Sarram
Also God seide to Abraham, Thou schalt not clepe Saray, thi wijf, Sarai, but Sara;
16 et benedicam ei et ex illa dabo tibi filium cui benedicturus sum eritque in nationes et reges populorum orientur ex eo
and Y schal blesse hir, and of hir I schal yyue to thee a sone, whom I schal blesse, and he schal be in to naciouns, and kyngis of puplis schulen be borun of hym.
17 cecidit Abraham in faciem et risit dicens in corde suo putasne centenario nascetur filius et Sarra nonagenaria pariet
Abraham felde doun on his face, and leiyede in his hert, and seide, Gessist thou, whethir a sone schal be borun to a man of an hundrid yeer, and Sara of nynti yeer schal bere child?
18 dixitque ad Deum utinam Ismahel vivat coram te
And he seide to the Lord, Y wolde that Ismael lyue bifore thee.
19 et ait Deus ad Abraham Sarra uxor tua pariet tibi filium vocabisque nomen eius Isaac et constituam pactum meum illi in foedus sempiternum et semini eius post eum
And the Lord seide to Abraham, Sara, thi wijf, schal bere a sone to thee, and thou schalt clepe his name Ysaac, and Y schal make my couenaunt to hym in to euerlastynge boond of pees, and to his seed aftir hym;
20 super Ismahel quoque exaudivi te ecce benedicam ei et augebo et multiplicabo eum valde duodecim duces generabit et faciam illum in gentem magnam
also on Ysmael Y haue herd thee, lo! Y schal blesse him, and Y schal encreesse, and Y schal multiplie him greetli; he schal gendre twelue dukis, and Y schal make hym in to a greet folk.
21 pactum vero meum statuam ad Isaac quem pariet tibi Sarra tempore isto in anno altero
Forsothe Y schal make my couenaunt to Ysaac, whom Sare schal childe to thee in this tyme in the tother yeer.
22 cumque finitus esset sermo loquentis cum eo ascendit Deus ab Abraham
And whanne the word of the spekere with hym was endid, God stiede fro Abraham.
23 tulit autem Abraham Ismahelem filium suum et omnes vernaculos domus suae universosque quos emerat cunctos mares ex omnibus viris domus suae et circumcidit carnem praeputii eorum statim in ipsa die sicut praeceperat ei Deus
Forsothe Abraham took Ismael, his sone, and alle the borun seruauntis of his hous, and alle which he hadde bouyte, alle the malis of alle men of his hous, and circumsidide the fleisch of her yerde, anoon in that dai, as the Lord comaundide him.
24 nonaginta novem erat annorum quando circumcidit carnem praeputii sui
Abraham was of nynti yeer and nyne whanne he circumsidide the fleisch of his yeerd,
25 et Ismahel filius eius tredecim annos impleverat tempore circumcisionis suae
and Ismael, his sone, hadde fillid threttene yeer in the tyme of his circumsicioun.
26 eadem die circumcisus est Abraham et Ismahel filius eius
Abraham was circumsidid in the same day, and Ismael his sone,
27 et omnes viri domus illius tam vernaculi quam empticii et alienigenae pariter circumcisi sunt
and alle men of his hows, as wel borun seruauntis as bouyt and aliens, weren circumcidid togidre.

< Genesis 17 >