< Hiezechielis Prophetæ 36 >
1 tu autem fili hominis propheta super montes Israhel et dices montes Israhel audite verbum Domini
And you, son of man, be a prophet about the mountains of Israel, and say, You mountains of Israel, give ear to the word of the Lord:
2 haec dicit Dominus Deus eo quod dixerit inimicus de vobis euge altitudines sempiternae in hereditatem datae sunt nobis
This is what the Lord has said: Because your hater has said against you, Aha! and, The old waste places are our heritage, we have taken them:
3 propterea vaticinare et dic haec dicit Dominus Deus pro eo quod desolati estis et conculcati per circuitum et facti in hereditatem reliquis gentibus et ascendistis super labium linguae et obprobrium populi
For this cause be a prophet, and say, This is what the Lord has said: Because, even because they have been glad over you and put you to shame on every side, because you have become a heritage for the rest of the nations, and you are taken up on the lips of talkers and in the evil talk of the people:
4 propterea montes Israhel audite verbum Domini Dei haec dicit Dominus Deus montibus et collibus torrentibus vallibusque et desertis parietinis et urbibus derelictis quae depopulatae sunt et subsannatae a reliquis gentibus per circuitum
For this reason, you mountains of Israel, give ear to the word of the Lord; this is what the Lord has said to the mountains and to the hills, to the streams and to the valleys, to the unpeopled wastes and to the towns where no one is living, from which the goods have been taken and which have been put to shame by the rest of the nations who are round about:
5 propterea haec dicit Dominus Deus quoniam in igne zeli mei locutus sum de reliquis gentibus et de Idumea universa qui dederunt terram meam sibi in hereditatem cum gaudio et toto corde ex animo et eiecerunt eam ut vastarent
For this cause the Lord has said: Truly, in the heat of my bitter feeling I have said things against the rest of the nations and against all Edom, who have taken my land as a heritage for themselves with the joy of all their heart, and with bitter envy of soul have made attacks on it:
6 idcirco vaticinare super humum Israhel et dices montibus et collibus iugis et vallibus haec dicit Dominus Deus ecce ego in zelo meo et in furore meo locutus sum eo quod confusionem gentium sustinueritis
For this cause be a prophet about the land of Israel, and say to the mountains and to the hills, to the streams and to the valleys, This is what the Lord has said: Truly, in my bitter feeling and in my wrath I have said these things, because you have undergone the shame of the nations:
7 idcirco haec dicit Dominus Deus ego levavi manum meam ut gentes quae in circuitu vestro sunt ipsae confusionem suam portent
For this cause the Lord has said, See, I have taken an oath that the nations which are round about you are themselves to undergo the shame which they have put on you.
8 vos autem montes Israhel ramos vestros germinetis et fructum vestrum adferatis populo meo Israhel prope est enim ut veniat
But you, O mountains of Israel, will put out your branches and give your fruit to my people Israel; for they are ready to come.
9 quia ecce ego ad vos et convertar ad vos et arabimini et accipietis sementem
For truly I am for you, and I will be turned to you, and you will be ploughed and planted:
10 et multiplicabo in vobis homines omnemque domum Israhel et habitabuntur civitates et ruinosa instaurabuntur
And I will let your numbers be increased, all the children of Israel, even all of them: and the towns will be peopled and the waste places will have buildings;
11 et replebo vos hominibus et iumentis et multiplicabuntur et crescent et habitari vos faciam sicut a principio bonisque donabo maioribus quam habuistis ab initio et scietis quia ego Dominus
Man and beast will be increased in you, and they will have offspring and be fertile: I will make you thickly peopled as you were before, and will do more for you than at the first: and you will be certain that I am the Lord.
12 et adducam super vos homines populum meum Israhel et hereditate possidebunt te et eris eis in hereditatem et non addes ultra ut absque eis sis
Yes, I will have you walked on by the feet of men, even my people Israel; they will have you for a heritage and you will be theirs, and never again will you take their children from them.
13 haec dicit Dominus Deus pro eo quod dicunt de vobis devoratrix hominum es et suffocans gentem tuam
This is what the Lord has said: Because they say to you, You, O land, are the destruction of men, causing loss of children to your nation;
14 propterea homines non comedes amplius et gentem tuam non necabis ultra ait Dominus Deus
For this reason you will no longer take the lives of men and will never again be the cause of loss of children to your nation, says the Lord.
15 nec auditam faciam in te amplius confusionem gentium et obprobrium populorum nequaquam portabis et gentem tuam non amittes amplius ait Dominus Deus
And I will not let the shaming of the nations come to your ears, and no longer will you be looked down on by the peoples, says the Lord.
16 et factum est verbum Domini ad me dicens
Then the word of the Lord came to me, saying,
17 fili hominis domus Israhel habitaverunt in humo sua et polluerunt eam in viis suis et in studiis suis iuxta inmunditiam menstruatae facta est via eorum coram me
Son of man, when the children of Israel were living in their land, they made it unclean by their way and their acts: their way before me was as when a woman is unclean at the time when she is kept separate.
18 et effudi indignationem meam super eos pro sanguine quem fuderunt super terram et in idolis suis polluerunt eam
So I let loose my wrath on them because of those whom they had violently put to death in the land, and because they had made it unclean with their images:
19 et dispersi eos in gentes et ventilati sunt in terris iuxta vias eorum et adinventiones iudicavi eos
And I sent them in flight among the nations and wandering through the countries: I was their judge, rewarding them for their way and their acts.
20 et ingressi sunt ad gentes ad quas introierunt et polluerunt nomen sanctum meum cum diceretur de eis populus Domini iste est et de terra eius egressi sunt
And when they came among the nations, wherever they went, they made my holy name unclean, when it was said of them, These are the people of the Lord who have gone out from his land.
21 et peperci nomini meo sancto quod polluerat domus Israhel in gentibus ad quas ingressi sunt
But I had pity for my holy name which the children of Israel had made unclean wherever they went.
22 idcirco dices domui Israhel haec dicit Dominus Deus non propter vos ego faciam domus Israhel sed propter nomen sanctum meum quod polluistis in gentibus ad quas intrastis
For this cause say to the children of Israel, This is what the Lord has said: I am doing this, not because of you, O children of Israel, but because of my holy name, which you have made unclean among the nations wherever you went.
23 et sanctificabo nomen meum magnum quod pollutum est inter gentes quod polluistis in medio earum ut sciant gentes quia ego Dominus ait Dominus exercituum cum sanctificatus fuero in vobis coram eis
And I will make holy my great name which has been made unclean among the nations, which you have made unclean among them; and it will be clear to the nations that I am the Lord, says the Lord, when I make myself holy in you before their eyes.
24 tollam quippe vos de gentibus et congregabo de universis terris et adducam vos in terram vestram
For I will take you out from among the nations, and get you together from all the countries, and take you into your land.
25 et effundam super vos aquam mundam et mundabimini ab omnibus inquinamentis vestris et ab universis idolis vestris mundabo vos
And I will put clean water on you so that you may be clean: from all your unclean ways and from all your images I will make you clean.
26 et dabo vobis cor novum et spiritum novum ponam in medio vestri et auferam cor lapideum de carne vestra et dabo vobis cor carneum
And I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you: I will take away the heart of stone from your flesh, and give you a heart of flesh.
27 et spiritum meum ponam in medio vestri et faciam ut in praeceptis meis ambuletis et iudicia mea custodiatis et operemini
And I will put my spirit in you, causing you to be guided by my rules, and you will keep my orders and do them.
28 et habitabitis in terra quam dedi patribus vestris et eritis mihi in populum et ego ero vobis in Deum
So that you may go on living in the land which I gave to your fathers; and you will be to me a people, and I will be to you a God.
29 et salvabo vos ex universis inquinamentis vestris et vocabo frumentum et multiplicabo illud et non inponam in vobis famem
And I will make you free from all your unclean ways: and at my voice the grain will come up and be increased, and I will not let you be short of food.
30 et multiplicabo fructum ligni et genimina agri ut non portetis ultra obprobrium famis in gentibus
And I will make the tree give more fruit and the field fuller produce, and no longer will you be shamed among the nations for need of food.
31 et recordabimini viarum vestrarum pessimarum studiorumque non bonorum et displicebunt vobis iniquitates vestrae et scelera vestra
And at the memory of your evil ways and your wrongdoings, you will have bitter hate for yourselves because of your evil-doings and your disgusting ways, O children of Israel.
32 non propter vos ego faciam ait Dominus Deus notum sit vobis confundimini et erubescite super viis vestris domus Israhel
Not because of you am I doing it, says the Lord; let it be clear to you, and be shamed and made low because of your ways, O children of Israel.
33 haec dicit Dominus Deus in die qua mundavero vos ex omnibus iniquitatibus vestris et habitari fecero urbes et instauravero ruinosa
This is what the Lord has said: In the day when I make you clean from all your evil-doings I will let the towns be peopled and there will be building on the waste places.
34 et terra deserta fuerit exculta quae quondam erat desolata in oculis omnis viatoris
And the land which was waste will be farmed, in place of being a waste in the eyes of everyone who went by.
35 dicent terra illa inculta facta est ut hortus voluptatis et civitates desertae et destitutae atque suffossae munitae sederunt
And they will say, This land which was waste has become like the garden of Eden; and the towns which were unpeopled and wasted and pulled down are walled and peopled.
36 et scient gentes quaecumque derelictae fuerint in circuitu vestro quia ego Dominus aedificavi dissipata plantavique inculta ego Dominus locutus sum et fecerim
Then the rest of the nations round about you will be certain that I the Lord am the builder of the places which were pulled down and the planter of that which was waste: I the Lord have said it, and I will do it.
37 haec dicit Dominus Deus adhuc in hoc invenient me domus Israhel ut faciam eis multiplicabo eos sicut gregem hominum
This is what the Lord has said: The children of Israel will again make prayer to me for this, that I may do it for them; I will make them increased with men like a flock.
38 ut gregem sanctum ut gregem Hierusalem in sollemnitatibus eius sic erunt civitates desertae plenaeque gregibus hominum et scient quia ego Dominus
Like sheep for the offerings, like the sheep of Jerusalem at her fixed feasts, so the unpeopled towns will be made full of men: and they will be certain that I am the Lord.