< Hiezechielis Prophetæ 25 >

1 et factus est sermo Domini ad me dicens
[Some time later, ] Yahweh gave me another message. [He said, ]
2 fili hominis pone faciem tuam contra filios Ammon et prophetabis de eis
“You human, turn toward where the Ammon people- [lives], and prophesy [what will happen to] them.
3 et dices filiis Ammon audite verbum Domini Dei haec dicit Dominus Deus pro eo quod dixisti euge euge super sanctuarium meum quia pollutum est et super terram Israhel quoniam desolata est et super domum Iuda quoniam ducti sunt in captivitatem
Say about them, ‘This is what Yahweh the Lord says: “You shouted joyfully when my [in Jerusalem] was destroyed, and when the country/land of Israel was ruined, and when the people of Judah were (exiled/forced to go) [to Babylonia].
4 idcirco ego tradam te filiis orientalibus in hereditatem et conlocabunt caulas suas in te et ponent in te tentoria sua ipsi comedent fruges tuas et ipsi bibent lac tuum
Therefore, I am going to allow you to be conquered by people [who will come] from the east. They will set up their tents in your country and live there. And they will eat the fruit from [fruit trees] and drink the [from your cattle].
5 daboque Rabbath in habitaculum camelorum et filios Ammon in cubile pecorum et scietis quia ego Dominus
I will [your capital city] Rabbah to become a pasture for camels, and the rest of Ammon to [only] a resting place for sheep. Then you will know that I, Yahweh, [have the power to do what I say that I will do].”
6 quia haec dicit Dominus Deus pro eo quod plausisti manu et percussisti pede et gavisa es ex toto affectu super terram Israhel
This is what [I], Yahweh the Lord, say: “You clapped your [joyfully] and stomped your feet, and laughed because you despised [the people in] the land of Israel.
7 idcirco ecce ego extendam manum meam super te et tradam te in direptionem gentium et interficiam te de populis et perdam de terris et conteram et scies quia ego Dominus
Therefore, I will use my power [MTY] against you, and I will enable [other] nations [conquer you and] take away your valuable possessions. I will destroy you completely [DOU], with the result that you no longer will be a nation. When that happens, people will know that I, Yahweh, [have the power to do what I say that I will do].’”
8 haec dicit Dominus Deus pro eo quod dixerunt Moab et Seir ecce sicut omnes gentes domus Iuda
This is [also] what Yahweh the Lord says: “[The people of] [south of Ammon] and [the people of] [south of Moab despised Israel and] said, ‘The people [MTY] of Israel have [as unimportant] as all the other nations!’
9 idcirco ecce ego aperiam umerum Moab de civitatibus de civitatibus inquam eius et de finibus eius inclitas terrae Bethiesimoth et Beelmeon et Cariathaim
Therefore, I will destroy the cities that protect the borders of Moab, starting at Beth-Jeshimoth, Baal-Meon, and Kiriathaim, the finest cities in Moab.
10 filiis orientis cum filiis Ammon et dabo eam in hereditatem ut non sit memoria ultra filiorum Ammon in gentibus
I will enable people from the east to conquer Moab and also to conquer Ammon. As a result, [I will cause that] Ammon will no longer be remembered by other nations.
11 et in Moab faciam iudicia et scient quia ego Dominus
I will also punish [the people of] Moab. When that happens, they will know that I, Yahweh, [have the power to do what I say that I will do].”
12 haec dicit Dominus Deus pro eo quod fecit Idumea ultionem ut se vindicaret de filiis Iuda peccavitque delinquens et vindictam expetivit de eis
This is [also] what Yahweh the Lord says: “[You people of] Edom are guilty of getting revenge on the people [MTY] of Judah.
13 idcirco haec dicit Dominus Deus extendam manum meam super Idumeam et auferam de ea hominem et iumentum et faciam eam desertum ab austro et qui sunt in Daedan gladio cadent
Therefore this is what [I], Yahweh the Lord, say: 'I will use my power against [the people of] Edom and will get rid of their men and their animals. I will ruin the land from Teman [region in central Edom] to Dedan [region in the south of Edom], and many of their men will be killed [their enemies] swords.'
14 et dabo ultionem meam super Idumeam per manum populi mei Israhel et facient in Edom iuxta iram meam et furorem meum et scient vindictam meam dicit Dominus Deus
The Israeli people will use their power [MTY] to get revenge on [the people of] Edom. They will show [the people of] Edom that I have been angry with them, and I will punish [MTY] them. The people of Edom will experience my getting revenge on them. Then they will know that I, Yahweh the Lord, [have the power to do what I say that I will do].”
15 haec dicit Dominus Deus pro eo quod fecerunt Palestini in vindictam et ulti se sunt toto animo interficientes et implentes inimicitias veteres
This is [also] what Yahweh the Lord says: “The Philistia people-group wanted very much to get revenge [on the people of Judah]. They very maliciously wanted to destroy [Judah].
16 propterea haec dicit Dominus Deus ecce ego extendam manum meam super Palestinos et interficiam interfectores et perdam reliquias maritimae regionis
Therefore this is what I, Yahweh the Lord, say: I am about to use my power [MTY] against the Philistia people. I will get rid of the Kereth people-group and all [those who live along] the coast of the [Mediterranean] Sea.
17 faciamque in eis ultiones magnas arguens in furore et scient quia ego Dominus cum dedero vindictam meam super eos
By the way I punish them, I will get great revenge on them and show that I am angry with them. And when I get revenge on them, they will know that I, Yahweh the Lord, [have the power to do what I say that I will do].'”

< Hiezechielis Prophetæ 25 >