< Hiezechielis Prophetæ 21 >

1 et factus est sermo Domini ad me dicens
The word of ye Lord came to me againe, saying,
2 fili hominis pone faciem tuam ad Hierusalem et stilla ad sanctuaria et propheta contra humum Israhel
Sonne of man, set thy face toward Ierusalem, and drop thy word toward the holy places, and prophecie against the land of Israel.
3 et dices terrae Israhel haec dicit Dominus Deus ecce ego ad te et eiciam gladium meum de vagina sua et occidam in te iustum et impium
And say to the land of Israel, Thus saith the Lord, Beholde, I come against thee, and will drawe my sword out of his sheath, and cut off from thee both the righteous and the wicked.
4 pro eo autem quod occidi in te iustum et impium idcirco egredietur gladius meus de vagina sua ad omnem carnem ab austro ad aquilonem
Seeing then that I will cut off from thee both the righteous and wicked, therefore shall my sworde goe out of his sheath against all flesh from the South to the North,
5 ut sciat omnis caro quia ego Dominus eduxi gladium meum de vagina sua inrevocabilem
That all flesh may knowe that I the Lord haue drawen my sworde out of his sheath, and it shall not returne any more.
6 et tu fili hominis ingemesce in contritione lumborum et in amaritudinibus ingemesce coram eis
Mourne therefore, thou sonne of man, as in the paine of thy reines, and mourne bitterly before them.
7 cumque dixerint ad te quare tu gemis dices pro auditu quia venit et tabescet omne cor et dissolventur universae manus et infirmabitur omnis spiritus et per cuncta genua fluent aquae ecce venit et fiet ait Dominus Deus
And if they say vnto thee, Wherefore mournest thou? then answere, Because of the bruite: for it commeth, and euery heart shall melt, and all handes shall be weake, and all mindes shall faint, and all knees shall fall away as water: beholde, it commeth, and shall be done, saith the Lord God.
8 et factus est sermo Domini ad me dicens
Againe, the word of the Lord came vnto me, saying,
9 fili hominis propheta et dices haec dicit Dominus Deus loquere gladius gladius exacutus est et limatus
Sonne of man, prophecie, and say, Thus saith the Lord God, say, A sworde, a sworde both sharpe, and fourbished.
10 ut caedat victimas exacutus est ut splendeat limatus est qui moves sceptrum filii mei succidisti omne lignum
It is sharpened to make a sore slaughter, and it is fourbished that it may glitter: how shall we reioyce? for it contemneth the rod of my sonne, as all other trees.
11 et dedi eum ad levigandum ut teneatur manu iste exacutus est gladius et iste limatus ut sit in manu interficientis
And he hath giuen it to be fourbished, that he may handle it: this sword is sharpe, and is fourbished, that he may giue it into ye hand of the slayer.
12 clama et ulula fili hominis quia hic factus est in populo meo hic in cunctis ducibus Israhel qui fugerant gladio traditi sunt cum populo meo idcirco plaude super femur
Cry, and houle, sonne of man: for this shall come to my people, and it shall come vnto all the princes of Israel: the terrours of the sword shall be vpon my people: smite therefore vpon thy thigh.
13 quia probatus est et hoc cum sceptrum subverterit et non erit dicit Dominus Deus
For it is a triall, and what shall this be, if the sworde contemne euen the rodde? It shall be no more, saith the Lord God.
14 tu ergo fili hominis propheta et percute manu ad manum et duplicetur gladius ac triplicetur gladius interfectorum hic est gladius occisionis magnae qui obstupescere eos facit
Thou therefore, sonne of man, prophecie, and smite hand to hand, and let the sworde be doubled: let the sworde that hath killed, returne the third time: it is the sword of the great slaughter entring into their priuie chambers.
15 et corde tabescere et multiplicat ruinas in omnibus portis eorum dedi conturbationem gladii acuti et limati ad fulgendum amicti ad caedem
I haue brought the feare of the sword into all their gates to make their heart to faint, and to multiplie their ruines. Ah it is made bright, and it is dressed for the slaughter.
16 exacuere vade ad dextram sive ad sinistram quocumque faciei tuae est appetitus
Get thee alone: goe to the right hande, or get thy selfe to the left hande, whithersoeuer thy face turneth.
17 quin et ego plaudam manu ad manum et implebo indignationem meam ego Dominus locutus sum
I wil also smite mine hands together, and wil cause my wrath to cease. I the Lord haue said it.
18 et factus est sermo Domini ad me dicens
The worde of the Lord came vnto mee againe, saying,
19 et tu fili hominis pone tibi duas vias ut veniat gladius regis Babylonis de terra una egredientur ambo et manu capiet coniecturam in capite viae civitatis coniciet
Also thou sonne of man, appoint thee two wayes, that the sworde of the King of Babel may come: both twaine shall come out of one lande, and chuse a place, and chuse it in the corner of the way of the citie.
20 viam pones ut veniat gladius ad Rabbath filiorum Ammon et ad Iudam in Hierusalem munitissimam
Appoint a way, that the sworde may come to Rabbath of the Ammonites, and to Iudah in Ierusalem the strong citie.
21 stetit enim rex Babylonis in bivio in capite duarum viarum divinationem quaerens commiscens sagittas interrogavit idola exta consuluit
And the King of Babel stoode at the parting of the way, at the head of the two wayes, consulting by diuination, and made his arrowes bright: hee consulted with idoles, and looked in the liuer.
22 ad dextram eius facta est divinatio super Hierusalem ut ponat arietes ut aperiat os in caede ut elevet vocem in ululatu ut ponat arietes contra portas ut conportet aggerem ut aedificet munitiones
At his right hand was the diuination for Ierusalem to appoint captaines, to open their mouth in the slaughter, and to lift vp their voyce with shouting, to laye engines of warre against the gates, to cast a mount, and to builde a fortresse.
23 eritque quasi consulens frustra oraculum in oculis eorum et sabbatorum otium imitans ipse autem recordabitur iniquitatis ad capiendum
And it shalbe vnto them as a false diuination in their sight for the othes made vnto them: but hee will call to remembrance their iniquitie, to the intent they should be taken.
24 idcirco haec dicit Dominus Deus pro eo quod recordati estis iniquitatis vestrae et revelastis praevaricationes vestras et apparuerunt peccata vestra in omnibus cogitationibus vestris pro eo inquam quod recordati estis manu capiemini
Therefore thus sayeth the Lord God, Because ye haue made your iniquitie to bee remembred, in discouering your rebellion, that in al your workes your sinnes might appeare: because, I say, that ye are come to remembrance, ye shall be taken with the hand.
25 tu autem profane impie dux Israhel cuius venit dies in tempore iniquitatis praefinita
And thou prince of Israel polluted, and wicked, whose day is come, when iniquitie shall haue an ende,
26 haec dicit Dominus Deus aufer cidarim tolle coronam nonne haec est quae humilem sublevavit et sublimem humiliavit
Thus saith the Lord God, I will take away the diademe, and take off the crowne: this shalbe no more the same: I wil exalt the humble, and will abase him that is hie.
27 iniquitatem iniquitatem iniquitatem ponam eam et hoc nunc factum est donec veniret cuius est iudicium et tradam ei
I wil ouerturne, ouerturne, ouerturne it, and it shall be no more vntill he come, whose right it is, and I will giue it him.
28 et tu fili hominis propheta et dic haec dicit Dominus Deus ad filios Ammon et ad obprobrium eorum et dices mucro mucro evaginate ad occidendum limate ut interficias et fulgeas
And thou, sonne of man, prophecie, and say, Thus saith the Lord God to the children of Ammon, and to their blasphemie: say thou, I say, The sword, the sword is drawen foorth, and fourbished to the slaughter, to consume, because of the glittering:
29 cum tibi viderentur vana et divinarentur mendacia ut dareris super colla vulneratorum impiorum quorum venit dies in tempore iniquitatis praefinita
Whiles they see vanitie vnto thee, and prophecied a lie vnto thee to bring thee vpon the neckes of the wicked that are slaine, whose day is come when their iniquitie shall haue an ende.
30 revertere ad vaginam tuam in loco in quo creatus es in terra nativitatis tuae iudicabo te
Shall I cause it to returne into his sheath? I will iudge thee in the place where thou wast created, euen in the land of thine habitation.
31 et effundam super te indignationem meam in igne furoris mei sufflabo in te daboque te in manus hominum insipientium et fabricantium interitum
And I wil powre out mine indignation vpon thee, and will blowe against thee in the fire of my wrath, and deliuer thee into the hand of beastly men, and skilfull to destroy.
32 igni eris cibus sanguis tuus erit in medio terrae oblivioni traderis quia ego Dominus locutus sum
Thou shalt bee in the fire to be deuoured: thy blood shall be in the middes of the lande, and thou shalt be no more remembred: for I the Lord haue spoken it.

< Hiezechielis Prophetæ 21 >