< Exodus 34 >
1 ac deinceps praecide ait tibi duas tabulas lapideas instar priorum et scribam super eas verba quae habuerunt tabulae quas fregisti
And aftirward God seide, Hewe to thee twey tablis of stoon at the licnesse of the formere, and Y schal write on tho tablis thilke wordis, whiche the tablis, that thou `hast broke, hadden.
2 esto paratus mane ut ascendas statim in montem Sinai stabisque mecum super verticem montis
Be thou redi in the morewtid, that thou stie anoon in to the hil of Synai; and thou schalt stonde with me on the cop of the hil;
3 nullus ascendat tecum nec videatur quispiam per totum montem boves quoque et oves non pascantur e contra
no man stie with thee, nether ony man be seyn bi al the hil, and oxun and scheep be not fed ayens `the hil.
4 excidit ergo duas tabulas lapideas quales ante fuerant et de nocte consurgens ascendit in montem Sinai sicut ei praeceperat Dominus portans secum tabulas
Therfor Moises hewide twey tablis of stoon, whiche manere tablis weren bifore, and he roos bi nyyt, and stiede in to the hil of Synay, as the Lord comaundide to hym; and he bar with hym the tablis.
5 cumque descendisset Dominus per nubem stetit Moses cum eo invocans nomen Domini
And whanne the Lord hadde come doun bi a cloude, Moises stood with hym, and clepide inwardli `the name of the Lord;
6 quo transeunte coram eo ait Dominator Domine Deus misericors et clemens patiens et multae miserationis ac verus
and whanne the Lord passide bifore hym, he seide, Lordschipere, Lord God, mercyful, and pitouse, pacient, and of myche mersiful doyng, and sothefast,
7 qui custodis misericordiam in milia qui aufers iniquitatem et scelera atque peccata nullusque apud te per se innocens est qui reddis iniquitatem patrum in filiis ac nepotibus in tertiam et quartam progeniem
which kepist couenaunt and mercy in to `a thousande, which doist awey wickidnesse, and trespassis, and synnes, and noon bi hym silf is innocent anentis thee, which yeldist the wickidnesse of fadris to sones and to sones of sones, into the thridde and fourthe generacioun.
8 festinusque Moses curvatus est pronus in terram et adorans
And hastili Moises was bowid low `in to erthe, and worschipide,
9 ait si inveni gratiam in conspectu tuo Domine obsecro ut gradiaris nobiscum populus enim durae cervicis est et auferas iniquitates nostras atque peccata nosque possideas
and seide, Lord, if Y haue founde grace in thi siyt, Y biseche that thou go with vs, for the puple is of hard nol, and that thou do awey oure wickidnesses and synnes, and welde vs.
10 respondit Dominus ego inibo pactum videntibus cunctis signa faciam quae numquam sunt visa super terram nec in ullis gentibus ut cernat populus in cuius es medio opus Domini terribile quod facturus sum
The Lord answeride, Y schal make couenaunt, and in siyt of alle men Y schal make signes, that weren neuer seyn on erthe, nether in ony folkis, that this puple, in whos myddis thou art, se the ferdful werk of the Lord, which Y schal make.
11 observa cuncta quae hodie mando tibi ego ipse eiciam ante faciem tuam Amorreum et Chananeum et Hettheum Ferezeum quoque et Eveum et Iebuseum
Kepe thou alle thingis, whiche Y comaundide to thee to dai; I my silf schal caste out bifor thi face Amorrey, and Cananey, and Ethei, and Ferezei, and Euey, and Jebusei.
12 cave ne umquam cum habitatoribus terrae illius iungas amicitias quae tibi sint in ruinam
Be war, lest ony tyme thou ioyne frendschipis with the dwelleris of that lond, whiche frenschipis be in to fallyng to thee.
13 sed aras eorum destrue confringe statuas lucosque succide
But also distrie thou `the auteris of hem, breke the ymagis, and kitte doun the woodis;
14 noli adorare deum alienum Dominus Zelotes nomen eius Deus est aemulator
`nyl thou worschipe an alien God; `the Lord a gelous louyere is his name, God is a feruent louyere;
15 ne ineas pactum cum hominibus illarum regionum ne cum fornicati fuerint cum diis suis et adoraverint simulacra eorum vocet te quispiam ut comedas de immolatis
make thou not couenaunt with the men of tho cuntreis, lest whanne thei han do fornycacioun with her goddis, and han worschipid the symylacris of hem, ony man clepe thee, that thou ete of thingis offrid to an ydol.
16 nec uxorem de filiabus eorum accipies filiis tuis ne postquam ipsae fuerint fornicatae fornicari faciant et filios tuos in deos suos
Nether thou schalt take a wyif of her douytris to thi sones, lest aftir that tho douytris han do fornycacioun, thei make also thi sones to do fornicacioun in to her goddis.
17 deos conflatiles non facies tibi
Thou schalt not make to thee yotun goddis.
18 sollemnitatem azymorum custodies septem diebus vesceris azymis sicut praecepi tibi in tempore mensis novorum mense enim verni temporis egressus es de Aegypto
Thou schalt kepe the solempynyte of therf looues; seuene daies thou schalt ete therf looues, as Y comaundide to thee, in the time of the monethe of newe fruytis; for in the monethe of veer tyme thou yedist out of Egipt.
19 omne quod aperit vulvam generis masculini meum erit de cunctis animantibus tam de bubus quam de ovibus meum erit
Al thing of male kynde that openeth the wombe schal be myn, of alle lyuynge beestis, as wel of oxun, as of scheep, it schal be myn.
20 primogenitum asini redimes ove sin autem nec pretium pro eo dederis occidetur primogenitum filiorum tuorum redimes nec apparebis in conspectu meo vacuus
Thou schalt ayenbie with a scheep the firste gendrid of an asse, ellis if thou yyuest not prijs therfor, it schal be slayn. Thou schalt ayenbie the firste gendrid of thi sones; nether thou schalt appere voide in my siyt.
21 sex diebus operaberis die septimo cessabis arare et metere
Sixe daies thou schalt worche, the seuenthe day thou schalt ceesse to ere and repe.
22 sollemnitatem ebdomadarum facies tibi in primitiis frugum messis tuae triticeae et sollemnitatem quando redeunte anni tempore cuncta conduntur
Thou schalt make to thee the solempnyte of woukis in the firste thingis of fruytis of thi ripe corn of wheete, and the solempnyte, whanne alle thingis ben gadrid in to bernes, whanne the tyme `of yeer cometh ayen.
23 tribus temporibus anni apparebit omne masculinum tuum in conspectu omnipotentis Domini Dei Israhel
Ech male kynde of thee schal appere in thre tymes of the yeer in the siyt of the Lord Almyyti, thi God of Israel.
24 cum enim tulero gentes a facie tua et dilatavero terminos tuos nullus insidiabitur terrae tuae ascendente te et apparente in conspectu Domini Dei tui ter in anno
For whanne Y schal take awei folkis fro thi face, and Y schal alarge thi termes, noon schal sette tresouns to thi lond, while thou stiest and apperist in the siyt of thi Lord God, thries in the yeer.
25 non immolabis super fermento sanguinem hostiae meae neque residebit mane de victima sollemnitatis phase
Thou schalt not offre on sour dow the blood of my sacrifice, nethir ony thing of the slayn sacrifice of the solempnyte of fase schal abide in the morewtid.
26 primitias frugum terrae tuae offeres in domum Domini Dei tui non coques hedum in lacte matris suae
Thou schalt offre in the hows of thi Lord God the firste of the fruytis of thi lond. Thou schalt not sethe a kide in the mylk of his modir.
27 dixitque Dominus ad Mosen scribe tibi verba haec quibus et tecum et cum Israhel pepigi foedus
And the Lord seide to Moises, Write thou these wordis, bi whiche Y smoot a boond of pees, bothe with thee and with Israel.
28 fecit ergo ibi cum Domino quadraginta dies et quadraginta noctes panem non comedit et aquam non bibit et scripsit in tabulis verba foederis decem
Therfor Moises was there with the Lord bi fourti daies and bi fourti nyytis, he eet not breed, and drank not watir; and he wroot in tablys ten wordis of the boond of pees.
29 cumque descenderet Moses de monte Sinai tenebat duas tabulas testimonii et ignorabat quod cornuta esset facies sua ex consortio sermonis Dei
And whanne Moises cam doun fro the hil of Synai, he helde twei tablis of witnessyng, and he wiste not that his face was horned of the felouschipe of Goddis word.
30 videntes autem Aaron et filii Israhel cornutam Mosi faciem timuerunt prope accedere
Forsothe Aaron and the sones of Israel sien Moises face horned,
31 vocatique ab eo reversi sunt tam Aaron quam principes synagogae et postquam locutus est
and thei dredden to neiye niy, and thei weren clepid of hym, `and thei turneden ayen, as wel Aaron as the princis of the synagoge; and after that Moises spak, thei camen to hym,
32 venerunt ad eum etiam omnes filii Israhel quibus praecepit cuncta quae audierat a Domino in monte Sinai
yhe alle the sones of Israel; to whiche Moises comaundide alle thingis, whiche he hadde herd of the Lord in the hil of Synai.
33 impletisque sermonibus posuit velamen super faciem suam
And whanne the wordis weren fillid, he puttide a veil on his face;
34 quod ingressus ad Dominum et loquens cum eo auferebat donec exiret et tunc loquebatur ad filios Israhel omnia quae sibi fuerant imperata
and he entride to the Lord, and spak with hym, and dide awey that veil, til he yede out; and thanne he spak to the sones of Israel alle thingis, that weren comaundid to hym;
35 qui videbant faciem egredientis Mosi esse cornutam sed operiebat rursus ille faciem suam si quando loquebatur ad eos
whiche sien that the face of Moyses goynge out was horned, but eft he hilide his face, if ony tyme he spak to hem.