< Exodus 25 >

1 locutusque est Dominus ad Mosen dicens
And the Lord spak to Moises, and seide, Speke thou to the sones of Israel,
2 loquere filiis Israhel ut tollant mihi primitias ab omni homine qui offert ultroneus accipietis eas
that thei take to me the firste fruytis; of ech man that offrith wilfuli, ye schulen take tho.
3 haec sunt autem quae accipere debetis aurum et argentum et aes
Forsothe these thingis it ben, whiche ye schulen take, gold, and siluer, and bras, iacynt,
4 hyacinthum et purpuram coccumque bis tinctum et byssum pilos caprarum
and purpur, and reed silk twies died, and bijs, heeris of geet, and `skynnes of wetheris maad reed,
5 et pelles arietum rubricatas pelles ianthinas et ligna setthim
and skynnes of iacynt,
6 oleum ad luminaria concinnanda aromata in unguentum et thymiama boni odoris
and trees of Sechym, and oile to liytis to be ordeyned, swete smellynge spiceries in to oynement, and encensis of good odour,
7 lapides onychinos et gemmas ad ornandum ephod ac rationale
onochym stoonys, and gemmes to ourne ephod, and the racional.
8 facientque mihi sanctuarium et habitabo in medio eorum
And thei schulen make a seyntuarie to me, and Y schal dwelle in the myddis of hem, bi al the licnesse of the tabernacle,
9 iuxta omnem similitudinem tabernaculi quod ostendam tibi et omnium vasorum in cultum eius sicque facietis illud
which Y schal schewe to thee, and of alle the vessels of ournyng therof.
10 arcam de lignis setthim conpingite cuius longitudo habeat duos semis cubitos latitudo cubitum et dimidium altitudo cubitum similiter ac semissem
And thus ye schulen make it; ioyne ye to gidere an arke of the trees of Sechym, whos lengthe haue twey cubitis and an half, the broodnesse haue a cubit and half, the hiynesse haue `in lijk maner a cubit and half.
11 et deaurabis eam auro mundissimo intus et foris faciesque supra coronam auream per circuitum
And thou schalt ouergilde it with clenneste gold with ynne and with out forth; and thou schalt make a goldun crowne aboue `bi cumpas,
12 et quattuor circulos aureos quos pones per quattuor arcae angulos duo circuli sint in latere uno et duo in altero
and foure goldun cerclis, whiche thou schalt sette bi foure corneris of the arke; twei ceerclis be in o syde, and twei cerclis in the tother side.
13 facies quoque vectes de lignis setthim et operies eos auro
Also thou schalt make barris of the trees of Sechym, and thou schalt hile tho with gold,
14 inducesque per circulos qui sunt in arcae lateribus ut portetur in eis
and thou schalt brynge yn bi the cerclis that ben in the sidis of the arke,
15 qui semper erunt in circulis nec umquam extrahentur ab eis
that it be borun in tho, whiche schulen euere be in the ceerclis, nether schulen ony tyme be drawun out of thoo.
16 ponesque in arcam testificationem quam dabo tibi
And thou schalt putte in to the arke the witnessing, which Y schal yyue to thee.
17 facies et propitiatorium de auro mundissimo duos cubitos et dimidium tenebit longitudo eius cubitum ac semissem latitudo
And thou schalt make a propiciatorie of clenneste gold; `that is a table hilinge the arke; the lengthe therof schal holde twei cubitis and an half, the broodnesse schal holde a cubit and half.
18 duos quoque cherubin aureos et productiles facies ex utraque parte oraculi
Also thou schalt make on euer eithir side of `Goddis answeryng place twei cherubyns of gold, and betun out with hamer;
19 cherub unus sit in latere uno et alter in altero
o cherub be in o syde of `Goddis answeryng place, and the tother in the tother side;
20 utrumque latus propitiatorii tegant expandentes alas et operientes oraculum respiciantque se mutuo versis vultibus in propitiatorium quo operienda est arca
hele thei euer either side of the propiciatorie, and holde thei forth wyngis, and hile thei `Goddis answeryng place; and biholde thei hem silf to gidere, while the faces ben turned in to the propiciatorie, with which the arke of the Lord schal be hilid,
21 in qua pones testimonium quod dabo tibi
in which arke thou schalt putte the `witnessyng, which Y schal yyue to thee.
22 inde praecipiam et loquar ad te supra propitiatorio scilicet ac medio duorum cherubin qui erunt super arcam testimonii cuncta quae mandabo per te filiis Israhel
Fro thennus Y schal comaunde, and schal speke to thee aboue the propiciatorie, that is, fro the myddis of twei cherubyns, that schulen be on the arke of witnessyng, alle thingis whiche Y schal comaunde `bi thee to the sones of Israel.
23 facies et mensam de lignis setthim habentem duos cubitos longitudinis et in latitudine cubitum et in altitudine cubitum ac semissem
Also thou schalt make a boord of the trees of Sechym, hauinge twei cubitis of lengthe, and a cubit in broodnesse, and a cubit and half in hiyenesse.
24 et inaurabis eam auro purissimo faciesque illi labium aureum per circuitum
And thou schalt ouergilde the bord with purest gold, and thou schalt make to it a goldun brynke `bi cumpas;
25 et ipsi labio coronam interrasilem altam quattuor digitis et super illam alteram coronam aureolam
and `thou schalt make to that brynke a coroun rasid bitwixe foure fyngris hiy, and `thou schalt make on that another lytil goldun coroun.
26 quattuor quoque circulos aureos praeparabis et pones eos in quattuor angulis eiusdem mensae per singulos pedes
And thou schalt make redi foure goldun cerclis, and thou schalt put thoo in foure corners of the same boord, bi alle feet.
27 subter coronam erunt circuli aurei ut mittantur vectes per eos et possit mensa portari
Vndur the coroun schulen be goldun cerclis, that the barris be put thorou tho, and that the boord may be borun.
28 ipsosque vectes facies de lignis setthim et circumdabis auro ad subvehendam mensam
Thou schalt make tho barris of the trees of Sechym, and thou schalt cumpas with gold to bere the boord.
29 parabis et acetabula ac fialas turibula et cyatos in quibus offerenda sunt libamina ex auro purissimo
And thou schalt make redi vessels of vynegre, and viols, cenceris, and cuppis of pureste gold, in whiche fletynge sacrifices schulen be offrid.
30 et pones super mensam panes propositionis in conspectu meo semper
And thou schalt sette on the boord looues of proposicioun, in my siyt euere.
31 facies et candelabrum ductile de auro mundissimo hastile eius et calamos scyphos et spherulas ac lilia ex ipso procedentia
And thou schalt make a candilstike `betun forth with hamer, of clenneste gold, and thou schalt make the schaft therof, and yerdis, cuppis, and litle rundelis, and lilies comynge forth therof.
32 sex calami egredientur de lateribus tres ex uno latere et tres ex altero
Sixe yerdis schulen go out of the sidis, thre of o side, and thre of the tother.
33 tres scyphi quasi in nucis modum per calamos singulos spherulaque simul et lilium et tres similiter scyphi instar nucis in calamo altero spherulaque et lilium hoc erit opus sex calamorum qui producendi sunt de hastili
Thre cuppis as in the maner of a note bi ech yerde, and litle rundelis to gidere, and a lilie, and in lijk maner thre cuppis at the licnesse of a note in the tother, and litle rundelis togidere, and a lilie; this schal be the werk of sixe yerdis, that schulen be brouyt forth of the schaft.
34 in ipso autem candelabro erunt quattuor scyphi in nucis modum spherulaeque per singulos et lilia
Forsothe in thilke candilstik e schulen be foure cuppis in the maner of a note, and litle rundels and lilies by ech cuppe;
35 spherula sub duobus calamis per tria loca qui simul sex fiunt procedentes de hastili uno
and litle rundelis schulen be vndir twey yerdis bi thre places, whiche yerdis to gidere ben maad sixe, comynge forth of o schaft; and therfor the litle rundelis and yerdis
36 et spherae igitur et calami ex ipso erunt universa ductilia de auro purissimo
therof schulen be alle betun out with hamer, of clenneste gold.
37 facies et lucernas septem et pones eas super candelabrum ut luceant ex adverso
And thou schalt make seuene lanternes, and thou schalt sette tho on the candilstike, that tho schyne euene ayens.
38 emunctoria quoque et ubi quae emuncta sunt extinguantur fient de auro purissimo
Also tongis to `do out the snottis, and where tho thingis, that ben snottid out, ben quenchid, be maad of clenneste gold.
39 omne pondus candelabri cum universis vasis suis habebit talentum auri mundissimi
Al the weiyt of the candilstike with alle hise vesselis schal haue a talent of clennest gold.
40 inspice et fac secundum exemplar quod tibi in monte monstratum est
Biholde thou, and make bi the saumpler, which ys schewide to thee in the hil.

< Exodus 25 >