< Exodus 10 >

1 et dixit Dominus ad Mosen ingredere ad Pharao ego enim induravi cor eius et servorum illius ut faciam signa mea haec in eo
And the Lord seide to Moises, Entre thou to Farao, for Y haue maad hard the herte of hym, and of hise seruauntis, that Y do these signes `of me in hym;
2 et narres in auribus filii tui et nepotum tuorum quotiens contriverim Aegyptios et signa mea fecerim in eis et sciatis quia ego Dominus
and that thou telle in the eeris of thi sone and of `thi sones sones, how ofte Y al to-brak Egipcians, and dide signes in hem; and that ye wyte that Y am the Lord.
3 introierunt ergo Moses et Aaron ad Pharaonem et dixerunt ad eum haec dicit Dominus Deus Hebraeorum usquequo non vis subici mihi dimitte populum meum ut sacrificet mihi
Therfore Moises and Aaron entriden to Farao, and seiden to hym, The Lord God of Ebrews seith these thingis, How long `nylt thou be maad suget to me? Delyuere thou my puple, that it make sacrifice to me; ellis sotheli if thou ayenstondist,
4 sin autem resistis et non vis dimittere eum ecce ego inducam cras lucustam in fines tuos
and nylt delyuere it, lo! Y schal brynge in to morewe a locuste in to thi coostis,
5 quae operiat superficiem terrae nec quicquam eius appareat sed comedatur quod residuum fuit grandini conrodet enim omnia ligna quae germinant in agris
which schal hile the hiyere part of erthe, nether ony thing therof schal appere, but that, that was `residue to the hail schal be etun; for it schal gnawe alle the trees that buriounnen in feeldis;
6 et implebunt domos tuas et servorum tuorum et omnium Aegyptiorum quantam non viderunt patres tui et avi ex quo orti sunt super terram usque in praesentem diem avertitque se et egressus est a Pharaone
and tho schulen fille thin howsis, and the howsis of thi seruauntis, and of alle Egipcians, hou greet thi fadris and grauntsiris sien not, sithen thei weren borun on erthe, til in to present dai. And Moises turnede awei hym silf, and yede out fro Farao.
7 dixerunt autem servi Pharaonis ad eum usquequo patiemur hoc scandalum dimitte homines ut sacrificent Domino Deo suo nonne vides quod perierit Aegyptus
Forsothe the seruauntis of Farao seiden to hym, Hou longe schulen we suffre this sclaundre? Delyuere the men, that thei make sacrifice to `her Lord God; seest thou not that Egipt perischide?
8 revocaveruntque Mosen et Aaron ad Pharaonem qui dixit eis ite sacrificate Domino Deo vestro quinam sunt qui ituri sunt
And thei ayen clepiden Moises and Aaron to Farao, and he seide to hem, Go ye, and make ye sacrifice to `youre Lord God; whiche ben thei, that schulen go?
9 ait Moses cum parvulis nostris et senibus pergemus cum filiis et filiabus cum ovibus et armentis est enim sollemnitas Domini nostri
Moises seide, We schulen go with oure litle children and eldre, and with sones, and douytris, with scheep, and grete beestis; for it is the solempnyte of `oure Lord God.
10 et respondit sic Dominus sit vobiscum quomodo ego dimittam vos et parvulos vestros cui dubium est quod pessime cogitetis
And Farao answeride, So the Lord be with you; hou therfor schal Y delyuere you and youre litle children? to whom is it doute, that ye thenken worst?
11 non fiet ita sed ite tantum viri et sacrificate Domino hoc enim et ipsi petistis statimque eiecti sunt de conspectu Pharaonis
It schal `not be so; but go ye men oneli, and make ye sacrifice to the Lord; for also ye axiden this. And anoon thei weren cast out fro the siyt of Farao.
12 dixit autem Dominus ad Mosen extende manum tuam super terram Aegypti ad lucustam ut ascendat super eam et devoret omnem herbam quae residua fuit grandini
Forsothe the Lord seide to Moises, Holde forth thi hond on the lond of Egipt, to a locust, that it stie on the lond, and deuoure al the eerbe which is residue to the hail.
13 extendit Moses virgam super terram Aegypti et Dominus induxit ventum urentem tota illa die ac nocte et mane facto ventus urens levavit lucustas
And Moises helde forthe the yerde on the lond of Egipt, and the Lord brouyte in a brennynge wynd al that dai and niyt; and whanne the morewtid was maad, the brennynge wynd reiside locustis, whiche stieden on al the lond of Egipt,
14 quae ascenderunt super universam terram Aegypti et sederunt in cunctis finibus Aegyptiorum innumerabiles quales ante illud tempus non fuerant nec postea futurae sunt
and saten in alle the coostis of Egipcians; `and the locustis weren vnnoumbrable, and suche weren not bifore that tyme, nether schulen come aftirward.
15 operueruntque universam superficiem terrae vastantes omnia devorata est igitur herba terrae et quicquid pomorum in arboribus fuit quae grando dimiserat nihilque omnino virens relictum est in lignis et in herbis terrae in cuncta Aegypto
And tho hiliden al the face of the erthe, and wastiden alle thingis; therfor the eerbe of the erthe was deuourid, and what euere of applis was in trees, whiche the hail hadde left, `it was deuourid; and outirli no green thing was left in trees and in eerbis of erthe, in al Egipt.
16 quam ob rem festinus Pharao vocavit Mosen et Aaron et dixit eis peccavi in Dominum Deum vestrum et in vos
Wherfor Farao hastide, and clepide Moises and Aaron, and seide to hem, Y haue synned ayens youre Lord God, and ayens yow;
17 sed nunc dimittite peccatum mihi etiam hac vice et rogate Dominum Deum vestrum ut auferat a me mortem istam
but now foryyue ye the synne to me; also in this tyme preie ye youre Lord God, that he take awey fro me this deeth.
18 egressusque est de conspectu Pharaonis et oravit Dominum
And Moises yede out of the siyt of Farao, and preiede the Lord;
19 qui flare fecit ventum ab occidente vehementissimum et arreptam lucustam proiecit in mare Rubrum non remansit ne una quidem in cunctis finibus Aegypti
which made a moost strong wynd to blowe fro the west, and took, and castide the locust in to the reed see; `noon dwellide, sotheli nether oon, in alle the coostis of Egipt.
20 et induravit Dominus cor Pharaonis nec dimisit filios Israhel
And the Lord made hard the herte of Farao, and he lefte not the sones of Israel.
21 dixit autem Dominus ad Mosen extende manum tuam in caelum et sint tenebrae super terram Aegypti tam densae ut palpari queant
Forsothe the Lord seide to Moises, Holde forth thin hond in to heuene, and derknessis be on the lond of Egipt, so thicke that tho moun be gropid.
22 extendit Moses manum in caelum et factae sunt tenebrae horribiles in universa terra Aegypti tribus diebus
And Moises helde forth the hond in to heuene, and orrible derknessis weren maad in al the lond of Egipt;
23 nemo vidit fratrem suum nec movit se de loco in quo erat ubicumque autem habitabant filii Israhel lux erat
in thre daies no man seiy his brother, nether mouede him silf fro that place in which he was. Whereuer the sones of Israel dwelliden, liyt was.
24 vocavitque Pharao Mosen et Aaron et dixit eis ite sacrificate Domino oves tantum vestrae et armenta remaneant parvuli vestri eant vobiscum
And Farao clepide Moises and Aaron, and seide to hem, Go ye, make ye sacrifice to the Lord; oneli youre scheep and grete beestis dwelle stille; youre litle children go with you.
25 ait Moses hostias quoque et holocausta dabis nobis quae offeramus Domino Deo nostro
Moises seide, Also thou schalt yyue to vs offryngis and brent sacrifices, whiche we schulen offre to `oure Lord God;
26 cuncti greges pergent nobiscum non remanebit ex eis ungula quae necessaria sunt in cultum Domini Dei nostri praesertim cum ignoremus quid debeat immolari donec ad ipsum locum perveniamus
alle the flockis schulen go with vs, for `a cle schal not dwelle of tho thingis, that ben nedeful in to the worschipyng of `oure Lord God, moost sithen we witen not what owith to be offrid, til we comen to that place.
27 induravit autem Dominus cor Pharaonis et noluit dimittere eos
Forsothe the Lord made hard the herte of Farao, and he nolde delyuere hem.
28 dixitque Pharao ad eum recede a me cave ne ultra videas faciem meam quocumque die apparueris mihi morieris
And Farao seide to Moises, Go awei fro me, and be war that thou se no more my face; in whateuer dai thou schalt appere to me, thou schalt die.
29 respondit Moses ita fiat ut locutus es non videbo ultra faciem tuam
Moyses answeride, Be it doon so, as thou hast spokun; I schal no more se thi face.

< Exodus 10 >