< Deuteronomii 5 >
1 vocavitque Moses omnem Israhelem et dixit ad eum audi Israhel caerimonias atque iudicia quae ego loquor in auribus vestris hodie discite ea et opere conplete
And Moises clepide al Israel, and seide to hym, Here, thou Israel, the cerymonyes and domes, whiche Y speke to dai in youre eeris; lerne ye tho, and `fille ye in werk.
2 Dominus Deus noster pepigit nobiscum foedus in Horeb
Oure Lord God made a boond of pees with vs in Oreb;
3 non cum patribus nostris iniit pactum sed nobiscum qui inpraesentiarum sumus et vivimus
he made not couenaunt, `that is, of lawe writun, with oure fadris, but with vs that ben present, and lyuen.
4 facie ad faciem locutus est nobis in monte de medio ignis
Face to face he spak to vs in the hil, fro the myddis of the fier.
5 ego sequester et medius fui inter Dominum et vos in tempore illo ut adnuntiarem vobis verba eius timuistis enim ignem et non ascendistis in montem et ait
Y was recouncelere and mediatour bitwixe God and you in that tyme, that Y schulde telle to you the wordis `of hym, for ye dredden the fier, and `stieden not in to the hil. And `the Lord seide,
6 ego Dominus Deus tuus qui eduxi te de terra Aegypti de domo servitutis
Y am thi Lord God, that ladde thee out of the lond of Egipt, fro the hows of seruage.
7 non habebis deos alienos in conspectu meo
Thou schalt not haue alien Goddis in my siyt.
8 non facies tibi sculptile nec similitudinem omnium quae in caelo sunt desuper et quae in terra deorsum et quae versantur in aquis sub terra
Thou schalt not make to thee a grauun ymage, nether a licnesse of alle thingis that ben in heuene aboue, and that ben in erthe bynethe, and that lyuen in watris vndur erthe;
9 non adorabis ea et non coles ego enim sum Dominus Deus tuus Deus aemulator reddens iniquitatem patrum super filios in tertiam et quartam generationem his qui oderunt me
thou schalt not herie tho, `and thou schalt not worschipe tho; for Y am thi Lord God, `God a feruent louyer; and Y yelde the wickidnesse of fadris, in to sones in to the thridde and the fourthe generacioun to hem that haten me,
10 et faciens misericordiam in multa milia diligentibus me et custodientibus praecepta mea
and Y do mersy in to many thousyndis to hem that louen me, and kepen myn heestis.
11 non usurpabis nomen Domini Dei tui frustra quia non erit inpunitus qui super re vana nomen eius adsumpserit
Thou schalt not mystake the name of thi Lord God in veyn, for he schal not be vnpunyschid, that takith the name of God on a veyn thing.
12 observa diem sabbati ut sanctifices eum sicut praecepit tibi Dominus Deus tuus
Kepe thou the `day of sabat that thou halewe it, as thi Lord God comaundide to thee.
13 sex diebus operaberis et facies omnia opera tua
In sixe daies thou schalt worche, and thou schalt do alle thi werkis;
14 septimus dies sabbati est id est requies Domini Dei tui non facies in eo quicquam operis tu et filius tuus et filia servus et ancilla et bos et asinus et omne iumentum tuum et peregrinus qui est intra portas tuas ut requiescat servus et ancilla tua sicut et tu
the seventhe day is `of sabat, that is the reste of thi Lord God. Thou schalt not do therynne ony thing of werk; thou, and thi sone, and douyter, seruaunt, and handmaide, and oxe, and asse, and `al thi werk beeste, and the pilgrym which is with ynne thi yatis; that thi seruaunt reste and thin handmaide, as also thou.
15 memento quod et ipse servieris in Aegypto et eduxerit te inde Dominus Deus tuus in manu forti et brachio extento idcirco praecepit tibi ut observares diem sabbati
Bithenke thou, that also thou seruedist in Egipt, and thi Lord God ledde thee out fro thennus, in a strong hond, and arm holdun forth; therfor he comaundide to thee, that thou schuldist kepe the `dai of sabat.
16 honora patrem tuum et matrem sicut praecepit tibi Dominus Deus tuus ut longo vivas tempore et bene sit tibi in terra quam Dominus Deus tuus daturus est tibi
Onoure thi fadir and thi modir, as thi Lord God comaundide to thee, that thou lyue in long tyme, and that it be wel to thee, in the lond which thi Lord God schal yyue to thee.
Thou schalt not do letcherie.
And thou schalt not do thefte.
20 nec loqueris contra proximum tuum falsum testimonium
Thou schalt not speke fals witnessyng ayens thi neiybore.
21 non concupisces uxorem proximi tui non domum non agrum non servum non ancillam non bovem non asinum et universa quae illius sunt
Thou schalt not coueite `the wijf of thi neiybore, not hows, not feeld, not seruaunt, not handmayde, not oxe, not asse, and alle thingis that ben hise.
22 haec verba locutus est Dominus ad omnem multitudinem vestram in monte de medio ignis et nubis et caliginis voce magna nihil addens amplius et scripsit ea in duabus tabulis lapideis quas tradidit mihi
The Lord spak these wordis to al youre multitude, in the hil, fro the myddis of fier and of cloude and of myist, with greet vois, and addide no thing more; and he wroot tho wordis in two tablis of stoon, whiche he yaf to me.
23 vos autem postquam audistis vocem de medio tenebrarum et montem ardere vidistis accessistis ad me omnes principes tribuum et maiores natu atque dixistis
Forsothe after that ye herden the vois fro the myddis of the derknessis, and sien the hil brenne, alle ye princis of lynagis, and the grettere men in birthe, neiyiden to me, and seiden, Lo!
24 ecce ostendit nobis Dominus Deus noster maiestatem et magnitudinem suam vocem eius audivimus de medio ignis et probavimus hodie quod loquente Deo cum homine vixerit homo
oure Lord God schewide to vs his maieste and greetnesse; we herden his vois fro the myddis of fier, and we preueden to day that a man lyuede, `while God spak with man.
25 cur ergo morimur et devorabit nos ignis hic maximus si enim audierimus ultra vocem Domini Dei nostri moriemur
Whi therfor schulen we die, and schal this gretteste fier deuoure vs? For if we heren more the vois of oure Lord God, we schulen die.
26 quid est omnis caro ut audiat vocem Dei viventis qui de medio ignis loquitur sicut nos audivimus et possit vivere
What is ech man, that he here the vois of God lyuynge, that spekith fro the myddis of fier, as we herden, and that he may lyue?
27 tu magis accede et audi cuncta quae dixerit Dominus Deus noster tibi loquerisque ad nos et nos audientes faciemus ea
Rathere neiye thou, and here thou alle thingis whiche oure Lord God schal seie to thee; and thou schalt speke to vs, and we schulen here, and schulen do tho wordis.
28 quod cum audisset Dominus ait ad me audivi vocem verborum populi huius quae locuti sunt tibi bene omnia sunt locuti
And whanne the Lord hadde herd this, he seide to me, Y herde the vois of the wordis of this puple, whiche thei spaken to thee; thei spaken wel alle thingis.
29 quis det talem eos habere mentem ut timeant me et custodiant universa mandata mea in omni tempore ut bene sit eis et filiis eorum in sempiternum
Who schal yyue `that thei haue siche soule, that thei drede me, and kepe alle my comaundementis in al tyme, that it be wel to hem and to the sones `of hem, with outen ende?
30 vade et dic eis revertimini in tentoria vestra
Go thou, and seye to hem, Turne ye ayen in to youre tentis.
31 tu vero hic sta mecum et loquar tibi omnia mandata et caerimonias atque iudicia quae docebis eos ut faciant ea in terra quam dabo illis in possessionem
Sotheli stonde thou here with me, and Y schal speke to thee alle comaundementis, and cerymonyes, and domes, whiche thou schalt teche hem, that thei do tho in the lond which Y schal yyue to hem in to possessioun.
32 custodite igitur et facite quae praecepit Dominus Deus vobis non declinabitis neque ad dextram neque ad sinistram
Therfor kepe ye, and `do ye tho thingis, whiche the Lord God comaundide to you; ye schulen not bowe awey, nether to the riyt side nether to the left side,
33 sed per viam quam praecepit Dominus Deus vester ambulabitis ut vivatis et bene sit vobis et protelentur dies in terra possessionis vestrae
but ye schulen go bi the weie whiche youre Lord God comaundide, that ye lyue, and that it be wel to you, and that youre daies be lengthid in the lond of youre possessioun.