< Deuteronomii 32 >

1 audite caeli quae loquor audiat terra verba oris mei
Ye heuenes, here what thingis Y schal speke; the erthe here the wordis of my mouth.
2 concrescat in pluvia doctrina mea fluat ut ros eloquium meum quasi imber super herbam et quasi stillae super gramina
My techyng wexe togidere as reyn; my speche flete out as dew, as lytil reyn on eerbe, and as dropis on gras.
3 quia nomen Domini invocabo date magnificentiam Deo nostro
For Y schal inwardli clepe the name of the Lord; yyue ye glorie to oure God.
4 Dei perfecta sunt opera et omnes viae eius iudicia Deus fidelis et absque ulla iniquitate iustus et rectus
The werkis of God ben perfit, and alle hise weies ben domes; God is feithful, and without ony wickidnesse; God is iust and riytful.
5 peccaverunt ei non filii eius in sordibus generatio prava atque perversa
Thei synneden ayens hym, and not hise sones in filthis, `that is, of idolatrie; schrewid and waiward generacioun.
6 haecine reddis Domino popule stulte et insipiens numquid non ipse est pater tuus qui possedit et fecit et creavit te
Whether thou yeldist these thingis to the Lord, thou fonned puple and vnwijs? Whether he is not thi fadir, that weldide thee, and made, `and made thee of nouyt?
7 memento dierum antiquorum cogita generationes singulas interroga patrem tuum et adnuntiabit tibi maiores tuos et dicent tibi
Haue thou minde of elde daies, thenke thou alle generaciouns; axe thi fadir, and he schal telle to thee, axe thi grettere men, and thei schulen seie to thee.
8 quando dividebat Altissimus gentes quando separabat filios Adam constituit terminos populorum iuxta numerum filiorum Israhel
Whanne the hiyeste departide folkis, whanne he departide the sones of Adam, he ordeynede the termes of puplis bi the noumbre of the sones of Israel.
9 pars autem Domini populus eius Iacob funiculus hereditatis eius
Forsothe the part of the Lord is his puple; Jacob is the litil part of his eritage.
10 invenit eum in terra deserta in loco horroris et vastae solitudinis circumduxit eum et docuit et custodivit quasi pupillam oculi sui
The Lord foond hym in a deseert lond, `that is, priued of Goddis religioun, in the place of orrour `ethir hidousnesse, and of wast wildirnesse; the Lord ledde hym aboute, and tauyte hym, and kepte as the apple of his iye.
11 sicut aquila provocans ad volandum pullos suos et super eos volitans expandit alas suas et adsumpsit eum atque portavit in umeris suis
As an egle stirynge his briddis to fle, and fleynge on hem, he spredde forth his wyngis, and took hem, and bar in hise schuldris.
12 Dominus solus dux eius fuit et non erat cum eo deus alienus
The Lord aloone was his ledere, and noon alien god was with hym.
13 constituit eum super excelsam terram ut comederet fructus agrorum ut sugeret mel de petra oleumque de saxo durissimo
The Lord ordeynede hym on an hiy lond, that he schulde ete the fruytis of feeldis, that he schulde souke hony of a stoon, and oile of the hardeste roche;
14 butyrum de armento et lac de ovibus cum adipe agnorum et arietum filiorum Basan et hircos cum medulla tritici et sanguinem uvae biberet meracissimum
botere of the droue, and mylke of scheep, with the fatnesse of lambren and of rammes, of the sones of Basan; and that he schulde ete kydis with the merowe of wheete, and schulde drynke the cleereste blood of grape.
15 incrassatus est dilectus et recalcitravit incrassatus inpinguatus dilatatus dereliquit Deum factorem suum et recessit a Deo salutari suo
The louede puple was `maad fat, and kikide ayen; maad fat withoutforth, maad fat with ynne, and alargid; he forsook God his makere, and yede awei fro `God his helthe.
16 provocaverunt eum in diis alienis et in abominationibus ad iracundiam concitaverunt
Thei terriden hym to ire in alien goddis, and thei excitiden to wrathfulnesse in abhomynaciouns.
17 immolaverunt daemonibus et non Deo diis quos ignorabant novi recentesque venerunt quos non coluerunt patres eorum
Thei offriden to feendis, and not to God, to goddis whiche thei knewen not, newe goddis, and freische camen, whiche `the fadris of hem worschipiden not.
18 Deum qui te genuit dereliquisti et oblitus es Domini creatoris tui
Thou hast forsake God that gendride thee, and thou hast foryete `thi Lord creatour.
19 vidit Dominus et ad iracundiam concitatus est quia provocaverunt eum filii sui et filiae
The Lord siy, and was stirid to wrathfulnesse; for hise sones and douytris terriden hym.
20 et ait abscondam faciem meam ab eis et considerabo novissima eorum generatio enim perversa est et infideles filii
And the Lord seide, Y schal hyde my face fro hem, and Y schal biholde `the laste thingis of hem; for it is a waiward generacioun, and vnfeithful sones.
21 ipsi me provocaverunt in eo qui non erat Deus et inritaverunt in vanitatibus suis et ego provocabo eos in eo qui non est populus et in gente stulta inritabo illos
Thei terriden me in hym that was not God, and thei `terriden to ire in her vanytees; and Y schal terre hem in hym, that is not a puple, and Y schal terre hem `to yre in a fonned folk.
22 ignis succensus est in furore meo et ardebit usque ad inferni novissima devorabitque terram cum germine suo et montium fundamenta conburet (Sheol h7585)
Fier, that is, peyne maad redi to hem, is kyndlid in my stronge veniaunce, and it schal brenne `til to the laste thingis of helle; and it schal deuoure the lond with his fruyt, and it schal brenne the foundementis of hillis. (Sheol h7585)
23 congregabo super eos mala et sagittas meas conplebo in eis
Y schal gadere `yuels on hem, and Y schal fille myn arewis in hem.
24 consumentur fame et devorabunt eos aves morsu amarissimo dentes bestiarum inmittam in eos cum furore trahentium super terram atque serpentium
Thei schulen be waastid with hungur, and briddis schulen deuoure hem with bitteriste bityng; Y schal sende in to hem the teeth of beestis, with the woodnesse of wormes drawynge on erthe, and of serpentis.
25 foris vastabit eos gladius et intus pavor iuvenem simul ac virginem lactantem cum homine sene
Swerd with outforth and drede with ynne schal waaste hem; a yong man and a virgyn togidre, a soukynge child with an elde man.
26 dixi ubinam sunt cessare faciam ex hominibus memoriam eorum
And Y seide, Where ben thei? Y schal make the mynde of hem to ceesse of men.
27 sed propter iram inimicorum distuli ne forte superbirent hostes eorum et dicerent manus nostra excelsa et non Dominus fecit haec omnia
But Y delayede for the yre of enemyes, lest perauenture `the enemyes of hem shulden be proude, and seie, Oure hiy hond, and not the Lord, dide alle these thingis.
28 gens absque consilio est et sine prudentia
It is a folk with out counsel, and with out prudence;
29 utinam saperent et intellegerent ac novissima providerent
Y wolde that thei saueriden, and `vnderstoden, and purueiden the laste thingis.
30 quomodo persequatur unus mille et duo fugent decem milia nonne ideo quia Deus suus vendidit eos et Dominus conclusit illos
How pursuede oon of enemyes a thousynde of Jewis, and tweyne dryuen awey ten thousynde? Whether not therfore for her God selde hem, and the Lord closide hem togidere?
31 non enim est Deus noster ut deus eorum et inimici nostri sunt iudices
For oure God is not as the goddis of hem, and oure enemyes ben iugis.
32 de vinea Sodomorum vinea eorum et de suburbanis Gomorrae uva eorum uva fellis et botri amarissimi
The vyner of hem is of the vyner of Sodom, and of the subarbis of Gomorre; the grape of hem is the grape of galle, and the clustre is most bittir.
33 fel draconum vinum eorum et venenum aspidum insanabile
The galle of dragouns is the wyn of hem, and the venym of eddris, that may not be heelid.
34 nonne haec condita sunt apud me et signata in thesauris meis
Whether these thingis ben not hid at me, and ben seelid in myn tresouris?
35 mea est ultio et ego retribuam in tempore ut labatur pes eorum iuxta est dies perditionis et adesse festinant tempora
Veniaunce is myn, and Y schal yelde to hem in tyme, that the foot of hem slide; the dai of perdicioun is nyy, and tymes hasten to be present.
36 iudicabit Dominus populum suum et in servis suis miserebitur videbit quod infirmata sit manus et clausi quoque defecerint residuique consumpti sint
The Lord schal deme his puple, and he schal do merci in hise seruauntis; the puple schal se that the hond of fiyteres is sijk, and also men closid failiden, and the residues ben waastid.
37 et dicet ubi sunt dii eorum in quibus habebant fiduciam
And thei schulen seie, Where ben `the goddis of hem, in whiche thei hadden trust?
38 de quorum victimis comedebant adipes et bibebant vinum libaminum surgant et opitulentur vobis et in necessitate vos protegant
Of whos sacrifices thei eeten fatnessis, and drunkun the wyn of fletynge sacrifices, rise thei and helpe you, and defende thei you in nede.
39 videte quod ego sim solus et non sit alius deus praeter me ego occidam et ego vivere faciam percutiam et ego sanabo et non est qui de manu mea possit eruere
Se ye that Y am aloone, and noon other God is outakun me; Y schal sle, and Y schal make to lyue; Y schal smyte, and Y schal make hool; and noon is that may delyuere fro myn hond.
40 levabo ad caelum manum meam et dicam vivo ego in aeternum
And Y schal reise myn hond to heuene, and Y schal seie, Y lyue with outen ende.
41 si acuero ut fulgur gladium meum et arripuerit iudicium manus mea reddam ultionem hostibus meis et his qui oderunt me retribuam
If Y schal whette my swerd as leit, and myn hond schal take doom, Y schal yelde veniaunce to myn enemyes, and Y schal quyte to hem that haten me.
42 inebriabo sagittas meas sanguine et gladius meus devorabit carnes de cruore occisorum et de captivitate nudati inimicorum capitis
Y schal fille myn arewis with blood, and my swerd schal deuoure fleischis of the blood of hem that ben slayn, and of the caitifte of the heed of enemyes maad nakid.
43 laudate gentes populum eius quia sanguinem servorum suorum ulciscetur et vindictam retribuet in hostes eorum et propitius erit terrae populi sui
Folkis, preise ye the puplis of hym, for he schal venie the blood of hise seruauntis, and he schal yelde veniaunce in to the enemyes of hem; and he schal be merciful to the lond of his puple.
44 venit ergo Moses et locutus est omnia verba cantici huius in auribus populi ipse et Iosue filius Nun
Therfor Moises cam, and spak alle the wordis of this song in the eeris of the puple; bothe he and Josue, the sone of Nun.
45 conplevitque omnes sermones istos loquens ad universum Israhel
And `he fillide alle these wordis, and spak to alle Israel, and seide to hem,
46 et dixit ad eos ponite corda vestra in omnia verba quae ego testificor vobis hodie ut mandetis ea filiis vestris custodire et facere et implere universa quae scripta sunt legis huius
Putte ye youre hertis in to alle the wordis whiche Y witnesse to you to day, that ye comaunde to youre sones, to kepe, and do tho, and to fulfille alle thingis that ben writun in the book of this lawe;
47 quia non in cassum praecepta sunt vobis sed ut singuli in eis viverent quae facientes longo perseveretis tempore in terra ad quam Iordane transmisso ingredimini possidendam
for not in veyn tho ben comaundid to you, but that alle men schulden lyue in tho; whiche wordis ye schulen do, and schulen contynue in long tyme in the lond, to which ye schulen entre to welde, whanne Jordan is passid.
48 locutusque est Dominus ad Mosen in eadem die dicens
And the Lord spak to Moises in the same day,
49 ascende in montem istum Abarim id est transituum in montem Nebo qui est in terra Moab contra Hiericho et vide terram Chanaan quam ego tradam filiis Israhel obtinendam et morere in monte
and seide, Stie thou in to this hil Abirym, that is, passyng, in to the hil of Nebo, which is in the lond of Moab, ayens Jerico; and se thou the lond of Canaan, which Y schal yyue to the sones of Israel to holde, and die thou in the hil.
50 quem conscendens iungeris populis tuis sicut mortuus est Aaron frater tuus in monte Hor et adpositus populis suis
In to which hil thou schalt stie, and schalt be ioyned to thi puplis, as Aaron, thi brother, was deed in the hil of Hor, and was put to his puplis.
51 quia praevaricati estis contra me in medio filiorum Israhel ad aquas Contradictionis in Cades deserti Sin et non sanctificastis me inter filios Israhel
For ye trespassiden ayens me, in the myddis of the sones of Israel, at the Watris of Ayenseiyng, in Cades of deseert of Syn; and ye halewiden not me among the sones of Israel.
52 e contra videbis terram et non ingredieris in eam quam ego dabo filiis Israhel
Ayenward thou schalt se the lond, and schalt not entre in to it, which Y schal yyue to the sones of Israel.

< Deuteronomii 32 >